Fir a oor freens fae ower e warld (For all our friends, all over the world)
Fir abody wi ken (For everyone we know)
Ah’m wishin ye a gran new year (I’m wishing you all a great New Year)
Oor freens are a wi hiv (Our friends are all we have)
Lets nae tak ony crabbit fash (Lets not take any bad tempered worries)
Tae come ower us a nixt year (To come with us for next year)
Sae shak oor hauns wi pride (So shake our hands with pride)
An forgie wi bleeting heart (And forgive with a talkative heart)
Hud yer wheest, an quaitely prov (Stay quiet, and quietly prove)
We a agree tae brig e past (We all agree to bridge over the past)
Fir e need tae hae freens new an auld (For the need to have friends new and old)
Is wi us a fae birth tae dree us a (Is with us from birth for us all to endure)
Sae here’s a flooer, wi a wiss (So here’s a flower, with a wish)
Fae me tae yous the day (From me to you all today)
Nae matter far wi kep or r gaun (No matter where we met, or go)
Is grand tae hae ye near. (Is good to have you close)
A birsle tae ane an a (A toast to one and all)
Thanks for this, very informative. Ralph in Dunoon, Western Scotland
Rutabaga was called "rotabagge" in a specific part of Sweden, but it is not (and was never) the common swedish…
Absolutely lovely, I made extra and will add garam masala ect to make s lovely smooth curry sauce