Tag: scottish mum
Thinking Slimmer – 1st Week In the Trial
I’ve decided to update my Thinking Slimmer post to let you know how I am going with it. I have even give it a category all of its’ own. At the moment, I am not terribly sure how well it is going. It is still early days in the scheme of the programme. The programme states that it takes about three weeks for it to become a new habit. I am ok with that.
How am I doing so far?
In the first few days, I was not sure if the programme was working, or if the fact that I was on the programme was the incentive in itself. Even, by the nature of posting the results, and reviewing the programme, it can have a placebo type effect. That’s what I told myself anyway.
Now getting to the first week in, I am noticing small changes, as the programme tells me. I am making better food choices already. I am not eating so much, and my confidence is improving. There is nothing like keeping on hearing it, to help you believe in yourself.
We should try this on the kids when they are dropping off to sleep. “You will be quiet and respect your mother in the supermarket.” Joking aside, I am feeling much more positive than I did a week ago. Is it coincidence, or is it as a result of the programme? I don’t know, and only time will tell how it works for me.
I have decided not to weigh. I become obsessed with numbers when I step on the scale, and I want to free myself of that particular reason to shake my confidence. I am going to do this differently from how Thinking Slimmer is judging results so far. As a stress eater, taking the stress out of the equation is the best option for me.
I am going to judge my losses and how it works by my clothes and how comfortable I feel, and how positive my outlook becomes. I don’t want to look at the scales and see how many pounds I have dropped. I want to know how good I feel wearing whatever sized clothes I am putting on, and how I feel when I look in the mirror.
Roll on week 2. I began quite sceptical and I have been pleasantly surprised so far. There is still a long way to go, but am positive about it rather than feeling like I am being deprived on a diet 24/7.
The Lure of the BMX Bike – Peer Pressure at Work
My eldest wanted a new bike at christmas, but it couldn’t just be any bike. It had to be a BMX. The reason for that was that he wanted the “cool” badge at school by having one. He also wanted to be able to start doing stunts, and needed a bike that you can turn the handlebars right round in a 360 degree circle without any cables getting in the way.
I think it looks ridiculous to see those big lads on those teensy bikes, but that’s what he wanted, and thanks to a sale in a toy shop, that’s what he got. He is happy as larry, and enjoys spending time with his BMX.
What it also raises is the red flag of the peer pressure and how it affects our children when they are only really very young. Right from babies, on TV there are adverts aimed at them. Cereals, sweets, toys from October onwards, and there seems little we can do to shield them from it.
Even if we self consciously ban TV channels that carry the adverts, and keep them away from films and programmes that we don’t approve of – they still ARE going to find out all about them in the most gory sense of the words, and without the benefit of censoring.
School playgrounds and parks are hotbeds of gossip, slander, and peer pressure. If you are at a non-uniform school and happen to wear the wrong trainers, the consequences can wound you past adulthood.
When my children were very young, I decided that I would not bow to peer pressure, and that my children would wear what I bought them and be done with it.
Several years on, I am glad that there are some discount sports shops and ways to get hold of sports gear and shoes at reasonable prices, or I would struggle to meet the demands that our children place on themselves, AND have placed upon them by others.
Yes, there is the argument that there are children worse off than ours, and that ours should be grateful for what they have. I have had a lot to do with disadvantaged children, and believe me, that argument won’t hold water with your children, or stand up when they are being made a fool of by the children who “have”.
Our children live in the socio economic circles of their peers (in most cases). They can no more understand the difficulties surrounding children who have little, than we can understand how our great great grandmothers cleaned and cooked and provided for families of 14 children or more in two rooms.
What we can do, is try to keep it within reason, and not try to keep up with the children who will always have everything. Most of those children who get everything will never appreciate the value of their money, or the ability to manage a budget (you know the ones, with every new product going, and a new toy nearly every day).
I have accepted that my children can not match many of those children, but I provide for some of the things that they “need” to be accepted when it fits my budget. The right trainers are do-able at the discount sports shops, as are some football kits. I buy the football boots in the sales and stock up on the next sizes. I don’t go overboard, and if my kids had their way, they would have every game console and game that is on the market (and believe me some of their friends do have that).
There are times that we have to accept the peer pressure, and work within it to give our children the self-esteem that they need to live among their peers, but also be responsible enough not to let them be the pampered brats that grow up respecting nobody.
It’s a fine line between showing off and being practical. Sadly, it is the children who always end up at the end of it, suffering at either end of the scale. The middle ground to me, has to be the right place to be.
Where do you sit in the debate?
Competition June 2011 – £25 Gift Card for Pledd.

A new competition from Angelika of Pledd.
Angelika invited me to have a look around her website and products to decide if I wanted to run a competition on my blog for a £25 gift card. I like the idea of personalised baby blankets as it is such a thoughtful idea.
- The contest will run until the 30th June.
- I no longer have a small baby, but I could see their products being unique for new baby presents, or for special occasions.
- I think the little pillow in the picture at the top of my post looks rather sweet.
To enter:
- Pop on over to http://www.babyblanket.name/ and like them on Facebook if you have an account.
- Make sure you are following me on Twitter on @scottish_mum
- Like my Facebook page, or friend connect me on my blog if you haven’t done it already.
- Leave a comment on my blog to say what you have done, ie your twitter name etc so that we can identify you and contact you if you win.
- For an EXTRA entry – tweet the following: (I entered to win a £25 gift card from Pledd. with @scottish_mum
Good luck everyone.
Scottish Mum
Vlogging – My Home from Home
I don’t think I have got the hang of this properly yet. If someone has some tips for embedding the videos, please feel free to email me, or let me know. The videos that come up after my one has played are not mine. Youtube put them there.
Silent Sunday 05/07/11
Winner £20 Books From Little Monkey – Book Shop 4 Kids
Little Monkey – Book Shop 4 Kids
The winner of the £20 of books from Joanna from Little Monkey – Bookshop 4 Kids is
@bobbity666 (Lou Strachan)
Lou, if you would like to DM me your contact details, I will send them over to Louise from Little Monkey.
Operation Germ Avoidance
I had arranged a twitter meet up with my first ever real life tweeter for last week. When that was cancelled, I decided that avoiding all crowds between then and this coming week would be sensible. I decided not to go to kids club, football, or any public places where breathing in germs was more likely.
Just to make matters worse, on Friday, middle son decided to wake up with a cold. In typical “manflu” fashion, he is walking around the house, and delving into everything and anything in his annoyance at feeling slightly out of sorts. Trying to keep my distance from him is an operation of gargantuan proportions. I keep asking him to sit across the room from me, but not having school (long story), he is used to being beside me all the time, and coming over to talk to me. He has a habit of talking right up at my face. I’m putting my hand across my face, and he thinks it’s hugely funny.
At each sneeze, I send him through to wash his hands and then chase him around the house and wipe the door handles with dettol wipes. My paranoia has reached epic proportions and I am tempted to go out and buy one of those non-helpful face masks that cover your nose and mouth.
At the supper table last night, lovely “manflu” child decided to drink out of my glass when my back was turned getting seconds for my youngest. I felt hugely relieved, and very smug that I spotted his deadly germ spreading efforts, and didn’t then go and finish my drink while ingesting the remnants of his germ filled saliva.
Why am i in operation germ avoidance?
Well, this is my second attempt to have the surgery that has been scheduled. I got a bad cold at the last attempt, and had to cancel the day before the op. The op is actually no big deal. I seemingly had a broken nose, or a big thump on it when I was young, and the damage inside my nose has meant that the nostril is closing up over time. I also have really bad sinus problems, so while they are in repairing the damage, I will be getting a sinus flush out.
I took it in my stride when I was told I was going to be operated on at first, and didn’t think much about it – UNTIL – the nurse told me it was a 2.5 – 3 hour operation. For some reason, I was expecting just a quick half hour and then back out and on with my day. I just about fell off my seat in the shock. Having an op on your face that is going to last 2.5 – 3 hours has turned me into a quaking germ avoiding wimp.
I’m dreading beginning the signs of cold, infection, flu, or anything else that might cancel the op this time round, as that means, they will either think that I am deliberately cancelling at short notice, and give up on me, or I have to do the lead up time all over again.
Which is why I have to post this, as I have just finished gargling and scrubbing like mad after my lovely son decided to come right up to my face to tell me something and delivered the biggest, most snot and germ throwing sneeze you can ever imagine right into my face.
Operation germ avoidance is a #fail.
Handmade Candles – Smelly Heaven – Candlemaking for Mummy Bloggers
It’s about time I introduced one of my hobbies – my smelly heaven of candlemaking. I absolutely love the scents and smells of burning candles. Spring, Summer, Autumn, or Winter, I love, love, love them.
I started out by buying the ready mades you get in supermarkets, but they just didn’t cut it for me. They either burned right down the middle, or they burned too fast, or the scent was just awful.
I soon cottoned onto the partylite / yankee type candles which burn pretty well, and smell pretty good as well. The only thing was, that the amount of candles I wanted to burn, I pretty much would have had to rob a bank to pay for my growing habit.
My next step was to move onto looking into how to make them for myself. My first attempts at candlemaking were a complete and utter disaster if I am honest. They either ended up too large, or too small wicks, or the wrong mix of scent to wax, and then I CRACKED IT.
I found myself a fabulous formula for my wax and additives, and my candles all turn out fantastically. I even make them with soy, and potter about decorating some of them. I will put up more pictures over time of things I make, and how to get the best out of the ones you buy, but for now, this is just an introduction to my “hobby”.
If anyone is interested, I may even give you the recipes for some easy start candles to make yourself. Apologies for the dark photographs as the only camera I had on hand this morning was my phone.
Competition – £20 of Book Tokens from Little Monkey – Book Shop 4 Kids – Closing Date 31st May 2011
Joanna from Little Monkey – Bookshop 4 Kids asked me to take a look at her website and the books that she has for sale. As I am such an avid book reader, I couldn’t resist taking a peek at what her shop has to offer.
Little Monkey – Book Shop 4 Kids
The bookshop has a small, but comprehensive collection of books, small toys and games, and is certain to grow with time.
I found a product that one of my children would be particularly interested in. A puzzle that would fit in with his favourite toys, and certainly a puzzle that I have not come across anywhere else.
48 large pieces to create their very own brightly illustrated floor puzzle. A lovely product. I could imagine one of my boys spending hours and hours on this puzzle, as he is an avid digger fan, and it is certainly on my shopping list.
Little Monkey has also offered my blog readers the chance to win £20 of books from her bookshop. This is a lovely prize to get, and there is sure to be something on her website to suit everyone.
To enter:
- You must be following me on twitter at @scottish_mum
- You must leave a comment which will count as your entry, and also state your twitter id, or a way to contact you.
- Tweet the following “I entered @scottish_mum competition to win £20 of books from Little Monkey http://wp.me/p1aG8Y-qg “
For a second entry, make sure you are following me on Google Friend Connect
Good luck everyone. This will be a fantastic surprise for someone. The closing date is 31st May 2011.
Fridge Contents
Thanks to @melaina25 for tagging me. I am loving rooting through other peoples fridges.
Looking at the contents of my fridge is just that little bit scary at the moment. Oh yes, we have 6 people who live here (does that excuse it?).
OK, listing the contents really scares me. Here goes:
In the fridge Door
2 x 4 pints semi skimmed milk, carton pure orange juice, bottle of pear sparkling juice, carton tesco long life double cream, 2 x cartons lactose free milk, bottle calpol, bottle chesty cough medicine, bottle of Benadryl, Tesco lighter than light mayonnaise and eggs.
In the main body of the fridge
Elmlee cream, Hellmans mayonnaise, Very lazy caremalised red onions, garlic puree, carton tomato passata, sachet black bean sauce, carton lactose free milk, jar beetroot, Aero Bubble Deserts (sorry @kateab), 3 x packs lactose free cheese, cheese slices, mild cheddar cheese, cheese strings, pack puff pastry, kids smarties chocolate egg (honestly), cherry tomatoes, strawberries, wafer thin chicken, wafer thin ham, coleslaw, yoghurts, 4 packs tesco brussels light pate, 3 x dairy lee cheese spread tubs, lurpack butter, beef dripping, sausage rolls, pork pies, sticky barbeque ribs, mini savoury eggs, orange capri suns, remains of yesterdays sausage casserole, bottle of water, tub of cauliflower and irish cheddar soup, stork and tesco soft spread for baking, 30 eggs, 2 x soda stream bottles chilling, beef tomatoes, 2 x melons and a few apples.
I am tagging @stephc007 @plasticrosaries @mrs_moog @mummylion
Made these this morning and they went down a treat in my house! Worked perfectly. I did shape mine a…
Hi. I remember that the stickers were separate in our set, so we had to pick off one side and…
Hi Scottish mum, Thanks for your review. My 8 year old got this present for christmas, but we can't figure…