We’ve been sent some lovely pates to try. They are unusual, tasty and the kids just seem to enjoy them. Castle MacLellan is a Scottish company based in Dumfries and Galloway. It has recently undergone a brand refresh to emphasise its strong connections with local suppliers and has updated the website and launched a new range of recipes and new packaging for the pates.
We tried our pates, and I have to admit to my favourite being the Chicken Liver with Scottish Heather Honey. Two of my boys are working through the Smoked Salmon with Lemon Juice and Horseradish. We like pate here, so it’s been a popular trial.
Castle MacLellan is different from the regular food supplier as it is owned by the Kavli Trust and supports good causes in the UK and abroad.
The Kavli Trust was set up by the Kavli family in 1962 to carry forward the philanthropic work of the founders. The Kavli Trust has donated funds to many worthwhile causes. The Kavli Trust owns the Kavli Group, which provides the funds for its humanitarian work. Part of the profits from the Kavli group is reinvested in strengthening and developing the groups operations, while the remainder is donated to good causes in research, culture and humanitarian work.
Grants from the trust have been risen substantially in recent years. NOK 25 million (about £2.5 million) was distributed in 2012 for humanitarian, research and culture projects.
The Kavli Trust also helps support research in important social areas which can benefit humanity by helping prevent and combat serious illnesses and damage caused by modern lifestyles.
I think we can all agree that Castle MacLellan and the Kavli Trust are very unusual in what they do with their profits.
I have some fabulous Castle MacLellan Pates that will come in a hamper just for you.
In the giveaway, there will be:
Castle MacLellan Christmas range:
- Chicken Pâté with Brandy
- Duck Pâté with Port
- Smoked Salmon Terrine
Castle MacLellan core range:
- Chicken Liver Pâté with Scottish heather honey
- Oven Roasted Mushroom Pâté with garlic and thyme
- Rannoch Smoked Duck Pâté with Bramley apple jelly
- Luxury Orkney Crab Terrine with lemon juice and Galloway mustard
- Scottish Smoked Salmon Pâté with lemon juice and horseradish
The Giveaway
The Rules
- Open to UK Mainland Entrants only.
- The prize will be delivered to you and you must give us your address to send it to you.
- Winners will be notified within 3 days of giveaway end. If the winner does not respond within 7 days, a new winner will be drawn.
- The winner will be chosen by Rafflecopter random generator.
- Castle MacLellan reserves the right to amend, add or withdraw this giveaway at any time.
- Each entry method entitles you to one entry into the draw.
- You may tweet daily. Each tweet counts as a rafflecopter entry, only if you enter it into the rafflecopter widget daily.
- The prize will be for one Castle MacLellan Pate Hamper.
chicken pate with brandy!
I’d love to try the duck – sounds lush!
Orkney crab
scottish smoked salmon sounds lovely
Ooh, duck pate with port sounds stunning.
Smoked Salmon Terrine
The duck pate looks gorgeous
Rannoch Smoked Duck Pâté with Bramley apple jelly, sounds delicious
The Rannoch Smoked Duck Pâté with Bramley apple jelly sounds delicious
The salmon pate – delicious!
Scottish Smoked Salmon Pâté with lemon juice and horseradish x
The smoked duck pate sound lush
yum yum
I would like to try the salmon
Oven Roasted Mushroom Pâté with garlic and thyme
■Chicken Pâté with Brandy
the Oven Roasted Mushroom Pâté with garlic and thyme
Rannoch Smoked Duck Pâté with Bramley apple jelly
the smoke duck pate sounds nice
Scottish Smoked Salmon Pâté with lemon juice and horseradish
Oven Roasted Mushroom Pâté with garlic and thyme
i love pate and the Chicken Pate With Sottish Heather Honey sounds lush
Smoked Salmon Terrine
Luxury Orkney Crab Terrine with lemon juice and Galloway mustard, sounds lovely
I’d like to try the smoked duck pate
Would have to be the Rannoch smoked duck pate
Chicken Liver with Heather Honey
The chicken pate with brandy
Oohh, hard choice but I think it may be the chicken pate with brandy
The duck pate, although they all sound fab!
Oven Roasted Mushroom Pâté with garlic and thyme sounds delightful.
The smoked salmon pate looks yummy
I saw the Orkney crab one today in sainsburys and thought i would buy nearer christmas – if i had saw the mushroom one i would have bought today and ate today i love mushroom pate.
The chicken pate with brandy sounds nice.
Rannoch Smoked Duck Pâté with Bramley apple jelly sounds gorgeous
Chicken Pate With Sottish Heather Honey
Chicken Pate With Sottish Heather Honey
Oven Roasted Mushroom Pâté with garlic and thyme
roasted mushroom pate yum !
Chicken Pate with Brandy
The Luxury Orkney Crab would be my favourite, I really love crab.
the smoked salmon pate sounds lovely
I’d like to try the smoked duck pate
Duck Pâté with Port
My favourite would be the Oven Roasted Mushroom Pâté with garlic and thyme
The Luxury Orkney Crab Terrine with lemon juice and Galloway mustard would be my favourite.
chicken liver pate
Chicken Liver Pâté with Scottish heather honey sounds divine
I would love to try the Rannoch Smoked Duck Pâté with Bramley apple jelly
The Mushroom pate with garlic and thyme
The chicken and brandy sounds lovely.
Duck pate with port
Smoked Salmon…or smoked duck…can’t decide
Luxury Orkney Crab Terrine with lemon juice and Galloway mustard must be the most palate titillating of the group
Would love to try Rannoch Smoked Duck Pâté with Bramley apple jelly
Chicken Liver Pâté with Scottish heather honey
Oven Roasted Mushroom Pâté with garlic and thyme
Smoked Duck Pâté with Bramley apple jelly
Chicken Liver Pâté with Scottish heather honey
The chicken pate with brandy
Duck Pâté with Port
TBH, they all sound delicious, but I guess my fave would be Chicken Liver Pâté with Scottish heather honey
oven roasted mushroom one sounds really yummy
oven roasted mushroom
smoked duck with apple jelly – yes please!
Mushroom Pâté with garlic and thyme
Duck Pâté with Port
Duck Pâté with Port
The Smoked Duck sounds divine
Smoked Salmon pate sounds amazing – i love smoked salmon!
Chicken Liver Pâté with Scottish heather honey… Yummmm!!
Oven Roasted Mushroom Pâté
Duck pate with port
Luxury Orkney Crab Terrine with lemon juice and Galloway mustard
I’d love to try the Luxury Orkney Crab Terrine with lemon juice and Galloway mustard- sounds delicious
The Scottish Smoked Salmon Pâté with lemon juice and horseradish sounds divine!
The smoked duck pate
Spoilt for choice – all sound delicious if I have to choose one it would be – Scottish Smoked Salmon Pâté with lemon juice and horseradish
Chicken Liver!
Oven roasted mushroom pate
The smoked duck pate
Scottish Smoked Salmon Pâté with lemon juice and horseradish sounds amazing xx
Smoked salmon pate, delish.
They all sound fab but the Duck with Port would be my favourite
smoked duck pate sounds lovely
Chicken liver pate
The chicken liver pate.
Chicken Pâté with Brandy sounds tasty, I’d like to try that one
the duck pate with port
smoked duck omnomnomnom
Duck Pâté with Port would be at the top of my list.
duck pate with port
oh , how to choose- ■Scottish Smoked Salmon Pâté with lemon juice and horseradish -I think mmmmmmm
Chicken Pâté with Brandy sounds delicious
Oven roasted mushroom
I would try the chicken pate with brandy first. Hubby would just his way through the lot with some crackers for his Christmas dinner, no main course and no sweet just pate and cracker.
The smoked salmon pate would be my favourite
Chicken Liver Pate with Scottish Heather Honey, NOM NOM NOM
They all sound lovely, but I think the smoked duck with apple jelly. I regularly go to Dumfries and Galloway but these are new to me. Will have to look out for them
Rannoch Smoked Duck Pâté with Bramley apple jelly
Roasted Mushroom Pate sounds delicious!
They all sound delicious, but I think the Chicken Liver Pâté with Scottish heather honey is my choice
I’m not a vegetarian but the Oven Roasted Mushroom Pâté with garlic and thyme sounds lovely
Rannoch Smoked Duck Pâté with Bramley apple jelly
I’m a vegetarian, so I would to try the Oven Roasted Mushroom Pâté, my husband and family will eat all the other types
Chicken Pate with Brandy
Its not my thing pate – but my mum and stepdad love it so this would be a treat for them if I was lucky enough to win!
Duck pate.
The chicken pate with brandy sounds the best!
I’d like to try the smoked duck pate
I love the sound of Chicken Pate With Sottish Heather Honey