Image: healingdream /
This is just a general post, and I am writing it more to ease my irritation at having to daily delete more and more comments that are not really comments. All of you who have blogs will know what I mean. I signed into admin today with lots of comments to trawl though, and it seems the spammers have found me in force.
There are a few different kinds that seem to find their way into my comments approval box. They usually fall under the following headings, and these are all things I do NOT want to see in my approval box.
- Weight Loss websites.
- Foreign Shopping Sites.
- Websites for over 18’s.
- Pharmaceutical / Drugs websites.
- Online Dating websites.
- Online Gambling websites.
Would all of the above please just go away, because I am NOT going to approve your comment
Delicious. I made it for my wife and she said it’s the nicest vegetable soup she’s had.
Great recipe.
It’s my go to roll recipe, as close as I can get to in the breadmaker as the rolls we…