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Win a Bissell Powerglide Cordless Vacuum Cleaner – Ends 30th Nov 2015

You might not know it yet, but Bissell have launched a new vacuum cleaner, and I have one to giveaway to a lucky reader. There is one on the way to me too, so I’ll post a review once I’ve had a chance to get my hands on it, and start cleaning away.

Bissell Vacuum

With an RRP of £249.99, this is a lovely giveaway for this time of year.

full-1The brand new PowerGlide Cordless Vacuum Cleaner, retails at a whopping £249.99, so this is a very nice giveaway indeed.

I’ll tell you a little about it.  Newly available for sale from the Bissell website directly, it is part of a new revolution in cordless cleaning.  With a super powerful vacuum, it houses a Lithium Ion battery with 45 minutes of full power run time.

It’s also said to be nice and light for carrying around.  I’m actually looking forward to being able to do stairs without lumping around cables, and stopping halfway though to move the cable to a different plug.

The other helpful things are:

Lift Off® Canister

Gives portable cleaning to access all hard to reach areas with ease.

Swivel Steering

For easy cleaning and navigation.

So, what do you have to do, to be in with the chance of winning a BRAND NEW Bissell PowerGlide® Cordless Vacuum Cleaner?

Bissell Powerglide Cordless Vacuum


The Giveaway

The Rules

– Open to UK Mainland Entrants only.

– 1 Winner will receive 1 Bissell Powerglide Cordless Vacuum.

– The prize will be sent direct from Bissell Marketing Team.

– The Scottish Mum Blog is not responsible for your prize and cannot be held liable in any way for non delivery or non receipt at your end.

– Winners will be notified by DM on Twitter, or e-mail. If the giveaway is not claimed within 14 days, a new winner may be drawn.

– The winners will be chosen by Rafflecopter random generator.

– Scottish Mum Blog and Bissell, reserve the right to amend, add or withdraw this giveaway at any time.

– Each entry method entitles you to one entry into the draw.

– The giveaway is not associated with any social media channels.

– The winning decision by Scottish Mum Blog is final.

– Closes 30th November 2015 at midnight.

590 thoughts on “Win a Bissell Powerglide Cordless Vacuum Cleaner – Ends 30th Nov 2015

  1. It would make hoovering upstairs so much easier x

  2. Looks so high tech, would love to win

  3. I’d love to win as I have 4 cats and a very furry dog who like nothing better than to roll on their backs on the floor. Our current hoover is pretty old and useless for cleaning especially on the stairs as the wire isnt long enough so a cordless one would be fab

    PS you are super awesome for running the giveaway 🙂

  4. We need a new one!

  5. Mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm!

  6. I really need a more powerful cleaner to get up the cat hairs

  7. Perfect as a gift for my parents who are un their 80’s

  8. It would make life easier for my mum and dad

  9. cause my current hoover is pants, I need a goodun so I can clean up properly x

  10. The Bissell is a missile on carpets and rug, and its cordless too so don’t have to tug. Its portable cannister is easy to lift, to win it would be the ultimate gift.

  11. I would love this hoover as I have a 16 month old daughter who is petrified of the hoover so each time I hoover I have to pick my daughter up. This is quite difficult as my current hoover is quite heavy so this would be amazing to win. P.s you are amazing for getting this prize ha x

  12. This would be perfect for my upstairs. With dodgy wrists I struggle to drag my heavy hoover upstairs.

  13. My old vacuum cleaner absolutely stinks. I have no idea why it smells so bad. I’ve tried to clean it out, and I’ve used every type of vacuum freshener on the market, but nothing works. When I clean, the whole house smells like old socks. Yuck!

  14. With 2 hairy pooches in the house I could make great use of this!

  15. I would love a cordless vacuum and my existing hoover is very old

  16. I would love to win this as my hoover has broke so been using a dustpan & brush which sets my asthma off

  17. i would love to win this to help with the mess of 4 children and my mess other half. x

  18. With 4 cats I need a good vac

  19. My vacuum is so old, my granddaughters toy vacuum cleaner picks up more dirt than mine

  20. To hoover up the dog hair in my living room. My current vacuum is just not managing very well.

  21. I would love this because silly me stepped on ours 3 weeks ago and broke it, it’s now held together with Duct tape.

  22. it would be great for picking up Alfie’s dog hairs

  23. I would love to win this as I struggle to carry my current hoover up and down the stairs on a daily basis!

  24. Yes you are fabulous!! So is this product – I would actually love hoovering the stairs if I had this. My hoover is so flipping hard to get the stairs done as the cord isnt long enough!! x

  25. Because my current hoover is on its last legs!

  26. I need to win this hoover as mine is on its last legs!

  27. I want to see if this can clean where other vacuums have failed

  28. Quite frankly you are great lol!! I would love this as it would be a lot easier than lugging a Henry up the stairs. They weigh a ton!! Thanks for the chance!

  29. one word – cats

  30. I have a Bissell steam cleaner and carpet shampooer, and can highly recommend the brand. A vacuum would complete the set!

  31. With a shedding dog I really need something lightweight to use each day, and my current vacuum is no good for doing the stairs so I have to do them with a dustpan & brush, so my knees are really suffering 😉

  32. A few years ago we bought a cylinder vacuum having had an upright vacuum cleaner previously. I never thought vacuuming was such hard work until I got the cylinder, though I must admit that it’s a good workout. I’d lo to have an upright again and saw your competition and just had to enter, to have a cordless one would be bliss too, I’d have the house cleaned in less than a quarter of the time.

  33. there are many reasons why I would love this vacuum cleaner our heavy vacuum cleaner is old
    my husband has to use it as it is too heavy for me and it screams when it is used.
    We can’t seem to fix this and our poor cat is frightened of for hubbys and cats sake consider me in your fantastic prize draw thank you @bella97p

  34. My hoover is so old and has no suction – this looks great!

  35. Because we have 8 cats and a dog and the fur collects in corners like giant dust balls. Not that we intended to have 8 cats, but strays keep turning up!

  36. I really struggle with my hoover up the stairs, so I think this would be much easier for me.

  37. My hoover is soo old! Ready for the bin! This would be lovely 🙂

  38. Because I’ve been borrowing my friends and he wants it back

  39. Very great

  40. It would be great to just grab without having to deal with the cord. It always gets in the way when hoovering. Would love this so much!

  41. My old upright is so heavy and difficult to use on the stairs , this would be perfect , It might even turn me into a domestic goddess .

  42. It would (maybe?) make me want to vacuum more 🙂 thank you for the fab giveaway x

  43. I’m moving in with my boyfriend in January and we’re basically starting from scratch with all our home items. We’re both skint so anything that we don’t have to worry about (like a decent vacuum cleaner!) would be an amazing start to the next chapter of our lives 🙂

  44. must be so much easier to whip out a cordless cleaner, takes more time to unravel and plug in and it does to vacumn

  45. Cords on vacuums are nearly as bad as cords on mice. Set them free!

  46. Because the one I own does not pick up the hairs from my two Siamese cats very well.

  47. because our elderly cat is exhausting our current hoover with all the molting he is doing

  48. I live in a shared house and our vacuum cleaner is rubbish! My house mates also manage to break it all the time and I would love to have one to myself because I know I’ll respect it!

  49. I’d love to win this as my vacuum is really old and knackered

  50. I would like this vacuum as it is light and I can do more i the house because of it.

  51. Well you are fabulous for the giveaway…..
    I just cannot afford a new one at the moment and I need the Bissell because my poor old vacuum chucks out more than it sucks up!!

  52. To concur the cat hair in my house! 😉

  53. As ive had my old vacuum cleaner for years and its starting to fall apart!

  54. im hoping it will entice me to clean lol

  55. After hoovering up after 4 children my poor henry has gone to the hoover graveyard. Now with a granddaughter visting im going to need a new young hoover thats new and tough lol x

  56. I would love to win this as my hoover is rubbish and with 4 children I need an amazing hoover

  57. I would like it because it looks light weight and would be ideal for cleaning all over the house.

  58. I would love to win this and gift it to my nan, i hoover at hers as often as i can but dont want to rob her totally of her independance……this would be perfectly light for her to whizz around the living room.

  59. My little daughter finds it hilarious to turn the switch off whilst I do the stairs!! cordless sounds fantastic! and I have week old twin babies and lightweight is just perfect! fingers crossed x

  60. It is a great prize, thank you. I’d love to win having just moved to a smaller place this would be much easier to use than my great big hoover

  61. excellent

  62. Our vacuum just broke!

  63. Well actually you are great for running this giveaway! 🙂 I would like the vacuum because mine has lost suction and so I really need a new one! 🙂

  64. You are fantastic for doing this giveaway and I would like to win it for my Mum. Her hoover is on its last legs and she would love a new one.

  65. Because I really want a cordless vacuum cleaner, but I’m not allowed to get one :/

  66. I’d love it because it seems PERFECT & would just make my life so much easier.

  67. Totally amazing prize! Thank you so much for the opportunity. Would love to win this for my mum as she struggles with the weight of her current vacuum cleaner (especially carrying it upstairs) x

  68. Now retired …getting too old to lug a heavy vac up the stairs 🙁

  69. Oh I so need a hoover it’s difficult to find one that’s light that I’m able to use!

  70. Great giveaway. I suffer from a bad back so hoovering is an absolute nightmare for me. This would make my life so much easier. Fingers crossed xx

  71. to clean up after my puppy bailey

  72. Would love to win this, my current hoover is really heavy and on its way out so winning this would be amazing!

  73. I’ve wanted one of these for ages to keep upstairs to do the bedrooms. Lugging my vacuum upstairs each time does not do my sciatica any good!

  74. I go through vacuum cleaners like others go through socks. It is probably something to do with lots of cats in the house – lots. What’s more, I like the sound of Powerglide, ease of use and cord free.

  75. Something powerful, cordless AND lightweight would be a boon in our house, which is on three floors and difficult to keep spotless.

  76. I would love to win this for my Mum really, her current vacuum cleaner is a bit heavy and bulky for her. This would be ideal.

  77. The stairs! Why does everyone confuse the stair carpet withe doormat?

  78. We have 2 cats so lots of cat hair to vacuum up!

  79. great give away, I really need a light weight easy to use vacuum………………..maybe then my other half will use it!!!!!!! does it come with an easy to follow guide?

  80. I have a Dyson which I bought a couple of years ago and it is useless. One of the worst I’ve used so I’m looking to get a new one, thanks for the chance.

  81. My current cleaner works well but is SO heavy, would love this as it looks so much lighter.

  82. You’re quite great for allowing us to take part in your cool giveaway. I’d like one because I’m bored with unplugging just to go upstairs.

  83. We need a new one and this would be amazing

  84. I have a corded cumbersome model, would love a cordless to make the job much easier.

  85. I,m a 24/7 carer to hubby so I could do with a vac that’s nippy light and actually suck up being also a mother and loads pets about I don’t have much spare time,so heavens to betsy this looks super duper I hope santa bring me one really lovely giveaway

  86. My wife says if she does not get a new vacuum I would be dyson with death

  87. the one i have is not efficient anymore so it would be great to get one which is upto date & efficeint

  88. my friend has got one and I have tried it and love it

  89. would be easier to use than a vacuum cleaner when my disabled shoulders are bad

  90. I not only want, but need this vacuum as my dad ensures our carpets are littered with more crumbs than the floor of the McVities factory. I also need a new high-tech weapon in my war against eight-legged fiends!

  91. Oh this is perfect. I would love to win this for doing the stairs which I really struggle with having to use 3 extension leads as the plug is so far away!

  92. Aberdeen here myself 🙂 as i have 3 jack russells 2 of them white and cast a lot, also have 3 grandchildren im always on the go this would be a dream to own, messy household but happy household, this would make things so much easier for me so light and easy to use.

  93. i would love to win as this looks so lightweight much better than my old bulky one

  94. all the cleaning in our house of 6 and a dog could do with something lightweight

  95. I’d love a light , easy to move vacuum cleaner instead of the old heavy thing I use now

  96. i live in a townhouse and i would love a smaller hoover for the stairs

  97. I’ve got 3 under 4s, I’m constantly cleaning, winning this would be life changing!

  98. I actually HATE my vax, it is my nemesis!!! It falls over and hits me and hurts – awful heavy thing! #ouch

  99. I would love to win this as I have back problems and I need a lightweight vacuum cleaner

  100. I could do with a good pick me up

    1. Need a new vacuum & this sounds perfect

  101. I would love to win this to make my nans day

  102. I need a new one.

  103. I need a lightweight cordless for the stairs, mine is a nightmare!

  104. I have arthritis in my hands a heavy vacuum is just too much for me to manage now.

  105. I would love this, got 2 dogs and 2 kids to hoover around so if it’s cordless no one is getting in way of wire

  106. FANTASTIC PRIZE, i would love to win your competition with 3 dogs this a daily routine and as my cleaner has just died, my hand and knees are getting very sore!!! x

  107. This is a great giveaway. I would like to win as i am fed up of unplugging the hoover to move from room to room. The lead is too short and it just makes cleaning harder.

  108. Because…..Henry been my friend for many years, he died and I’m in tears…but no fear…the answer is right here….

  109. I hoover every day because of my two very hairy dogs, so this would make it a doddle 🙂 especially on the stairs

  110. I would love to win! This would be fanatstic

  111. my hoover is so heavy for my little body to carry up the stairs 🙁

  112. You are Just AMAZING 😀 😀

    I would love to win as I have a new 5 week old baby and as we have a dog I am finding myself hovering up 6-8 times a day incase of any stray dog hairs and Lugging Henry around to pick them up just 5 weeks after a C-Sec is proving rather a strain so winning this would be FAB:)

  113. It looks lightweight, easy to move around and I really need a new hoover!

  114. Because it looks light weight and easy to use

  115. It would save me keep having to move the plug from one socket to another

  116. i have had my Henry hoover for 20 years now and poor things has served me well but on its last legs now! would be absolutely FANTASTIC to win this just in time! fingers crossed x

  117. Yes you are fab 😀 lol simple answer is 6 cats!! which mean lots of furballs

  118. A cordless vacuum cleaner would stop me having to unplug and plug it in constantly. As it is also lightweight, it will be easier on my back and finally, the fact that it has a swivel head will make reaching all corners and under furniture, that much easier.

  119. To make my life a tad easier.

  120. me and my boyfriend are moving into our first house together, and we sooooooooo need a vacuum!

  121. would love to win this for my mum x

  122. I love the odea of a cordless vacuum, I might actually not trip up as often!

  123. My husband could do with this hoover so that he can help me with the housework

  124. I miss my upright,but cant find a decent one.this looks fantastic

  125. Mine keeps smelling of smoke 🙁

  126. To vac up dog hair.

  127. I would love to win this as the hoover i have just now is ancient and doesnt pick up great so i have to go round picking everything up giveing me lots of extra work

  128. because ive had mine for years and its on its way out 🙁

  129. I would love this as mine is so heavy. Thanks for hosting a great giveaway!

  130. Need a vacuum for my car

  131. I need this portable vacuum to do the places not easyly reached.

  132. This would be great because we’re about to move to a bigger house & our current vacuum is on the way out. (I also think you’re fab!)

  133. because mine is old, its bulky and heavy and this would be light and easy and might make me use it more often!

  134. I would love this as I don’t have one at the moment and have to use a sweeping brush which is very hard work.

  135. Cause I am so fed up of lugging my old heavy vac around the house

  136. i have a 2 year old. my life is a constant battle with raisins

  137. I need a good strong vacuum to pick up sock fluff

  138. I’ve had terrible luck with vacuum cleaners. They break or explode. I need a reliable one to clean up after my four messy kids! This one looks perfect!

  139. I’d love to win this. It’d make cleaning my mother in law’s house 100 times easier – she got her hoover in the 70s and it weighs a tonne!

  140. I would love to win to make the chore of hovering easier

  141. With a German Shepard dog, cat and chinchilla, tumbleweed amounts of fur is produced daily. This Bissell would help me cope with it, and I would think you were great – if I won!

  142. I just want any vacuum, as I don’t have any.. Yest, I’m not joking – every Saturday I have to use a brush and a dustpan to clean my apartment (Fortunately I’m renting only one bed flat..) 😉 And you’re simply the best for getting this giveaway ;D

  143. I really need this as try to learn kids do their share of household chores. This would be easy to move around and handle and help them learn that household chores is not just mummy’s job

  144. Our hoover is about 12 years old so could really do with a new one, and you never know i might offer to do the hoovering if we had a new one

  145. Would love this as our old plug in hoover is heavy and not very powerful. This looks lighter and picks up well.

  146. I’d love to try a cordless hoover as always had a plug in one which restricts where you can hoover! And you are great for offering this giveaway :0)

  147. i really need a new hoover x

  148. My stairs are a nightmare with my heavy corded cleaner

  149. I’d love to win this – our house is like being in a timewarp, there are hardly any plug sockets! Whenever I’m cleaning there is usually a mass of cables across the house, always a trip hazard! Would love this

  150. i would love this because mine inst working too well

  151. would be just awesome for my tiwns bedroom x

  152. It looks small enough to fit in the little storage space I have in my house. Great competition prize.

  153. A cordless vacuum would be great, really convenient for coping with pet hair in every corner of the house.

  154. i would like this to get into those small annoying corners

  155. Am forever having to change sockets so this would be amazing x

  156. I live in a shared house with an old, unreliable vacuum that often gives up on us. A new one would be a godsend!

  157. With a hairy dog and a messy daughter this would come in very handy.

  158. because my bedroom needs a new hoover to give it a fresh feel!

  159. with three extra large dogs my hoover is always out!

  160. my current one is just a cheap own brand supermarket one that is useless!! a nice new fancy one like this powerglide would be great!!

  161. Who wouldn’t want the BEST ——FROM THE BEST!!!!!

  162. My current vacuum is very old and this would be a perfect replacement!

  163. your totally fantastic! well done you 🙂 i would like to win cause it looks like it would make vacuuming easier and better to manoeuvre

  164. My current vacuum is nicknamed Sheldon as any day it is going to go off with a Big Bang !

  165. we struggle for storage and this would be perfect

  166. Being cordless is fantastic hate when your hoovering then next thing the Hoover goes off you pulled it out of the wall drives me crazy

  167. It seems like a fabulous vacuum cleaner, lightweight, cordless, I’m sure it would make vacuuming effortless.

  168. You are a little bit fab for hosting the comp!

    I’d love to win as I had a toddler and a dog and my current vacuum is on its way out


  169. It’s leightweight

  170. would be so so lucky to win this fab machine.

  171. Because mine I would call vintage, but because my husband says it still works, which I admit it does, he wont buy a new one, but its as old as the hills.

  172. With the extended family all arriving from Christmas Eve a new vacuum cleaner would be a godsend

  173. I would love to win this as it would make housework easier with my poorly back. xx

  174. With 3 dogs I seem to constantly be vacuuming this would make thinks so much easier

  175. I always get tangled in the cord so this would be great

  176. It’s lightweight and that appeals to me!

  177. Present vac losing its suck.

  178. I’d like to win because my poor hetty has been very well used and much loved but shestill begging for retirement now. I just can’t afford to let her go without a suitable replacement

  179. Would love this as our one is old and doesn’t pick alot up

  180. I would love this as my house is very messy and doesn’t get hoovered often because I have an old secondhand hoover which doesn’t work properly anymore.

  181. I have very steep stairs

  182. You are pretty great actually. And I want the vacuum because I am also great.

  183. With 3 children and a forever moulting dog, I think this would make my life a lot easier

  184. I have a dog that sheds a lot of hair and a good vacuum cleaner is a must have!

  185. I would finally like to be able to get to hoover my home with ease instead of struggling with a big chuncky hoover x

  186. my hoover is getting on a bit now and as started costing me in spare parts

  187. Would love to win, would be great for use on the stairs and for the car

  188. I have a hairy cat, a teenage son and a couple of grandkids. Need I say more!! haha x

  189. I have two moulting cats, one is black the other is dark grey and i have a cream colour carpet. Not a great combination

  190. We need a vacuum to live upstairs permanently without having to lug one over 3 floors.

  191. Because I hate my old vacuum cleaner, especially the long annoying cord! This one would be perfect for me and the new home!

  192. Our currrent one has seen better days!

  193. yes please im forever hovering would make my life easier x

  194. This is not for me actually but my 86 year old father who cares after my mum on a 24/7 basis,, so anything to help him save time is good for me

  195. I would love to win this because I could really do with a new, decent vaccum, and this one looks amazing 😀

    P.s You are really really REALLY great for doing this competition 😉 haha xx

  196. I could do with it.. I keep nearly falling down the stairs because I struggle with the cord!

  197. Because I have just bought a new pet rabbit. Although he is gorgeous,he has a habit of making mess absolutely everywhere and my current hoover is just not up to the job!

  198. Wow. Great giveaway. Would love to win Bissell Powerglide Cordless Vacuum because my current hoover is struggling now cleaning up after a husband, child and dog.

  199. I have a dog who sheds hair everywhere, so I have to get the vaccuum out several times a day- a cordless one would be great!

  200. I need all the help i can get with housework

  201. I have 3 year old toddler twins who leave a trail of destruction in their wake so this would be amazing to win! It is a lovely prize 🙂

  202. I need a lightweight vaccum

  203. i have a messy husband, a messy toddler and another on the way. I need all the help i can get!

  204. I would love this hoover as it might make life easier to hoover whilst having a little toddler clinging to my leg!

  205. Be a great christmas present for my daughter

  206. would be great for my cleaning job

  207. If you saw my 2 would understand why!!

  208. Because we have no vacuum cleaner with two kids x

  209. Because my hoover is soo heavy I feel like I’ve run a marathon just hoovering the living room.

  210. It would make life lot easier having a cordless vacuum cleaner tha

  211. because the one i have at the moment is useless

  212. because I have 2 extremely messy kids and I need all the help I can get 😉 x

  213. Because our henry hoover is starting to die, and i would love a cordless new one 😀

  214. I would love to win this has mine his really heavy and clumbersom so it would be brilliant to have a leight weight that will not make my back ache

  215. I’d love to win because my hoover has no suction

  216. Light weight and cordless doing the staircase would be a breeze

  217. No excuse to do the cleaning

  218. I would like to win as mines so old its gathering dust

  219. I would love this, My hover is on its last legs so this would be fantastic

  220. Would love this to help with the breakfast, lunch and dinner mess from the kids. My youngest thinks her food looks better on the floor lol

  221. I would love a cordless vacuum cleaner that would make it a lot easier to get around and my current one is quite old and on its last legs

  222. Thank you for being so wonderful for doing this giveaway lol 😀 …. I would love to win this hoover as I really struggle doing my stairs with mu hunk of junk hoover, it would also be amazing to have it cordless to get out more often and would be wonderful for hoovering up the dog hair more than once a day! But really thanks for the opportunity 🙂

  223. this will make life easier

  224. I have a pug which leAVES loads of hair this would be ideal

  225. Because being cordless my son will have no excuse to actually clean up

  226. I’d love to give this to my Mum to replace the ancient, noisy heavy piece of junk she has at the moment… my Dad keeps repairing it every time she tries to kill it! It’s going to live forever. Poor Mum!

  227. could do with this as mine is a bit dated

  228. this would make my life easier in more ways than one…my dog chewed through my last hoover lead whilst hoovering the stairs…and also you are just so brilliant putting on such an exceptional competition..this makes you the best in the world 😉

  229. Because my vacuum is on its last legs :)x

  230. very impressive, would make cleaning easier

  231. Henry the hoover is getting old and he isn’t very good at cleaning up after the pets! He needs a helping hand and this offer looks really good and powerful. (@PeanutHog)

  232. I have had 3 vacuums in 3 years all useless, something like this would be fabulous

  233. One thing I hate about hoovering is dragging the hoover upstairs. This looks so easy and light.

  234. I have 4 flights of stairs which is very difficult with most vacuum cleaners. This would make it a breeze.

  235. It looks like it does a really good job and i need that with my kids and dog

  236. Love it cud it’s a great quality product

  237. I hate housework, but strangely find hoovering a slightly Zen past-time … however, now it’s time to go lithium because I can’t do heavyweight any more :0)

  238. I’d love this vaccum because I have an incredibly hairy Border Collie (Max) who leaves a trail of hair in his wake!

    Ps You’re brill lol

  239. I’d like it because it would make cleaning up after 3 kids and 2 cats a whole lot easier. And you are pretty amazing and awesome for running this giveaway 😀

  240. Ild like it because being in a new flat away from my mums is hard work! Need something to make it a little easier!

  241. love to win this for my daughter , she has just moved into a flat and keeps lending mine!

  242. Just so much better than my old and leaky cleaner

  243. it would be a perfect Christmas present for my mum!!!!!!

  244. I have four messy teenagers and this would be fine

  245. my current vacuum cleaner is packing up – if you saw the state of my carpets you’d take pity on me!

  246. I’d love to win so I can hoover the stairs without tripping over the cables!!

  247. I would love this as we’ve just got two new puppies and they make a mess all the time. 🙂

  248. With dogs and grandchildren a decent hoover would be a wonderful treat

  249. Wow! I would absolutely love this. Mine is Old now.

  250. Wow! I need this so badly – my current vacuum does a great job of redistributing the dust but not such a great job of actually removing it!!!

  251. With 2 small boys and one overgrown male child I could definitely do with one of these in our house haha!

  252. Because my old one needs replacing!

  253. because our hoover is falling to bits and is very old

  254. It would make the hoovering so much quicker!

  255. because my current one is useless

  256. It’s lightweight and convenient.

  257. My hoover is so heavy and this one looks so light and easy to use.

  258. I would like to win this Dyson as they are so much better than the one we have at home.

  259. This would makes hoovering the stairs easier

  260. I’d love this as it would be perfect for cleaning up all of the pine needles after Christmas from the tree!

  261. be amazing to have a hoover that i could actually use

  262. I’m 26 weeks pregnant with a toddler and the Hoover is too heavy to be carrying about with me , I can barely carry it from one room to the other, it’s such hard word and with a toddler the Hoover gets used several times of day so a cordless one would be fantastic for us, it would be so helpful and useful.

  263. I have the first ever Dyson, and while it still works very well, it’s too heavy to hoover the stairs properly and doesn’t get into the nooks and crannies.

  264. I need a new vacuum cleaner xx

  265. Because my vacuum has just broken and with kids plus 6 dogs the house is a tip

  266. My cable doesn’t reach the stairs, so my stairs really need a powerful, easy to use vacuum like this!

  267. I would so love this as i have a very painful back condition that makes it impossible to carry my hoover up the stairs. This would be such a massive help xx

  268. My current one is on its last legs! x

  269. I have an old house so not many sockets around so is a real pain – a cordless would be great

  270. You’re totally awesome haha
    Okay, I’d love this because I’m fed up of hoovering the stairs and getting the wire caught around my neck! I have a habit of running the cord around the back of my neck so it doesn’t get caught in the hoover – I fell and it pulled on my neck – dangerous indeed!

  271. looks light weight easy to use and perfect for cleaning all floors x

  272. I’d love to win this vacuum because mine is old and heavy and doesn’t work very well, and this is new and light and efficient.

  273. I would love to help my wife around the house with the hoovering. I am due my 4th back operation on the 12th of December and because my backs pretty fragile our big clunky hoover is no good for me

  274. I bought a Dyson a couple of years ago after hearing loads of great feedback about them but I’ve not been impressed at all. It never picks up properly, the cord is too short, it is extremely awkward to try and use any attachments and it just really annoys me! So, that’s all the reasons I’d love to win this Bissell and put the Dyson to shame.

  275. My old vacuum cleaner is over 15 years old and has given me sterling service but is on its last legs now. It’s also very heavy so I would really like something that is lighter, like this Bissell, to carry up the stairs.

  276. Im in vacuum heaven!!! i have a rubbish 3rd hand vacuum cleaner, never had a brand spanking new one before!

  277. because im always vacing up after my two kids

  278. Because i broke my 10 year old hoover last week!

  279. I would love to win because it looks great and our henry is a little old and battered!

  280. Need this as have two big Labradors constantly shedding

  281. I need a new vacuum cleaner

  282. I cannot risk getting entangled in cords nor can I lift anything too heavy which might overbalance me but with this Bissell power glide cordless I can actually vacuum the stairs and all around the house without help. I could feel very independent.

  283. As much as I would love to replace my old vacuum cleaner I would, if I won, give this fantastic prize to my daughter. Her’s has broken and with 2 kids and pets has more need than me.

  284. I would love this as my Hoover is broke and need to keep sweeping every room in house which takes forever ☘☘☘☘

  285. I would love to win this because a few weeks ago I was vacuuming my stairs, sruggling like mad when I lost my footing, fell down the stairs, bringing the vacuum cleaner with me and snapping the handle off in the process. I was okay thank god ha but my vacuum cleaner died ha
    So yea that’s why I’d like to win! I’m using one I borrowed which was made in the 60s

  286. Awesome prize i have 3 kids, a dog and a cat so this would be very much useful

  287. kids and dogs .. so, this would great xx

  288. because mine is on its last legs thankyou

  289. I love the idea of no cord. I often pull it out of the wall!

  290. It is a great giveaway! I’d love a vacuum that didn’t weigh a ton and didn’t try to trip me up with the lead.

  291. So convenient & looks easy to use.

  292. I need all the help I can get

  293. You are amazing and I would love a new hover as mine is on it’s last legs and I’m sure the christmas clean up is going to kill it

  294. Because ours is broken!!!

  295. I would love to win this as the vacuum i have is so very heavy and I’ve nerve damage in my neck and shoulders so the chance to win a light cordless vacuum is just wonderful.I hope today I may be lucky x

  296. With 4 kids somewhere always needs vacuuming!!

  297. i would love this because my vacuum is broken

  298. This looks brillinat, light and if its like other Bissell products i have had in the past. I will be very happy

  299. I have a hairy dog & a small cottage, so this would be ideal for me

  300. I have 2 broken vaccums at the moment. One will do the floor bit but the hose is broken so you can’t do the edges or anything, the other has the floor bit broken (belt gone) but the hose works – so it’s very time consuming cleaning at the moment.

  301. Because mine is awful

  302. This vacuum looks brilliant, I would love a cordless one and if it is lightweight even better!

  303. Its light and easy to use my wife allways moans ours is too heavy.

  304. Thanks for the fab giveaway! I could really do with a new decent Hoover as mine doesn’t pick up as well as it used to and this would really help with all the mess the kids and pets leave around the house

  305. would love to win as it looks amazing and mine is so old and not working well at all!


  307. Why would you not want this amazing vacuum cleaner and you ARE amazing for providing this. We have two children including a daughter who is homeschooled due to lack of local school places and this item would make keeping the house clean so much easier. Hope (as does everyone) to win this as it would be a massive boon!

  308. I actually want a new vacuum for Christmas to match the new carpet.

  309. With 2 kids and a cat I’m constantly vacuuming so it would be lovely to do it with such a great vacuum!

  310. I would like this vacuum because it is light for carrying around.It has a Lithium Ion battery with 45 minutes of full power run time so that I will be able to hoover without lumping around cables, stopping and move the cable to a different plug. I would be very pleased to win it. 🙂

  311. I’ve got 2 dogs and hoover at least once/twice a day and hauling out my current cleaner is a pain…would love this to make life a bit easier 🙂 Thanks for the great giveaway 🙂

  312. handle is loose on the old one,so it will not last much longer

  313. With three kids under the age of 5, a pup and two cats, I’m constantly cleaning up after them. I love the fact it’s cordless. We currently have a wired vacuum cleaner which is 7 years old and it’s seen better days. It’s very temperamental and I’ve been after a new one for ages.
    This is an amazing giveaway!
    Thank you for the chance ☺
    I really enjoyed reading this blog post.
    Thanks for sharing

  314. You are AMAZING x

    Would love this vacuum, I have 3 small children so I am forever vacuuming, this is fabulous as it is cordless so my little ones wouldn’t pull on it whilst I was trying to clean. It would also make stair vacuuming so much easier, no more tripping over the chord or having to balance the vac on the stairs whilst I run down to unplug because the wire is just not long enough.

  315. yes please just had a new puppy and my hoover I have now is useless with the hairs x

  316. Would love this for my mum she’s always hoovering and I know this would make it a lot easier for her

  317. The lightness of it I struggle to carry my hoover up the stairs, OK you are amazing

  318. you’re absolutely amazing for getting this to giveaway 😀 i’d love it as i’m constantly hoovering after my 3 messy boys

  319. i would love this quality item

  320. very nice of you to give this away it would be great for me as my hoover is heavy and a chore to hoover with in my small flat with its bulkiness and cord getting in the way this would be lovely thank u

  321. I’d like to win this for my Dad – The Hoover he’s got is awful!

  322. my daughter is very good at creating crumble mountains and crumble ways…

  323. I have a dog, who seems to cast her entire body weight in hair every day! I’m constantly vacuuming, so anyhting that would make this job esier would be more than welcome!

  324. Because our vacuum is going to pack up any minute!

  325. I would love this as i foster rescue dogs, i have four big dogs at the minute and my old hoover is just not coping x

  326. Perfect giveaway for us as we are moving into our first house after Christmas and we’ve got so much to buy. Winning a hoover would save us money and be a huge weight off our minds!!

  327. I would love to win this for my daughter whose old vacuum packed up yesterday. This would be great for her

  328. your amazing for doing this awesome giveaway, i’d love to win, with a newborn and bunnies this would be amazing for us xxx

  329. It’s a great quality vacuum that would make life easier for me, especially vacuuming the stairs (which I loathe)

  330. Yes, would love to win this great giveaway

  331. oh wow! great prize i’d use it every day x

  332. Would love this vaccuum as I really need a new one!!

  333. This is fabulous! I love the fact that this is lightweight and cordless!

  334. I hoover all the time so this would make it (and life!) so much easier!
    Great giveaway!

  335. My current vacuum has lost its power and simply glides the floor. It spits out dust and little bits and makes vacuuming a chore. I need to have a shiny new power sucking beast. Then no worries will I have dropping crumbs after my midnight feast.

  336. I would love to win the vacuum as ours is from when my hubby first got married to his first wife….and I’ve been his 2nd for over 10 years now….

  337. It is nice a slim and you don’t have to do the power lead shuffle from left to rigt.

  338. So my little girl can’t attempt to unplug it whilst I’m using it

  339. Fingers crossed for this awesome prize 🙂 🙂 🙂

  340. I would like this vacuum cleaner, because the only thing I currently have to clean with is a cheap £15 handheld vacuum that’s supposed to be for using in cars and has terribly week suction – may as well not bother! 🙂

  341. I’d love to win as my vacuum just blew up, it stinks of burnt plastic and I’m too scared to turn it back on

  342. would be great as so not to be tide to a cord

  343. It would be so much easier to go from room to room without having to change plug sockets each time.

  344. looks a fab hoover.

  345. Well, you are great for offering this giveaway!And I am desperate for a new hoover as my lovely Dyson is now 15 years old

  346. This would be ideal to use on the stairs so I would not have to unplugg it half way up the stairs

  347. One thing you are great for doing this fab giveaways.
    Secondly I need a Hoover to get rid of the thousand dog hairs that my dog is moulting at the mo , help!

  348. to help clear up better after my boys

  349. I’d love to win this to make light work of vacuuming my stairs – and actually being able to get from the top to the bottom without having to unplug it halfway through.

  350. It’ll make life a bit easier, especially emptying it. My henry hoover seems to be on its way out 🙁

  351. Firstly I would love to win this, because I just love the colour, it would look lovely in my home. I also I’d love to win as mine no longer picks up very well, so I need a new one.

    I think you’re really wonderful and kind for hosting this giveaway, you’re a true star. xx

  352. I would like this for my mum! Hers has just packed it in and with 2 dogs the house is a bit of a state!

  353. With cats, kids and a DIY mad hubby I need all the help I can get

  354. Because everyone deserves a new gadget every now & then

  355. Brilliant prize, my hoover is on its last legs. I have aa 14 month old child and finding myself hoovering 3/4 times a day. A hoover like this would be fab.

  356. I need this! 2 hairy dogs- they can’t wipe their feet. or stop shedding. 1 messy husband who can but does not.

  357. fab prize

  358. im getting the blame for breaking ours… it doesnt stay upright any more and is basically useless!

  359. To be perfectly honest I’ve always wanted a cordless hoover but could never afford it.

  360. I would like it for our Daughter her Vacuum cleaner has seen better days!

  361. The hoover would be great for the stairs, hoovering upstairs and also in those awkward areas in the house where the cable becomes a nuisance

  362. Well you are pretty Fantastic 😛 That aside First thing i would hoover is my boy’s bedroom, it fills with dirt and mud and stinky things in the blink of an eye.

  363. my hover has broken and things are getting out of hand

  364. I would love this when my home is at sub zero with mess everywhere, it would help me clean up and become cleaning superhero

  365. I woukd like this hoover as my current one is fallig apart plus i have a dog so im using a hoover more frequent then those without pets!

  366. Would love this! It would make life much easier!

  367. my current vacuum is really heavy, i would really love a light one!

  368. Wires get in the way so cordless is the way to go 🙂

  369. What a great giveaway…..I would give this to my best friend if I were lucky enough to win. She has 5 girls so goes through a lot of vacuum cleaners

  370. It is a great givaway! I’d love a new vac and one that is light and easy to use! My old heavy one is groaning when I use it these days!

  371. just bought new house and done renovations. Cleaning up post reno has killed 3 vacuums. Now need a new one for use everyday.

  372. I would feel like a free floaty fairy not having to worry about the cord and it would make my floors magically clean

  373. my hoover broke a while ago I would love a new one

  374. I would love one of these as I really struggle on the stairs with the one I have. And yes, you are awesome for this giveaway 🙂

  375. I’d love to win this as mine is beginning to get very sluggish

  376. With a cat, a puppy and 2 of us who have long hair which gets everywhere – my cream carpets need this!

  377. Because my husband hoovers every day and has worn our old one out

  378. because my 15 month old seems to create mess out of nothing so I need a good vacumm

  379. MY partner and I are about to buy our first house so any help with appliances is very much appreciated 🙂

  380. Our Hoover recently blew up so I really need a new one

  381. Of course you’re great, goes without saying but my house needs a really good clean!

  382. Our hoover is OK -but it’s me that isn’t ! Need a light , cable free hoover so that I can manage some hoovering !!

  383. This vacuum cleaner would make life so much easier .

  384. light and nimble yet powerful, this would make cleaning my flat far less of a chore than it is now

  385. Would love this vacuum as mine has seen better days

  386. This vacuum cleaner looks the job – cordless, light and one charge lasts 45 minutes!

  387. I would like to win this Hoover as mine is always left out and my hubby and kids are always tripping over the lead so this would be ideal I can hoover in peace then. 🙂

  388. This hoover looks amazing mine is currently held together with duct tape and just about sucks up the mess usually have to sweep first which isn’t ideal with 2 children so this would be a dream to win

  389. This sounds great the swivel steering would be fab! I have had my hoover for 8 years so am due an upgrade 😉

  390. I`m 68 and this is ideal for me. so lightweight

  391. problem carrying the one i have upstairs then back down

  392. I have never had a brand new hoover but I do know Bissell are such a trusted and reliable brand when it comes to hoovers so would love to win this.

  393. I’m desperate for a new one my is knackered!

  394. I have just moved house and my old hoover is not keeping the cream carpets looking great. I have a Bissell carpet cleaner which is excellent so would love this hoover to keep my carpets looking fantastic

  395. Well you are brilliant, marvellous and wonderful and my old hoover is being held together with duck tape.

  396. My current one is old and failing fast .

  397. I’m just a sucker for the Bissell brand

  398. I’d love to win this because it would save me having to constantly chase the kids off the lead of my current hoover!

  399. You’re very great! 😉 and I’d love to win as I am in need of a new vaccum with 4 pets!

  400. In 18 years of marriage I’ve not owned a hoover… I now want a stair carpet so will need one

  401. The one that came with my rented flat is rubbish so this would be great!

  402. I’d absolutely love this as we got a puppy this year. No one ever told me quite how much pugs moult, but it’s like nothing I’ve ever seen before. I have big clumps of hair all over my house and our hoover is old and useless and sucks barely any of it up.

  403. problem carrying the one i have upstairs so this would be great to keep up there all the time.

  404. It would be so easy to use instead of dragging the massive thing I have at the moment to vacuum up the pet hair

  405. I need a new one, and could do with one that is lightweight.

  406. I would like to win as it sounds so hassle free which might mean I actually get the hoover out now and then!

    1. I really am in need of a new vacuum, this would be perfect.

  407. Our current vacuum cleaner is being held together with sellotape!!

  408. My cleaner is so old. I bought a really cheap one when i first bought my house 5 years ago and it is still going!

  409. I would like to win this because my hoover is so old i can pick more bits up with my socks!x

  410. I like that itis cordless♥

  411. As it looks fab and mine is on its way out

  412. I’d love this vacuum as a cordless would be such a help on the stairs!

  413. It looks really easy to use and fuss free

  414. would love a new hoover, hqd my last one for agessssss

  415. I would like to win as I need a new vac and this Bissel vac which is light and portable would be great

  416. It looks like a fantastic vacuum and mine is on its last legs

  417. I would love to win because my current 10+ year old Dyson is about to break. I thought it went this morning, but I just tried it again and it was working. So I guess it just overheated. It won’t last too much longer now though.

  418. This would be fab – ours is on its last legs and the whole cordless thing would be amazing!

  419. To make it quick and easy to vacuum when my family have visited and the kids made a mess!

  420. I want to win because it’s time I said bye to Henry the Hoover and got up to date with a new model

  421. would love a new lightweight, easy to store vaccum.

  422. I have 2 dogs and they shed hair for fun! ;/

  423. with 4 people and 4 pets I’m always hoovering so this would be great to keep upstairs so I don’t have to lug a hoover up and down the stairs all the time 🙂

  424. To have a clean house.

  425. Love to win this as my vacuum cleaner has a detachable hose – it’s not meant to have one, it just does. Makes vacuuming an even bigger pain that usual

  426. I would love to win as it would make it much easier to vacuum while holding my baby who hates to be put down.

  427. I would love this so i could gift to my mother in law, this looks like an easy and light hoover, perfect for her ! and thanks for a lovely giveaway 😉

  428. If you’d seen my floors you’d see why I need this bad boy

  429. Great giveaway! I would like it to upgrade from our current, out-dated one

  430. It would come in very handy cleaning up after my 2 year old

  431. I’d like it to clean the dust up from my floors.

  432. Fantastic prize that you are offering. I would love this, as my wife asked me to help her with the housework and THIS would certainly help her ha ha No Just kidding (she would KILL me if she read that!) Would love this as the vacuum we have is big & clunky with little suck, so takes ages.

  433. You are amazing for this giveaway 😉

    My son and his partner are moving into their own home in May and need all the help they can get so I am entering this for them .

  434. I’d love to win because my current one is on it’s last legs, or wheels should I say, and there’s no spare money at the minute with Christmas coming!

    Oh, and you are great for running this giveaway 🙂 xx

  435. I would like to win because its light weight and easy to use on the stairs, Last year I had a nasty fall on the stairs whilst hoovering I tripped over the cord lucky for me I was not badly hurt but I am very nervous now, I am looking into buying a new lightweight model and this looks perfect

  436. I am a bit OCD so this would really help..

  437. The only thing that stops me from vacuuming every day is the fact I HATE having to keep moving the long cord out of the way.

  438. I’m after a new vacuum. Mine is ready to give up any day nowafter about 12 years of good use.

  439. Mine is noisy, bulky and useless on pet hair x

  440. I really want the Bissell because it sucks 🙂

  441. Fabulous giveaway, thank you! We need one as our old Dyson is very heavy and a real pain if you just want a quick wiz around the house, or even just the kitchen!

  442. Would be fantastic as I always get in a right mess with the cord on my vac, ended up pulling it from the wall on several occasions x

  443. would love a lighter hoover to do the stairs my is to heavy for my to lift

  444. I’m really disappointed with my current one so would love a new one

  445. it would encourage me to hoover more….. and this is indeed a fab giveaway

  446. Well I’m sure we all agree about how great you are for managing to get such a great prize, ok that’s part one done 😉 I need a new hoover my dyson is bust it works best by using the hose which takes ages and it smells like wet dog, I don’t even have a dog so basically I need this to make life easier and less smelly

  447. You are fab for getting this giveaway! I intend to get a new one in the January sales so winning one would save me lots of money! Thank you!

  448. You are amazing for getting this giveaway and the giveaway is amazing as it would be perfect for cleaning up after the festivities without humping my heavy hoover around

  449. I hate lugging the old Dyson around when doing the stairs.

  450. Mmm… A new vacuum cleaner now that would get my boys to tidy their rooms! Excellent!

  451. An accident, where I broke my back and wrist among other things, has left me fiding my heavy vacuum quite difficult to manage.

  452. Our Dyson is on its last legs so looking for a decent replacement and this looks ideal!

  453. I would like to win because my current vacuum cleaner is inefficient, too bulky and heavy. I think this model would be more suitable and fit in my small wardrobe

  454. I would love to win so I can give to my parents, they haven’t had a new hoover in donkeys years!!

  455. It would be great for tackling the pet hair. And yes, you are great for offering this giveaway!

  456. I might enjoy vacuuming if it was cordless!

  457. I would like to win this because my daughter would hoover more often with this!

  458. i have four cats, so alot of pet hair!

  459. I would love this as i have a hand me down hoover atm that stinks when it on 🙁

  460. I would really like to win this so that I can give it to my sister who has been unable to afford one for herself, and is fed up of borrowing off the family.

  461. because i have a v hairy doggy!

  462. To remove stubborn pet hairs,and to make sure my home is getting a furore clean xx

  463. Would love this I have a George and it’s so heavy I feel like I’ve been weightlifting after doing the stairs so this would be amazing x


  465. would be great for the stairs which at moment do with dustpan and brush as easier than bulky vacs

  466. I have carpal tunnel and most vaccums are feeling very heavy on my wrists, this would be perfect for me. What a very generous giveaway Scottishmum 🙂

  467. the main reason I like it is because it is so compact and looks light to use

  468. we are just moving into our new home and dont have a hoover yet so this would be a great start!

  469. I’d like to win this cos our vacuum is broken

  470. Yes you are FAB! I would love to win because our place is quite small so everything is jammed in and finding a socket to plug things in let alone getting it tangled on the furniture is a nightmare.

  471. Could do with one for upstairs

  472. I would love this vacuum because my current one is not up to the job of cleaning up after three kids, a cat and a dog

  473. I live in a three storey house. It would be great to have an extra vacuum cleaner to keep on the middle floor, so that I don’t have to keep carrying it up and down the stairs

  474. Mine is on the blink 😛

  475. i would love this…. i am so dangerous on the stairs trying to use my hoover with the wire and everything….have fallen once with the hoover… and its very painful !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    so yes please

  476. to make my life a bit easier as my old one has given up .I,m sure this one would be lighter too

  477. the one i have i could pick up more with my hands

  478. My current vacuum doesn’t really work anymore, Its ruining the carpet because you have to go over the same spot so many times to pick anything up.

  479. because i have 11 cats! enough sAID

  480. Just right for getting into all my nooks and crannies as wella s tackling my ever steepening staircases.

  481. Need a lightweight vacuum as I get older, this one looks so versatile and being cordless is a real bonus.

  482. Great giveaway, would love to win this

  483. I wold love this to make hoovering the stairs easier…..the cord on my current one just gets in the way!

  484. You are the greatest for getting this competition! 🙂 I would love to win to make hoovering easier for me because I have mobility problems

  485. Would love to win this fantastic prize and save me having to switch sockets when I hoover around the house

  486. my current vacuum is completely goosed and I don’t have the pennies for a new one and the cordless one’s seem super easy to use 😀

  487. i’d love to win and this would make hoovering so much easier, love the idea of the swivel action ,FABulous Giveaway by the way 🙂

  488. With a dirty hairy dog and teenager I need all the help I can get!

  489. I don’t just want this vacuum cleaner, believe me i need this vacuum, i’ve had a major falling out with Hetty hoover and i need to be rid of her. Her hose keeps separating and smacking me in the face, she hates me, it’s obvious, i need a new vac in my life.

  490. Because it is light and cordless making cleaning easier

  491. I have a lot of hair and it seems to get everywhere

  492. RT @Scottish_Mum: Win a @BISSELL_UK Powerglide Cordless Vacuum Cleaner worth £249.99.

  493. I would like something lighter to carry up the stairs. My usual hoover is very heavy duty. My daughter has started to hoover upstairs as part of her chores, although a teenager only very slight so I am sure she would appreciate it too

  494. Because it’s cordless and mine isn’t and because it looks lightweight and mine isn’t 🙁 x

  495. RT @Scottish_Mum: Win a @BISSELL_UK Powerglide Cordless Vacuum Cleaner worth £249.99.

  496. I like that it can get into awkward spaces.

  497. I’d like this vacuum cleaner because I need something light to do a quick clean everyday. I have two dogs and they are messy, and having M.E. I cant push my heavy cleaner around so rely on hubby, and lets face it, most men dont know how to clean properly!

    And you are brilliant for doing this giveaway! 🙂

  498. You are so, so awesome! 😉

    I’d love this vacuum cleaner because my lounge has loads of awkward spaces, it would be lovely to be able to reach them without having to lug around a long cable while I try and use the various nozzles on my current cleaner!

    Fantastic Giveaway!

  499. Would love to win this!

  500. I would love one of these because I recently got a very cute but incredibly fluffy Bernese Mountain Dog puppy. Lots of tumbleweeds everywhere!

    Great giveaway, Thank You x

  501. As I get older , my vacuum gets heavier, and harder to push around
    I’m sure before long, my heavy old thing,will put me 6 feet underground, Something light,but effective, that glides as it cleans, Would be such a Godsend for me
    The Great Bissell Powerglide ticks all the right boxes, It’s just what I’m needing you see!
    No bending, no shuvving, no bad words to be heard,
    Just me safely vaccing and singing with glee!

  502. You ARE great! 🙂

    I need something to help my hideous pink carpet look better x

  503. Because I think cordless is brilliant

  504. because it would be ideal for y hubbys car

  505. you are great 😉 I’d love to win as my current hoover is so heavy!!

  506. I recently broke my cordless vac and I’m lost without it! My husband won’t buy me another one until we move house but if I won one he can’t say no!!

  507. RT @BISSELL_UK: Great news! @Scottish_Mum has a NEW Powerglide Cordless Vacuum Cleaner up for grabs! #WIN https://t…

  508. RT @Scottish_Mum: Win a @BISSELL_UK Powerglide Cordless Vacuum Cleaner worth £249.99.

  509. If you saw the state of my current vacuum you’d understand 😉

  510. What a great giveaway! I’m really enjoying your recipes by the way!

  511. I’d love a vacuum cleaner. I moved in March, my old vacuum didn’t make the move with me. So now I’m without. Holding thumbs… 🙂

  512. This amazing hoover is EXACTLY what I need in my life. Apart from the fact that we’ve been using my friend’s old hoover for the last 9 years, it really would be lovely to be treated with a good quality and reliable hoover.

  513. RT @Scottish_Mum: Win a @BISSELL_UK Powerglide Cordless Vacuum Cleaner worth £249.99.

  514. I desperately need a new vacuum! Every time I use mine to vacuum the stairs the cord doesn’t stretch far enough, so I have to plug and re-plug it in just so I can vacuum the top stair. Plus the suction is poor 🙁

  515. RT @BISSELL_UK: Great news! @Scottish_Mum has a NEW Powerglide Cordless Vacuum Cleaner up for grabs! #WIN https://t…

  516. I have three babies, two doggies and one heavy old vacuum cleaner where the hose keeps detaching from the main part of the machine. If i won this sleek cordless vacuum i’d have one less thing to fall over when cleaning the house.

  517. Ours has completely lost suction so this would be perfect!

  518. RT @BISSELL_UK: Great news! @Scottish_Mum has a NEW Powerglide Cordless Vacuum Cleaner up for grabs! #WIN https://t…

  519. Our current one is useless and also a cordless one would be great due to lack of plug sockets!

  520. What a fab giveaway! I could really use a cordless vacuum as my stairs are a nightmare to clean with my old one and with 3 dogs and 2 cats I’m forever battling the pet hair

  521. Fab giveaway would make my life so much easier & actually save some precious time!

  522. RT @Scottish_Mum: Win a @BISSELL_UK Powerglide Cordless Vacuum Cleaner worth £249.99.

  523. Super to hoover around the house, light weight and easy to use for my bedrooms, lounge, sitting room and hallway. Wonderful prize.

  524. RT @BISSELL_UK: Great news! @Scottish_Mum has a NEW Powerglide Cordless Vacuum Cleaner up for grabs! #WIN https://t…

  525. Since we got a dog I’m needing to hoover more often, cordless sounds a much easier way of this being stress free!

  526. It’s lightweight – perfect for me!

  527. I’d love this because I have asthma and dust aggravates it. I suspect that our old vacuum isn’t as effective as it could be and would love to really clean the house properly.

  528. RT @Scottish_Mum: Win a Bissell Powerglide Cordless Vacuum Cleaner – Ends 30th Nov 2015 –

  529. You are amazing!! I would love to win this! I desperately need a lightweight vacuum, thank you for the chance x

  530. Win a Bissell Powerglide Cordless Vacuum Cleaner – Ends 30th Nov 2015 –

  531. I would love to win this as my current hoover is on it’s last legs and doesn’t work properly!

  532. This would be perfect for when the baby arrives to keep the house clean

  533. Win a Bissell Powerglide Cordless Vacuum Cleaner – Ends 30th Nov 2015 – via @Shareaholic

  534. because I hate the big heavy very noisey stand up vac we have now… so much I prefer to live with the dust

  535. Love following you on Twitter.
    This vacuum cleaner would make life so much easier as I live on a farm so always plenty dust!! It sounds great for taking around the house, particularly upstairs.

  536. Win a Bissell Powerglide Cordless Vacuum Cleaner – Ends 30th Nov 2015 – via @Shareaholic

  537. My current vacuum is 15 years old, it’s been a good ‘un, but it’s past its best and time for retirement.

  538. RT @Scottish_Mum: Win a Bissell Powerglide Cordless Vacuum Cleaner – Ends 30th Nov 2015 – via @Shareaholic

  539. Would be perfect for my house, mine is far too heavy

  540. Id love to win as I have a 3 year old crumb monster at home.

  541. I would love to win this Hoover as due to Rheumatoid Arthritis I struggle to plug and unplug my corded one as I Hoover around the house and especially when doing the stairs I find it very heavy and awkward.The lightweight cordless Hoover appeals to me immensely.I have just found your blog and have signed up for updates,looking forward to receiving them.
    Thank you.

  542. RT @Scottish_Mum: Win a @BISSELL_UK Powerglide Cordless Vacuum Cleaner worth £249.99.

  543. Because my children are so messy!!

  544. Win a Bissell Powerglide Cordless Vacuum Cleaner – Ends 30th Nov 2015 – via @Shareaholic

  545. RT @Scottish_Mum: Win a @BISSELL_UK Powerglide Cordless Vacuum Cleaner worth £249.99.

  546. My Hoover really is on its last legs, it would not be so bad if I had to do the hoovering but it’s my carer and my teen. I’d love to win to make their lives easier.

  547. But you ARE great for getting this giveaway…no kidding! 🙂

    My mother has been talking about getting one of these (or something like it), so I’d like to give this to her as a gift (if I win).

  548. This cordless vacuum would be fantastic,it would save me from keep plugging and unplugging every time I go into a different room.

  549. I’ve had my Hoover 17 years and am desperate for a new one would be perfect xxx

  550. I need a decent hoover and this one sounds amazing and cordless is another bonus

  551. My vacuum blew up last week so I’m desperate for a new one

  552. I would love to win this fab giveaway. After being electrocuted by my hoover cable I would absolutely love to have a cordless one and not stress every time I pick up my cable. Plus getting to the top step and having to go all the way down to unplug is a pain!

    1. I’d love to win this as my vacuum is from the EIGHTIES! Yes, even with a family of four, I have an old vacuum which doesn’t work very well and has a short cord and a dusty bag which needs changing every time I use it. Please put me out of my misery!

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