STAR RECIPE WINNER – for September is a tie. I let my kids choose their favourites this week, and they pondered for a while, before saying they couldn’t decide between Foodie Quine’s Cake Pops and Susan Mann’s Patatas. In the end, I have to declare it a joint draw, and they both get a mention (and a medal).
What the kids said..
Foodie Quine (Twitter @foodiequine) “Her cake pops are better than yours mum, because she used Dairy Milk”
Susan K Mann (Twitter @susankmann) “They look like fine stovies”
- Is a monthly linkie, which will close on the last day of the month.
- A medal will be awarded for the Star Recipe every month, and the fabulous trophy in the blog badge will be awarded at the end of a whole year of the Funky Foodies. If you want to find out more about it, read here.
- All you have to do is share as many recipes from your own blog a month as you’d like. If you struggle to add your recipe, send me your link and I’ll add it for you.
- Try to pop around and share the comment love with other funky foodies. We all like a little love and might come across some fabulous recipes.
Simply add the link to your recipe on your own blog, and share your latest recipe with everyone taking part. If you don’t want to miss the linkie being opened, subscribe to RSS or by email in the blog header.
I’ll add recipes of mine to share, although I don’t count in the recipe challenge.
Feel free to copy the badge or use the html in the widget at the bottom of the page to add the small blog badge to your own blog / post. It makes finding you easier for other funky foodies.
If you want to add the blog hop to your own website, get the InLinkz code and add the monthly code to a text widget or a post in html.
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