If you are anything like us as a family, finding new things for children to do can be daunting and very difficult at the same time. Lots of us try to think up new ways to keep our children happy, and to give them the opportunity to have fun while making lovely new things that actually mean something to us for the future.
Crafty things get the thumbs up from almost any child of every age, and I asked my three children to draw pictures of us as a family. As with all children, when they make messy things, or even if they are simply playing outside in the dirt, they can get themselves into so much mess, that we find ourselves looking at the piles of laundry lying on the floor and wondering where on earth it all came from.
One child didn’t want his picture on the Internet, but two of them are proud to show you their creativity.
This is where Appliances Online can help. As all mums and dads know, five minutes of peace and quiet is a blessing when you are a busy parent. The new LG Direct drive washing machines feature the latest technology, leading the way for a quieter and more peaceful wash.
I actually have the 9 kg version of the Direct Drive washing machine which means this is an easy competition for me to host. I can vouch for how quiet the machine is, and for how little water is actually used, which never ceases to amaze me when the clothes are washed so thoroughly.
The programmes include a very fast 45 minute wash which I find myself using more than any other programme. There is also the facility to be able to increase the spin times on each setting. I can say without a doubt that it is the best washing machine that I have ever owned, and the size of wash is fabulous for us as we have a family of 6 to do washing for.
I can only dream of having the 11kg Direct drive washing machine from LG to wash big duvets. I am going to be very jealous indeed of the lucky person who gets this beauty delivered to their doorstep as the winner of the UK based competition.
To be in with a chance of winning this lovely machine, all you have to do is use the rafflecopter widget below to enter and officially check off your answers. You can sign in with Facebook, or by using your name and email address.
- Leave a comment on this blog, to tell me the answer to this question “When I have five minutes peace and quiet, I like to…….”
- Tweet the following : “I entered to win an #LGdirectdrive 11 kg washing machine with @scottish_mum and @apponline”
- You need to comment on my blog AND tweet for your entry to count.
- Appliances Online will pick the winner from their favourite of all the lovely stories I hope we are going to hear as entries.
It’s simple, and it is a fabulous competition and I am going to shout this out:
The closing date is: 27th February 2012 so get your thinking caps on.
Good luck to everyone entering and I am going to be cheering you all on.
When I have 5 mins peace, I like to pick up my kindle and read with a lovely cup of coffee x
I like to surf the net, and you can come across great competitions like this, and if I am lucky emough to win it will give me loads more 5 minutes to myself as I wouldnt have to go to the launderette!!!
I like to make myself a cup of tea and check my emails!
Tweeted as beclee09
When I have five minutes peace and quiet i like to give myself a quick manicure, i spend my life cooking and cleaning so my hands need a bit of extra care and attention. Somehow i always feel happier and more confident when my nails are painted x
when i have 5 minutes i like to spend some time with my 13 year old dog.
When I have five minutes peace and quiet, I like to……
Take a big breathe and count to ten normally! Haha. Otherwise it’ll be have a dance around the room with the music blasting – I hate quiet!
“When I have five minutes peace and quiet, I like to watch some tv Or call my mum back home!!!
“When I have five minutes peace and quiet, I like to have some hot choclate!!!!!!
When I have five minutes peace and quiet, I like to… have a cuddle with my 3 yr old
When U have a spare five minutes I like to jump jump on me lappy and enter some more competitions.
“When I have five minutes peace and quiet, I like to…….”
Bungee jump from a sky scraper, roller-skate round the equator
Abseil down a volcanic crater and wrestle an alligator!
Indiana Jones got nothing on me and I can do all that while drinking my tea!!!
When I have five minutes peace and quiet, I like to sit down (preferably outside) and cherish and enjoy it.
When I have five minutes peace and quiet, I like to….read. With a 4 month old baby I am still reading the book from before she was born!
When I have five minutes peace and quiet I like to sit down with my book and a cuppa….lovely!
When I have five minutes peace and quiet, I like to enjoy a freshly brewed cuppa knowing that my LG is silently hard at work for me……
I like to sit and and relax with a glass of smoothie
When I have five minutes peace and quiet I like to watch a bit of Deal or No Deal – it can quickly stretch to nearer an hour with a bit of luck!
My machine has broken down
No five minutes peace for me
Washing all these clothes by hand just makes me sad and frown
I really need that direct drive 11kg fabulous LG!!
Dream about LG washing Machine Prize
The delights winning would bring
giving me more time to make my kids smile
The perfect tonic, by a mile
When I have five minutes peace and quiet, I like to sit back, close my eyes and just relish the sound of silence. Bliss!
.. I like to drink a cup of tea and paint my nails!
A quick surf
When I have 5 mins peace I get a glass of wine and curl up with a good book!
When I have five minutes peace and quiet, I like to make some noise! I’m a musician struggling to find time between work, kids and forced rest to actually do something creative. There’s nothing better to me than the time to create a new song.
I’ve tweeted as @onerubberband
i like to turn the tv/xbox/radio all off & just enjoy the peace!
tweeted as @kayzlou xx
chill with a cuppa ( dosnt happen very often thow) x
When i get five minutes peace i like to enter competitions for things i would love but could never afford x
When I have five minutes peace…..I think about all the things I could do if I had five minutes peace
When I have 5 minutes peace and quiet …I’ll get round to entering this competition! …there done.
Eat something sweet, with no little fingers wanting any and enjoy a good read,
I entered to win an #LGdirectdrive 11 kg washing machine with @scottish_mum and @apponline”
Have a lovely bubble bath and a bit of a read!
When I have 5 mins I love to sit down with a cup of tea and look for bargains on the internet. How else would the kids get all they want for Christmas each
if i have 5 mins i like to have a hot drink and stick on some 80s tunes
when I have 5 mins I like to tinker in the greenhouse!
When I have five minutes peace and quiet, I like to sit with my cup of tea and kindle, with the hope of getting to finish a chapter.
When I have 5 minutes I like to crochet another row on my latest project
When I have 5 minutes peace I have just that ‘5 minutes peace’ no tea, coffee, tv, radio, just total silence with nobody asking for something or where something is or can they have something, when’s dinner? what’s for dinner? what’s for lunch etc….. those 5 minutes would be total bliss
When I have five minutes peace and quiet, I like to have a well deserved cuppa and an indulgent chocolate from my secret stash hehe!
When I have five minutes peace and quiet, I like to Sit with my feet up and have a nice cup of coffee xx
Put my feet up and read a book
When I have five minutes peace and quiet, I like to catch up with the news via my PC. It’s good to have something other than CBeebies to look at! x
Tweeting as @lindylulu47
I tweeted the following : “I entered to win an #LGdirectdrive 11 kg washing machine with @scottish_mum and @apponline” and think this is an AMAZING GIVEAWAWY!!!
When I have 5 minutes piece I like nothing better than a good pamper. A nice aromatherapy bath, a face mask, a glass of rose and a few tunes. Heaven! Make the most of every second I say
Tweeted @harrisonjune
When I have 5 minutes of peace and quiet
I like to sit back, relax and enjoy it
Ideally with a glass of my favourite Merlot wine
Fresh from the cooler courtesy of Appliances Online.
I drink a glass as I peacefully watch their Friday livestream
Hoping that Yossi will finally fulfil my dream
Of a quiet washer from Bosch, Whirlpool or LG
But sadly his call is never for me.
So I must put up with the old Hoover washer I own
It’s on its last legs but I can’t afford a new one.
It is just so noisy and has a little drum
Will nobody help? Wait, there’s Scottish Mum.
She writes this amazing parenting blog
With real life advice and occasional prizes to flog.
This time it’s a washer from Appliances Online.
Result! It’s an LG! Oh let it be mine.
My washing days would zip by like Hermes
I’d have much more quiet time to do as I please
Because of this washing machine so fine
Thanks to Scottish Mum, and Appliances Online.
coffee and chocolate all to myself
When i have quiet i like to read as much of my book as i can!
I like to simply enjoy the silence.
Go to sleep! Or read something escapist.
5 mintues peace and quiet = a nice cup of tea
5 minutes to myself is such a luxury, but when I do get the opportunity I love to flick through a home magazine and dream about the lovely things I could do with my home.
I like to watch my garden groW. it’s very soothing
I like to watch my garden grow. Very soothing.
When I have five minutes peace and quiet, I like to put my feet up with a good book!
5 minute peace and quiet……whats that?????? Ok I do insist on 5 minute peace when I am having a bath, one day I might actually get it!
Nice relaxing bubble bath with whatever i am reading.
i like to just dive on the sofa with a cup of tea and watch telly
Put my feet up with a coffee and a biscuit (or two!)
When I have five minutes peace and quiet, I like to read a book
Have tweeted @dr_reenu
When I have 5 minutes..I just sit back and listen to some soothing music!!
When i have 5 minutes peace i like to apply a face mask and pour large glass of wine and enter a few comps
When I have five minutes I like to sit down, close my eyes, take a deep breath and think of all the good things in my life. It makes me feel good and is also really relaxing; after five minutes I feel recharged and ready to handle all the every day stresses!
When I have five minutes peace i like to sit by the window with a lovely hot cup of coffee and watch the world go by. There is nothing more relaxing.
Ooooooo I like to have a cup of tea, a choccie biscuit and enjoy the peace and quiet
i like to catch up with my book
When I have five minutes peace I like to enter competitions!! lol
Have a nap!
tweeted @nuttynel xxx
https://twitter.com/#!/Nuttynel/status/173419582189617152 here is the link x
When I have Five Minutes peace I like to Light a yankee candle to chill me out from my 5 kiddies and have a little catch up of the news and facebook on the laptop >> pure bliss xxx
I wrote a poem about my mad little life and grabbing them five minutes x
Five minutes peace and what would I do?
well honestly talking from me to you,
these moments are hard to grab
You will know this if you a Mum or A Dad
Ironing , cooking cleaning the lot, a parents job will never stop
theres homework, reading and dance class
and theres always cutting the grass
and dont forget washing and theres loads of that
With 5 little kiddies and one on the way
I use my washer at least 3 times a day
But this LG your showing to me would chop this in half
its got a massive load you see
And then I might grab that bit of peace
Omg that would be a release
I could take five minutes to sit and think
I could even grab a little drink
oh my god it makes my heart miss a beat
how nice it would be to have a little treat
just the odd five minutes just for me
xxx fingers crossed xxxx
When I have five minutes peace and quiet, I like to take my dog for a walk in Lyme Park and sit and watch the world go by.
have a bath and read
I like to relax. close my eyes and breathe!
Curl up with a cup of tea and a good book!
Curl up on the sofa with a lovely cup of tea and a good book!
When I have 5 minutes I have a hot bath
When I have 5 minutes to myself I like to drink as much wine as I can to assist me through after my 5 minutes are up! he he
Only kidding… if only 5 mins probably Sudoku as it clears my mind of day to day worries 
I’ve tweeted @starwell.
What I do when I have five minutes to spare – actually, it’s nothing. Just sit in the chair and think about my day/life/family/holidays/weather lots of things. We all need time to stop and think about life.
Now would love to win a new washing machine as mine is on it’s last legs. Making funny screaming noises – I expect it to stop any time soon.
I like to have a nice cuppa with my feet up and a quick browse online
I’ve Tweeted – @samanthawesley
Spend some quality time with my Sky+ box!
when I have 5 minutes of peace and quite I like to shatter it with some rock music and try to take some interesting pictures of dull household objects. But thats just me.
Quietly drink coffee
When I have five minutes peace and quiet, I like to take in how far we have come as a family. We have come through horrendous times and yet are still able to smile. After the 30 seconds that has taken I like to curl up beside the fire on the beanbag with some crisps and a glass of lemonade and white wine and catch up on my favourite blogs.
When I have five minutes spare I like to have a cuppa and spend some time on twitter!
When I have 5 minutes of piece and quiet I just like to lay there with my eyes closed and relax.
When I have five minute peace and quiet I like to take a look back at how far we have come as a family. We gave made it through some horrendous times and cone through it still smiling. We have also realised that money although nice (and extremely useful) is not the most important thing watching our children grow up knowing they are lived and supported is worth so much more. This normally takes me a couple of minutes and the other couple are used to enjoy a glass of lemonade and White wine and a few bags of crisps!
When I have 5 minutes peace and quiet… I usually go for a wee!
if I ever have 5 minutes to myself (and that’s a big if) I tend to sit down and watch some of my programmes I recorded on my sky+ planner as the kids tend to take over my tv
When I have five minutes peace and quiet, I like to… sit down with a cup of tea and watch Neighbours. OK, that’s more like 20mins of peace and quiet, but it’s my guilty pleasure! Thank God for YouTube!
“When I have five minutes peace and quiet, I like to grab a cuppa and either tweet, blog or write a but of my novel
When I have five minutes peace and quiet, I like to SLEEP…………Nothing else, only sleep!!!
Five whole minutes! Wow! …..When I have five minutes peace and quiet I like to drink a hot chocolate with whipped cream and sit on the sofa with no-one touching or pestering me!
When I have five minutes peace and quiet, I like to…..read a good book! Bliss – just to escape into someone else’s world for a while!
So many entries to win the washing machine!
When I have five minutes peace and quiet, I like to think what fun learning and creative games we can play with my little son Lyam when he wakes up again soon! I also spend my precious little time helping charities to make other children more happy though art and colors. I guess all the ideas comes from finding ways how to make my son happy in the first place!
When I have 5 minutes peace and quiet I like to pop out round to the local cafe, where I read my book, drink delicious coffee and eat some chocolate cake!
tweeted! @mummyadventure
….I like to TWEET!!!!
When I have 5 minutes peace, I like to nap!
do a sudoku!
When I have five minutes peace and quiet, I like to surf…
on the web that is
because real surfing – well that needs waves and the ocean – which i don’t have 0 but its something I’d love to look out at during that 5 minutes
Am I babbling too much?!
When I have 5 minutes, I catch up on Twitter
or I start to think about what is next on my list.
Would love to win an 11kg washing machine. Mine seems to be in constant use :-/
When I have five minutes piece and quiet, I like to write a letter (or anything else) with real ink, a real pen, and real paper.
(I am @fireflyphil on twitter.)
Turn everything off, grab a bar of chocolate, sit on my comfy sofa and enjoy the silence. With 3 children aged 4, 2 and 1, a messy husband and a crazy dog, it’s rare for me to have 10 seconds peace and quiet let alone 5 minutes! But if I won this fab washing machine, it would be one less noisy thing in my life! xxx
get some beauty sleep zzzz
When I have five minutes peace and quiet I like to…… go to the loo in peace! Not a big ambition but all Mums will know where I am coming from with this!
When I have five minutes peace I like to read a couple of chapters of a good book
When I have five minutes peace and quiet, I like to have a cuppa!
When I have five minutes peace and quiet, I like to sit in my comfortable chair with a cup of tea and just relax
When I have five minutes I like to sit down with a cookery book, a piece of cake and since cup of tea… Bliss!
When I get five minutes spare time I love to blog my little heart out, it helps clear my mind for a peaceful nights sleep
When I have five minutes peace and quiet, I like to… cook myself something naughty, then put my feet up watch a soppy film.
“When I have five minutes peace and quiet, I like to play silly games on facebook”
When I have five minutes peace and quiet, I like to go online, to talk to my friends, read the gossip and catch up on my blogs and networks! xx
When I have five minutes peace and quiet, I like to have a soak in the bath and listen to Morrissey whilst sucking the chocolate off maltesers!
When I have 5 minutes of peace and quiet I like to …tinkle on the piano…!
close my eyes and think of all the amazing things and people i have in my life
read the newspaper and try to stay at least a little upto date with what is going on in the world
When I have five minutes peace and quiet, I like to……. get a coffee sit down, turn off all electronic devices, relish the peace and quiet then dig out my kindle and delvef into another world
“I entered to win an #LGdirectdrive 11 kg washing machine with @scottish_mum and @apponline”
When I have five minutes peace and quiet, I like to dream about starting my own blog, wonder if taking the roof off a house is ever a good idea even for a new kitchen, ponder on why, when you have five minutes peace, intrusive thoughts crowd in!
When I have five minutes peace and quiet I get very confused as it does not happen at the moment with a boisterous new rescue pup. I just breathe and sigh!
when i have 5 minutes peace and quiet i grab cup of tea and a biccie and breathhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh
Tweet the following : “I entered to win an #LGdirectdrive 11 kg washing machine with @scottish_mum and @apponline”
When I have five minutes peace and quiet, I like to……. have a cup of tea
With 5 spare minutes i like to grab a book and read.
Tweeted as @Valt25
When I have five minutes peace and quiet, I like to…sit down and enter this competition ! …..there done it. Let the bedlam re-commence.
When I have 5 minutes peace and quiet, I like to make myself a cocktail!
Tweet the following : “I entered to win an #LGdirectdrive 11 kg washing machine with @Scottish_Mum and @AppOnline” scottishmum.com/2012/02/uk-com…
I like to just shut my eyes and enjoy the peace & quite before it all kicks off again
When I have 5 minutes peace I like to sit down with a nice cup of tea and catch up amd listen to the silence.
When I have five minutes peace and quiet, I like to have a nice cuppa and sit and think!
tweeted as @lovelylaurahaye xxx
When I have five minutes peace and quiet, I like to……. do nothing but with 4 children a hubby, 2 dogs and endless washing from the rugb y boys its hardly ever 5 mins peace x
id like to … do nothing at all but with 4 children, a hubby, 2 dogs and so much washing from the rugby boys i hardly ever have 5 mins lol
SIt with a diet coke and a big chocolate bar and watch telly
Tweeted and followed your blog
when i have 5 minutes peace and quite i like to reflect on the fact that life could be alot worse and we should be very thankful for what we have inlife and never take anything for granted and always smile no matter what and live life to the full as you never know whats around the corner
When I get 5 minutes peace I love to sit in my garden and watch the children play whilst watching our Birds Of prey
its bliss and also a very special experience which doenst happen often as we have 5 girls and 11 Bird Of Prey
Check my e-mails.
When I have five minutes peace and quiet, I like to curl up with a good book and a glass of wine.
When I have 5 minutes peace I like to sit with my head in my hands. I always intend to breathe deeply and relax but I usually end up muttering swear words instead.
Five minutes I turn into ten by hiding in my secret place so I can read my book.
“When I have five minutes peace and quiet, (which is very rare in my house with 5 kids, a hubby & a puppy) I like to put my feet up & catch up with all my junk tv programmes that I haven’t had chance to watch & a cuppa but i have to admit i normally use my rare peace and quiet time to catch up with the ironing”
I have a cuddle with the dog, or if he’s in the mood we’ll have a game with his frisbee.
I sit and have a cuddle with the dog, or if he’s in the mood we’ll have a game with his frisbee.
When I have five minutes peace and quiet, I like to have a yummy hot chocolate and sit down with a trashy magazine…it’s like a little piece of heaven!
When I have five minutes peace and quiet, I like to have a yummy hot chocolate and read a trashy magazine…a little piece of heaven!
When i get 5 mins, i like to look for items on ebay people have spelt or worded the description incorrectly .. with their ‘fat fingers’..once i found a great coal box, but they spelt coal~cole..must of had Cheryl fad..love snipeing at the end too..well that’s worthwhile 5 minutes don’t you think..save money too,
tweeted at crazygoat89..
“I entered to win an #LGdirectdrive 11 kg washing machine with @scottish_mum and @apponline”
have a few glasses of gin!
“When I have five minutes peace and quiet, I like to run up a wall
When I have five minutes peace and quiet, I like to……. have a nice cup of coffee and read the paper
I love to find out what the rest of the world are doing by reading my twitter timeline – for me it’s a glorious waste of time
When I have five minutes peace and quiet I like to dream that the cleaning fairies will come and clean,
And the pixies that like to clean up dust and never ever make a fuss,
The elves will clean the windows too, until they look as good as new,
The goblins are bad you all may think but they LOVE to clean the loo and sink,
And last but not least the fairies come and see what else needs to be done and with a wave of their wand and in the blink of my eye….. I realise it was NOT them but I and all I had done is closed my eyes for five minutes peace – before I started the next job on the list …the washing but hey maybe a fairy will bless me and I can do it in a NEW LG!
When I have five minutes peace and quiet I love to pull on my old green wellies and trundle out into the garden. Fresh air and mud are wonderful stress busters – I always look as f I’ve rolled in the mud (well sometimes I do!), but I always return to the family, chores and ‘real life’ feeling wonderfully refreshed and ready to ‘do battle’ again!
: “I entered to win an #LGdirectdrive 11 kg washing machine with @scottish_mum and @apponline”
I’ve tweeted @julster55P
When I have five minutes peace and quiet, I like to get out in the garden, chase my chickens around and feed them treats and pretend I’m gardening by pulling up a few weeds here and there. Enjoy the peace and quiet with have minutes peace away from the /mad house’ some days
When I have five minutes peace and quiet, I like to…Check my FB on my mobile to catch up with what my friends are up to.
When I have five minutes peace and quiet, I like to……. Enter a competition to win a washing machine
or have a cuppa and a chocolate hobnob – Yum!
Tweeted too – @comps53
When I have five minutes peace and quiet, I like to sit down with a chocolate biscuit (from the stash hidden from my family) and down it with a cuppa of my favourite tea. And as the mix slowly glides down, my daydreams really go to town. A waiter’s service courtesy of Mr Clooney, or a massage to soothe my back so achy. The fantasies deepen – please let my foot high pile of washing be done, ironed and put away by someone. May the children be tired after all that play, and I can sneak another biscuit today… “MUM!” oh dear, it’s back to reality, time to go and help the family. Into the dishwasher goes my cup (from Appliances Online – no need to wash up). Oh joy, the washing is still there undone – and the pile’s doubled in size thanks to someone. If only my washer had a bigger drum, something quiet and… “MUM!” “I’m coming son”, my peace is over, I am no longer dreaming in clover. Wait it’s a Friday, it’s almost 4 o’clock – “James let your brother out of that headlock. Now why don’t you two build a Lego tower as a team”… and let your mother quietly watch the Friday Livestream. Where I can catch up with the antics of Elmo and the brilliant Yossi, on their livestream broadcast so funny, bright and glossy. Just got time for another cuppa tea methinks… “MUM! James is cheating at tiddlywinks!” Sigh, maybe next time I can watch it quietly online, until then here’s to the chaos that is me and mine…
When I have five minutes peace and quiet, I like to grab my book and try to get more than two pages read at a time!
5 minutes – sudoku and a bar of chocolate
… sit outside with a cup of coffee x
IF! I had 5 mins i would have a nice bath and read a magazine!
“When I have five minutes peace and quiet, I like to read a book
When I have five minutes peace and quiet, I like to enter competitions, just like this one!
When I have five minutes peace and quiet, I like to……. have a cup of coffee and catch up on the news
When I have five minutes peace and quiet i like to have a soak in the bath with lovely bubbles. x
When I have five minutes peace and quiet, I like to…catch up on my soaps
I love just to have a cuppa and pop my fee up.
have tweeted @emmajlowe
When I have five minutes peace and quiet, I like to have a nice cuppa and be able to drink it while its still hot.
hide in the understairs cupboard with a tube of pringles! good luck everyone! :o)
Strong coffee and a pad of paper to make a list of all the things that have been runnint through my head before I forget.
When I have five minutes peace and quiet, I like to… paint my nails (which isn’t very often)
I like to get out my sewing machine and see what I can whip up. It takes me to a different place.
I like to get out my sewing machine and see what I can rustle up. My dressmaking takes me into a world of my own.
When I get 5 minutes peace I like to sit down with a cup of tea and a chocolate biscuit.
When I have 5 mins peace and quiet I like to sit with a cup of tea and catch up with the news, either on Radio 4 or via the newpapers which I have deliered to my kindle. Bliss!
When I have five minutes peace and quiet, I like to sit and enjoy it!
“When I have five minutes peace and quiet, I like to…make a hot cup of coffee, have some chocolate dipped in my coffee and catch up reading a online blog, my peaceful time to see what is going on in the world of everyone else. x
When I have five minutes peace and quiet, I like to switch off my phone and read (sometimes leading to sleep with 1-2 minutes! Lol)
read my favourite newspaper
I like to catch up with twitter and talk to my online friends with a coffee
When I get five minutes peace and quiet, I like to kick off my shoes, curl up on the sofa, and tweet!! Great comp hun
if I ever get 5 minutes peace! I like to just sit and read
Do I even get 5 minutes??
3 boys, 3 terrors, = 0 time to breath.
I’m sure I do, but because their so spare the time flies by.
I like to sit with a cuppa and catch up on twitter and
Enter all these great competitions.
Then as soon as I do, unless one of the kids have killed another
Or drawn on the walls, pee’d around the toilet, broken something
Normal service resumed
But all equally worth it, and all enjoyed.
When I have five minutes, I like to sit and read in front of the fire with the dog, all cuddled up and warm, ahhh…
I have tweeted and filled in raffle copter
tweeted as @innocentcharmer
Whe I get 5 minutes peace and quiet, I love lay on the sofa and dream happy thoughts, I like to be alone with my mind x
When I have 5 minutes of peace and quiet I like to surf the internet!
I have a long hot bath with scented candles, bath oil and a cold glass of wine
In my five minutes peace I like to catch up on my reading for book club, we’re on the forgotten garden by kate morton at the mo & I’m loving it
When I have five minutes peace and quiet, I like to enjoy the silence and do nothing!! @Bobbity666 …. six minutes later chaos restarts !
When I have five minutes peace and quiet, I like to soak in the bath with a good book
when i have five minutes i sit and read a magazine with a lovely cup of tea
Tweet the following : “I entered to win an #LGdirectdrive 11 kg washing machine with @scottish_mum and @apponline”
WOW 5 minutes peace and quiet, now that’s hard when you have 5 kids, hubby , dog and a full time job, but when I ever do get 5 mins I love to read, I’m into an author by the name of Cathy Glass at the mom, she was/is a foster carer and her stories are based on true events of the children she has fostered and the difficulties she has faced and over come with them
Five minutes to spare? Definitely an opportunity to stare at the blissful view from my kitchen window.
When I have five minutes peace and quiet, I like to…….make a hot chocolate @MummyFever
when I have five minutes peace and quiet, I like to have a nice hot mug of tea, maybe a piece of cake, read a magazine, and reminisce of life before the crazy 1 year old. wouldn’t swap it for the world!
get out the bar of Galaxy I previously stashed away – that way I don’t have to share it x
Nicola x
When I have five minutes peace and quiet I like to chat to my extended family on facebook
If I have five minutes peace and quiet I like to browse the internet
If I have five minutes to spare I could do a few competitions. Who knows I might win one day.
Tweeted the following : “I entered to win an #LGdirectdrive 11 kg washing machine with @scottish_mum and @apponline”
When I have five minutes peace and quiet, I like to run a nice hot bath and relax with a magazine or my iPod and a glass of wine!
When, not often, that I have 5 minutes spare, I like to take time to read a bit of my book, that’s been ongoing for nearly a year
When I have five minutes peace and quiet, I like to run a nice hot bath and chill with a magazine or listening my iPod. Also not forgetting a glass of wine!
Five minutes peace and quiet? Chance’d be a fine thing! Ideally a cup of tea and my book (shamefully have been on the same one for 2 months!)
just sit back & enjoy it
When I have 5 minutes peace and quiet Comping comes to mind Twitter of facebook I always look for the comps from Appliance on line They’re one of the best when put to the test, Their products are simpy devine xx
Put my feet up & close my eyes, take a few deep breaths while the kettle is boiling
Put my feet up, close my eyes & take a few deep breaths while the kettle is boiling.
five mins to myself is rare I maker the most of it with feet up and a cup of tea and some chocolate from my secret stash.
When I have five minutes peace and quiet, I like to catch up on blogs and enter competitions
Five minutes peace and quiet – cup of tea and the sunday papers. It takes me most of the week to read the Sunday Times!
sorry didn’t realise until I checked my post that a link to my blog appeared underneath.. Can’t see any way of deleting the link..
When I have five minutes peace and quiet I would love to do nothing, yes nothing.
Chance would be a fine thing; I have a partner and two teenagers.
My daughter who is now 14 and my son who will be 16 next week!
I feel I am constantly on the go, fetching or carrying for someone. Cooking cleaning, you know what I mean.
Then there’s my mom bless her, who is now 82, so if I am not at home I am over there doing something else.
Never mind hey, one day!!!.
When I have five minutes peace and quiet I would love to do nothing, yes nothing.
Chance would be a fine thing; I have a partner and two teenagers.
My daughter who is now 14 and my son who will be 16 next week!
I feel I am constantly on the go, fetching or carrying for someone. Cooking cleaning, you know what I mean.
Then there’s my mom bless her, who is now 82, so if I am not at home I am over there doing something else.
Never mind hey, one day!!!.
I like to sit and enter a few comps
I love entering as much as winning. x
When I have a spare 5 mins, I normally give my Mum a call. We don’t talk as much as I would like but are very close. Its nice to have a chat and catch up on any gossip
Hope my comment is just waiting moderation, if not if I had 5 minutes to myself I love simply basking in the silence
When I have 5 minutes peace and quiet I actually just like to sit and bask in the silence… heaven!
I like to watch the birds in the garden
When I get five minutes peace and quiet I like to sit down in theconservatry and watch the birds in the garden
Sit down, have a cup of tea and catch up with the news on TV
If I have 5 minutes spare I grab some me time on the internet !
Put my feet up and eat some chocolate!
When I have 5 miniutes : make a cuppa!
What a fabulous prize and what a lovely lot of entries! When I get 5 minutes to myself I tend to sneak into the kitchen and eat biscuits whilst catching up with twitter.
“I entered to win an #LGdirectdrive 11 kg washing machine with @scottish_mum and
When I have five minutes peace and quiet, I like to…….”
Take a Look through my Telescope and in awe..
have a Window upon
Our Beautiful Universe….
And following too @sweetfame205
Thank you for the great competition
Left a comment and Tweeted @sweetfame205

When I have five minutes peace and quiet, I like to..Cheat
I usually tuck into some housework (sometimes pretend housework) This way everyone knows that mummy is busy so no one is bothering me for a good 30 min..Perfect!
When I have 5 minutes of peace I like to fill out with a nice hot cuppa!
When I have 5 minutes peace, I make a cuppa, grab a magazine and chill!
When I have 5 minutes peace I make myself a cuppa, grab a magazine and chill!
When I have five minutes peace and quiet, I like to take the dogs out for a walk along the beach close to my home…..bliss!!
When I have 5 mins peace and quiet – I usually miss it, since by then I’ve passed out from the lack of screaming children and only wake up startled a few minutes later as the drooling I’ve been doing in my exhausted slumber, upright on the couch or at the dinner table has soaked through my shirt.
With a full time job, and 2 rambunctious boys 4 and 6 – who still jump into bed with me at different times during the night, peace and quiet and private bathroom trips are a luxury almost unheard of.
Should I happen to win this lovely prize, my clothes would be sweet smelling, my life more organized and perhaps the absence of noise would soothe my children to sleep at an earlier bedtime – thus leaving me some free time for peach, quiet and a little me time.
When I have five minutes peace and quiet, I like to …. sit down and drink a whole cup of coffee, I make coffee during the day but never usually get to drink a full cup, what a pleasure it is to enjoy a cup to the end
When I get five minutes peace and quiet I pinch myself to see if its a dream!
when i get a spare 5 minutes i like to put my feet up with a cuppa and a huge bar of chocolate tha i don’t have to share and just watch rubbish on th telly and totally chillax
five minutes peace and quiet? whats that?
but really….i drink tea and tweet
Tweet the following “l entered to win an #LGdirectdrive 11kg washing machine with @scottish_mumand@apponline
When I have five minutes peace and quiet, I like to take the children and the dog out for a walk down the local green and believe me ,by the time we get back a good washing machine is definitely in need !
When U have a spare five minutes I like to have a cup of tea and flick through a fashion magazine.
Have tweeeted I entered to win an #LGdirectdrive 11 kg washing machine with @scottish_mum and @apponline”
I like to sit with my feet up and paint my nails
I tweeted before I came to the blog @bonestormer13
When I have five minutes peace and quiet, I like to…….Catch up on the mountain of Neighbours in the sky + planner…
When I have five minutes peace and quiet I like to do absolutely nothing? With a coffee.
on the rare occasion both my boys fall asleep at the same time, i put my feet up & get my needles out………..
………..knitting needles that is!! i love it, my new hobby & challenge is to knit myself a whole new wardrobe for the family
Just need a decent washing machine to make sure my masterpieces are not ruined!
em xxx
I have a 16 months old baby who lives on my hips, when I have 5 minutes to myself, I’d like to have a nice coffee and read a magazine, but in reality I end up doing laundry, sorting out toys and tinkering with twitter. Tonight I spent 15 minutes of me time cleaning some gunky stuff out of my washing machine plastic thingy, so you see why I am entering this… I tweeted too, wish me luck
Five minutes peace? Oh I’d read a book and drink a nice cuppa tea, the simple pleasures in life
almost forgot! when I have 5 minutes spare I like to snuggle up on the sofa with my 2 Border Collies
following via GFC and Twitter @freyerj
“I entered to win an #LGdirectdrive 11 kg washing machine with @scottish_mum and @apponline”
I like to relax with a glass of wine, a good book and aromatherapy oils burning
When I have five minutes peace and quiet, I like to write. In front of a good film with a lovely glass of wine!
Off to tweet from @Moolboots
When I have five minutes peace and quiet, I like to listen very carefully to try to work out why on earth my three little mischevious girlies are being so quiet?!
When I have five minutes peace and quiet, I like to … pick up a good book and read it
Soak in the bath, with some candles & classical music!
Soak in the bathe, with some candles & classical music!
Sit with a nice milky coffee (one sugar), Radio 2 on in the background and read the newspaper – ahhh bliss, love me some me time!
When i have 5 minutes peace and quiet im crazy and like to do cleaning
my husband thinks im mad and people constantly tell me to sit down but the funny thing is i actually enjoy to clean and know my house is very tidy.
Have a nice warm bath with lots of bubbles and a nice cold glass of wine
And I’ve tweeted
I’ve entered via raffle copter – first time I’ve done one of those!
In the unlikely event of having five minutes peace … I like to cross stich!
Emma Clement (@beachpebble)
I love to read when I get 5 minutes peace
When I have five minutes peace and quiet I like to look at family photographs. I keep all my best ones close to hand and I love to look at the happy faces in them.
I love to read when I get 5 minutes peace.
[and I tweeted too]
When I have five minutes peace and quiet, I like to take a couple of photographs, just to relax.
When I have five minutes peace and quiet, I like to have a boiling hot bubble bath, chocolate and a big glass of wine
In my quiet 5 minutes, I surf the net – but if I sneak some more time I make cupcakes!!
I love nothing more than snuggling up to my dog & having the remote control for a change when OH is asleep!!
Read a book with a warm cup of coffee.
When I have five minutes peace and quiet, I like to have a cup of coffee, a chocolate bar and catch up on my favourite blogs. The simple pleasures in life are the best!
I like to have a nice relaxing bath with no interuptions.
Kick back with a beer and watch a good war film.
When I have five minutes peace and quiet, I like to sit and watch my favourite show, The Big Bang Theory/
I like to sit down with a cup of tea and whatever book I happen to be reading – just a few minutes of peaceful escapism!
If I get five minutes I like to sit down with a good book and a mug of proper coffee although I never want to get back to work again after doing this. Liked on facebook and following on Twitter @IckiePooh
When I have 5 minutes peace and quiet I like to jump on Twitter and check out what everyone else is doing with their 5 minutes.
When I have five minutes peace and quiet, I like to…remember about what it was like when I was a crazy teenager and if possible go to the loo (without my children).
I like to flick through a trashy magazine!
I like to sit and flick through a trashy magazine
I like to read a good book
When I have five minutes peace and quiet i like to surf the net!
When I have five minutes peace, I like to snuggle up to one of my five cats. A five minutes well spent!
When I have five minutes peace and quiet, I like to read my Kindle – or at least order some samples to read when I have longer than five minutes.
I like to jump on my lappy and do virtual window shopping
When I have five minutes peace and quiet, I like to……. 5 minutes peace? If only LOL! I have 7 kids & I’m expecting #8 any minute so I don’t really get to sit down in the day time! I don’t mind though because my kids are my whole life. When I finally get to sit down in the evenings (usually round 11-12pm!) I lie down on my comfy sofa with a hot cup of tea, pull a big fluffy blanket over myself & put the laptop on the coffee table next to me & try to catch up with some of my emails & stuff. My toddler daughter who usually doses in the living room until we put her to bed at the same time as us, comes & snuggles up next to me getting herself under the other end of the blanket & goes back to sleep again – so I get the best of everything, me time, laptop time & a nice cuddle!
When I have five minutes peace I like to sit and read a book – not that ive had 5 minutes in ages as im still only on page 5 of a book i started 3 months ago!
when i have 5 mins i like to sit with a hot cup of kenco coffe and a betty’s fat rascal..mmmmmm……….
When I have 5 minutes peace I like to close my eyes and dream of lovely Yossi delivering me a fantastic new Washing Machine; if that doesn’t do the trick a 5 minute stroll outside with the fresh air blasting at me usually helps:)
Followed both on twitter and tweeted. I’m @WrightH
Followed both of you on twitter and tweeted!
5 minutes peace…I think I like to just enjoy 5 minutes peace and not do anything at all
sit down and have a cup of tea…..simple but essentail
“When I have five minutes peace and quiet, I like to sip a glass of wine and totally tune out all noises.”
When I have a spare 5 minutes I like to pick up my knitting and sit in a big comfy chair and just relax, this helps my depression no end as I am a busy full time carer and student nurse with a large family <3
If i got 5 mins to me i’m sure i would probably fall asleep on sofa!!!
@buttonf1fan on twits
When i have five minutes peace to myself (which is rare with 4 kids!) i sit with a cup of tea and a magazine
When l have 5 minutes spare l like to go and have a big bubble bath lots smellys and pampering spend a few hours doing all the things that you never get time for its bliss to have this time and the satifaction you get its so nice afterwards to feel so soft and smelly put some soft PJS on cuddle up on settee and watch a slushy film what a difference it makes you feel. .
tweeted the following
“I entered to win an #LGdirectdrive 11 kg washing machine with @scottish_mum and @apponline”
l have followed and tweeted
When I have five minutes peace and quiet, I like to… catch up with the umpteen blog posts I should have written, and the umpty-thousand I haven’t read yet!
When I have five minutes peace and quiet, I like to make myself a large mug of steaming coffee and settle down in front of my lap top, checking out Appliances Online…to decide what appliances I am going to purchase for my new kitchen/utility extension that we are having built to make my life easier as I have had a number of spinal operations due to an accident and I can no longer use our old small kitchen and it’s appliances.
When I have five minutes peace I like to sit down and snuggle up with the duvet on the sofa to watch a good film.
Kids are out today, so me and hubby just enjoyed a nice saturday afternoon movie. Was bliss!
when i have 5 minutes i like to read a book
When I have five minutes peace and quiet, I like to just brose the internet a bit and try not to think about the 5726527527 toys in the living room and mountains of washing in the kitchen
11kgs is my DREAM! 
Put my feet up and have a cup of tea.
I like to Read the Television Guide & Circle the Programs I intend to watch!
Tweeted @cherylmoulton1
Catch upon my reading – bliss <3
I have tweeted here : !/Rugbylovingmum/status/168279604732239872
Make sure you entered your tweet url to rafflecopter to count.
When I have five minutes peace and quiet, I like to have a cup of tea and listen to Radio 2 (I’m getting old)!
I’ve tweeted as @HelpfulMum
Tweeted too
When I have five minutes peace and quiet, I like to sit with my kindle and read.
….just close my eyes and daydream a little!
When I have 5 minuites peace and quiet I like to make myself a cuppa and put my feet up
tweeted I entered to win an #LGdirectdrive 11 kg washing machine with @scottish_mum and @apponline.
sorry i have posted my first part 3 times as I thought it didn’t go through
Thats ok.
When I have five minutes peace and quiet, I like to sit with a nice coffee a couple of biscuits and just relax
I like a nice cup of tea and maybe a piece of Cake
I like to have a nice cup of tea and maybe a piece of cake
sit and have a nice quiet cup of tea and possibly a cake
When I have 5 minutes peace and quiet I like to sit down and relax with my husband with a nice cup of tea
i like to sit with a cuppa tea and enter competitions.
When I have five minutes peace and quiet, I like to curl up on the sofa with my two cats and read a book.
Have a big bubbly bath!
Nice intresting comp!
Thank you.
tweeted @tamalyn1 xx
I like to watch my baby girl sleeping, She’s perfect!
run a nice relaxing bath, grab a book and layback, unwind and relax. doesnt happen too often tho with 3 children. xx
A tweet for you too @VJeanBrown
When i have 5 minutes peace and quiet I have a nice cup of coffee and read a magazine don’t get many chances to sit down and read during the day thank you for the comp.
The houseworks not done
And no laundry too.
But with five minutes peace
I can catch up with you !
When I have 5 minutes peace and quiet I like to have a cup of coffee sit at my wee chair at the window & watch the world go by, so tranquil xx (have RT from @misskatietweet ) xx
When I have 5 minutes peace and quiet I like to… read a blog! Or a book
When I have five minutes peace and quiet, I like to ..
Enjoy a Quick cup of Tea
Or check in a mirror too see i’m still Me!
Soak in a Bath or Watch a TV Soap
Lord I’d be lucky – But there’s always Hope.
I’d read a recent Magazine
Or Browse the online shops.
I’d enjoy every minute
Dreasing the time it stops.
I’d check out my friends on Facebook
Say “Hi” To Yossi from Appliance Online
I’d dream of the day,The name they call is Mine.
There’s lots of things I’d do, If I had 5 minutes peace.
Oh I almost forgot one – I’d have a midnight feast
Alison Smith Tweet the following : “I entered to win an #LGdirectdrive 11 kg washing machine with @scottish_mum and @apponline”
when i have 5 mins spare I like to pamper me.. like paint my nails or put on a face mask!
When I have five minutes peace and quiet, I like to do nothing! To just stop and sit down on the sofa with my feet up on the coffee table for just a few minutes is so good for my soul and mind. Quiet, peaceful, I dont have to think of anything or do anything, just sit down and relax …. bliss! x
When I have five minutes peace and quiet, I like to…….try and make my long neglected fingernails look more presentable. Sadly they get forgotten about all too often.
When I have five minutes peace…… what’s that? IF I ever get five minutes peace I’ll tell you!!
… read a book in the hopes of finally reaching the end of one in time for my book club meeting!
when i have five minutes peace i like to browse the internet
When I have five minutes peace and quiet .I like to enter competitions, and fill my thoughts with Hopes, Wishes and Dreams. xx
When I have five minutes peace and quiet, I like to make a cup of tea and put my feet up!
Leave a comment on this blog, to tell me the answer to this question “When I have five minutes peace and quiet, I like to to dream winning LG Direct Drive 11kg washing machine
dream of winning a washing machine..
I like to rest my sore hip and put my feet up while having a hot, black coffee. I guess I deserve that with 5 kids and loads of daily laundry.
When I have five minutes peace I like to shoot some zombies! But that’s just me…
Tweeted message @glennhutton
watch the birds in the garden
close my eyes and dream of a beach in a warm climate!
i luv to sit in the garden and watch the birds
When I have five minutes peace and quiet, I like to unwind with chocolate, cup of tea and my hubby snuggled up to me on the sofa. Peace at the end of a long day
Relax in a hot bubble bath with a good book.
…READ A BOOK. Obviously not the WHOLE book, that would be amazing!
When I have a spare five minutes I like to listen to a piece of music to fit my mood.
When I have five minutes peace and quiet
It’s really quite a treat
A chance to clear my head of thoughts
And rest my wearied feet
A fresh brewed coffee
My favourite chair
To just sit and think
Is really quite rare
When I get five minutes peace i like to relax with a good book and a mug of hot chocolate.
When I have five minutes peace and quiet, I like to have a cuppa and lotsa choccy biscuits x
When I have five minutes peace and quiet, I like to make a cup of tea, grab my kindle ad snuggle up on the sofa.
When I have five minutes peace and quiet, I like to find trawl the interweb hoping to find great sites like this one.
Hmm, what would I do with five minutes, have a cuppa and shovel in loads of biscuits xx
When I have 5 minutes spare, I like to sink into the sofa with a coffee and KitKat, relax and contemplate/evaluate my life …
Oooh, this is a rare occasion in our house, but when I do get them a couple of times a day, I have a coffee and some cake or biscuits and chill for 5, then resume either my cleaning, running around or other crazy task.
When I have 5 minutes, I like so sink into the sofa with a coffee and KitKat and contemplate my life …
sit & relax in my recliner cuddling a cat
When I have 5 minutes peace I like to sit with a coffee and read my Practical Classics magazine
Tweeted about your giveaway here: !/xxfluffywhitexx/status/168266370964926464 as @xxfluffywhitexx
Kayleigh, did you use rafflecopter to log your tweet entry. I am asking as you have put your tweet url here.
When I have 5 minutes peace and quiet I like to sit an read a book with a mug of hot coffee.
When I have 5 minutes peace and quiet I like to soak in a hot bubble bath with a good book
Tweeted @LindyHine
When I have 5 minutes peace I – paint my fingernails bright red! It gives me a feeling of being exotic and slightly decadent – even though I know it’s going to chip off soon when I get started on the housework!
I like to put my feet up with a cup of tea and the biscuit tin and dunk away in peace
Read a book.
When I get five minutes peace I like to call my friend to catch up and have a good girly gossip.
I like to sit on my garden bench and gaze at the fish in my pond
Tweeted @psychicsheep
When I have five minutes to myself I love to play my guitar and sing hopelessly out of tune.
I like to jump in a deep bath and have a quick soak
Sit in the garden
I go to a far off tropical destination.I am the of the boardroom.I am queen of the catwalk.I am a size zero singleton.I spend my lottery winningsAll this in 5 minutes peace and quiet time.How do you ask?
Its my 5 minutes daydream time! And its mine all mine !
Then at the end its back to the full time job of mum/domestic engineer!
When l get 5 minute’s spare l like to sit down with a cuppa & do a few row’s of knitting,l am doing lot’s at the moment for my baby Grandaughter! Have tweeted as well.
I tweety tweeted too!
When I have 5 minutes peace and quiet,
(when my two toddlers aren’t causing a riot)
I like to have a piece of cake (or two!)
With a coffee and a chill, but by minute two,
I’m answering parenting emails, blogging or cleaning,
Advising on sleeping, routines or weaning,
I wouldn’t have it any other way,
But winning this washing machine would make my day!
Simples x
I have tweeted as requested! @tracyknixon
Thank you!
When I have five minutes peace and quiet, I like to catch up on reading my favourite blogs with a latte and a shortbread finger!
Tweeted too @lisanorfolk
When I have 5 minutes peace I like to sit and read through interesting blogs and read all about others lives
to think of a warm quiet beach! ;0)
I like to ring my big brothers and find out what they and their children are up to. We live so far away we hardly see each other and I prefer to chat to them rather than a quick text. It’s lovely to hear their voices too and laugh about things we did as kids.
I like to sit quietly, no tv, no laptop, no phone, just close my eyes and listen to the peace and quiet! It doesn’t happen very often so I like to cherish every moment!
When I have five minutes peace and quiet, I like to read a book
When I have five minutes peace and quiet, I like to read
Great competition x
Thank you. Glad you are all enjoying it. x
When I have five minutes peace and quiet, I like to sit in front of the coal fire with a cup of tea, bliss.
When I have five minutes peace and quiet, I like to read some blogs, cake wrecks is my favourite, or I’m more likely to stick a load of washing on or empty the dishwasher. I love a can of coke, which is my guilty pleasure with a bit of cake when I’m being extra naughty, so sometimes just crashing with that is all I do! Like most mums there’s always something that needs to be cleaned / tidyed / put away / fixed / done.
When I have five minutes peace and quiet, I like to have a lovely cuppa tea, do some cross stitch and cuddle up with my husband.
When I have five minutes peace and quiet, I like to sit down with my husband and talk about our favourite moments of the day.
when I get five minutes of peace and quiet, I tend to fall asleep. Sad but true. Sleep is the biggest luxury for me- so whilst the dishwasher washes dishes, the washing machine washes clothes and the dog cleans the kitchen floor, I like to close me eyes and imagine a whole night of unadulterated sleep.
When I get 5 minutes peace I like to take the time to give my kids a big hug. Sometimes life can be so busy with school runs and activites, work and keeping the house I forget to appreciate them. So that’s what I would do.
what a lovely lot of entries. when I have 5 minutes peace and quiet I like to catch up on twitter with a large frothy coffee in the morning or a G&T in the evening! Hum, I spend rather a lot of time on twitter, perhaps I am making too many 5 minutes in my day!! A hot bath instead of a quick shower has to be up there too for best 5 minutes! Thank you for a great competition. Am I sad to get so excited over a washing machine?
No, you are not sad, I got hugely excited for just hosting it. Good luck to all.
When I have five minutes…I wish. In between trying to organise trying to find some work, somehow volunteering myself to help organise the Morecambe Variety Festival, dealing with the whims of a thirteen year old and all her demanding neccessities, coping with a family scattered all over Europe and functioning in two languages (of which not everyone speaks both)…I generally collapse with exhaustion and an unread book on my lap!
When I have five minutes peace and quiet, I like to…play a number puzzle! I find it focusses me, stops me from worrying about everything that is winding me up, and if I play it just before I settle down to sleep my brain seems to carry on playing it, works better than counting sheep! (I am using a game called Drop 7 at the moment, try it!)
Well, when I’ve got a spare 5 minutes, sitting down with my Kindle is a must!
Five little minutes so I can just pee in peace. But, I’m thinking that the only way this is going to happen is if I build a secret bathroom that no one else knows about. Okay, and so maybe I’d like twenty minutes instead of five . . . you know, so I can shower in peace, too.
Ever since Ewan could crawl, my time in the bathroom hasn’t been my own. I thought that, as he got older, it would get better, but it hasn’t. Before, I would have to take him in the bathroom with me while I showered so I could keep an eye on him. Now, he’s more than capable of staying in the living room and playing with his toys while I shower, but that doesn’t happen. It seems that once I turn that water on, he suddenly has a million things he needs to ask me, tell me, or show me. And, he has no problem flinging open the bathroom door and ripping back the shower curtain in order to do so.
When I have five minutes peace and quiet, I *like* to catch up on tweets and blogs, in reality when I have five minutes peace and quiet I end up doing a quick bit of washing up, putting a load of washing on, or flicking a duster around!
When I get 5 minutes peace and quiet then I like to daydream of warm sunny days where the dirty washing is magically transported off the 2 sporty teenagers bedroom floors into the washing machine to be lovingly washed in a shiny new machine which will hold more washing than I can ever dream of, so quietly and efficiently….then I’ll come back down to earth with a bump and go and hang the washing out!
When i have five minutes to spare there is only one thing to do, cup of tea, and a digestive. Good job there is never more than five minutes or there would be a need for extra biscuits.
When I have 5 minutes peace I write lists, I have several on the go on my phone, proper written ones, but there are many more in my head. There are some things on the lists that never quite make it to the top (cleaning behind the fridge) the lists mean on a busy, tired, running on empty days I can do stuff without having to think about it. They are in a way my relaxation as it means I can stop that part of my brain for a bit
Would love to win, my washing machine is getting pretty old and if I win this I know a lovely lady I can pass mine onto, that would make both our days!
When I have 5 minutes peace and quiet I am juststarting to learnto enjoy it and sit down, relax and savour the moment. This has taken me 38 years of manic behaviour to realise that it is important to relax and have downtime too.
Mich x
A true 5 minutes to myself is quite rare so when I get them I push all thoughts of housework, laundry, tidying and exercise to the darkest corner of my mind…. and then I make myself a cafetiere and put my feet up with a huge mug of coffee, a piece of short bread and a good book. Bliss.
I would kill for this especially as mine broke this week. I like to craft and find that I am coming to my craft cave more and more when I have a spare five mins
When I have five minutes peace and quiet, I like to grab a cup of tea and enjoy the peace whilst catching up on twitter.
when I get 5 minutes peace, I run a bubble bath….only then I need another 30 mins to enjoy it!!!! darn!
Depends how the mood takes me: read, tweet or simply nothing at all.
have a nice long bath!
When I have five minutes peace and quiet, I like to read my favourite book on my Kindle with a nice cup of coffee or Ovaltine in the evening. However it doesn’t happen as often as I would like but when it does, I feel so relaxed!
When I get five minutes peace and quiet I try to get down to the end of my garden where my seat is and just sit and listen to the quietWinter or summer as long as its dry i go and sit and do nothingx
When I get five minutes peace and quiet I try not to feel guilty about spending time doing what I want to do instead of housework or other jobs I really should be doing.
When I have five minutes peace and quiet, I enjoy a cup of coffee and a chocolate biscuit. A lovely treat.
When I get 5 minutes spare time i like to hae a nice relaxing bath that isn’t punctuated by bangs in the door or shouts of “mummy” through the door!!
When I have five minutes peace and quiet, I like to……. read a book whilst drinking a glass of wine
When I have five minutes peace and quiet, I like to …. well that would be something wouldn’t it, you mean people actually get five whole minutes of peace and quiet… what would I do if I ever had five whole minutes that weren’t filled with tweeting, blogging, kids, hubby, cooking, shopping, washing up, doing the housework, entering lovely competitions … well I dont think I would even know what to do. I would more than likely do more of the above.
When I have five minutes peace and quiet, I like to catch up on the news
When I have five minutes peace and quiet, I like to……. have a lovely cup of coffee and catch up on twitter or my blog
When I have five minutes peace and quiet I like to watch Judge Judy, drink tea, eat biscuits and play Free Cell on the laptop all at the same time.
When I have 5 mins peace I decided to check out ur page and I liked what a saw