We have an allotment, but we call it the plot. It’s great for the kids and it means they get to know the origins of our fruit and vegetables in life. It’s good for middler as he gets to potter in dirt and keeps the garden for being a garden. It also means the hub can take a child or three now and then to give me a bit of peace.
I wrote about the plot first here, where the old shed that stood on it was falling down and in a terrible state. You can also see the completely overgrown plot area where the people are all trampling over. It seemed to be mostly carpet sewn into grass and earth.
Last year, I wrote about it as it moved along here. This year I am hoping to get many more and better pictures as our goodies grow.
The man built a new shed rather than buy one as he wanted a sturdy wee box to live in while he is there.
Here’s how we’re shaping up so far this year. Peas are in, as are strawberries, rhubarb, some potatoes, cabbage, lettuce, onions and leeks.
I can’t persuade him to put in blackberries or raspberries and since I don’t plan tending the plot myself this year, I think I’ll have to do without.
Potatoes, neeps and carrots still have to be finished, and we have lots of different herbs this year.
I think there are even some melons on the go, as well as cucumbers and marrows, but we’ll just have to see if he manages to grow those.
I just hope we don’t get too much nicked this year. That really winds me up when people just come to take the harvest when they don’t bother to do any work for themselves. It’s also seems to be one of the biggest reasons that people give up their allotments.
They trash things they can’t take in the process of stealing the crops, so we tend to harvest early and have smaller fruit and veg than they would be if they were fully grown.
Great blog. 🙂