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Plot grown. The man does it after work and at weekends sometimes. He just pops in for half an hour now and then so not a huge commitment. Good for keeping a child or two occupied instead of parks and spending money in the cinema etc too.
Everyone was pulling their veges this weekend as the thieving toerags have begun to invade and help themselves to as much as they can carry. Hate how awful the veggie nickers are.
Aww how lovely, I bet they taste great
Homegrown are the best – I bet they were tasty.
Lovely when you grow your own, fab photo!
Homegrown :0) I wish I have the time and space to do this.
Plot grown. The man does it after work and at weekends sometimes. He just pops in for half an hour now and then so not a huge commitment. Good for keeping a child or two occupied instead of parks and spending money in the cinema etc too.
oooh you got loads, I managed one. I think the snails ate them
Everyone was pulling their veges this weekend as the thieving toerags have begun to invade and help themselves to as much as they can carry. Hate how awful the veggie nickers are.
Ooh, a bumper crop!
It really was
Oooooo, pulled from your own garden?
From our plot.
Now they look fabulous. I bet they’ll taste AMAZING
They really did taste amazing. Really sweet.
mine never got that big.what a great haul.
They were fabulous. Actually not that many left.
Nothing like a bunch of freshly picked carrots
They’re really fabulous.
Wow lots of carrots, my rabbits would love these xx
The gerbils had a wee nibble and liked them too.
Ohh fab!!
Really nice, thanks.
My little sister always said “dirty carrots” tested better when we were little!
They really do taste so much better than in the shops. We steamed them and they were fab.
That’s a lot of carrots!! Bet they’re going to taste great!
They tasted amazing. So sweet.
Oooh yummy, that’s quite a haul you have there!
And there were very few left after yesterday.
Oh, lovely! Home grown?
Grown at the plot, but lovely.