I don’t know about everyone else, but when my boys get their feet in a pair of trainers, they really don’t last for terribly long. The hardwearing ground they pound daily – along with endless hard leather ball kicking takes its toll on cheap trainers, and they tend to last less than a fortnight.
Along with tree climbing, scooter ground trailing and plain old kick your heels off the chair trauma, it’s no wonder that we tend to through loads of pairs of the things.
I was the typical bad mum at the start of winter. After buying a fresh pair of supermarket trainers for one of my boys, I put his foot clothing out of my mind, only to be faced with a tough nut of a friends mother phoning me a few days later and giving me a hard time over the state of his trainers that had come apart from the sole to the heel and flapped as he walked.
Mortified, I went to pick him up and found him with trainers so badly used that they looked like they were more than 6 years old, let alone the 6 days old that they actually were. I don’t know who those trainers were made for, but it wasn’t for active kids.
I try, whenever I can to get a pair that I know are going to last the test of time. Our local Clarks store in the Mothercare branch stop at size 2, so I’d got out of the habit of looking for Clarks shoes, although I think my kids lived in them until they outgrew the sizes in our local shop.
Being offered a pair of Clarks to try for my eldest was a lovely chance to try the old kind of shoes we used to buy for the kids. He chose the In-Play Blue Combi Sports Shoes and he seemed tickled pink to get trainers like he used to wear as a wee tootie.
They arrived really quickly, and somehow I have managed to lose the PR’s e-mail address so I am sorry for not being able to thank her in person.
Eldest is chuffed to bits as they have strong toes which are perfect for playing footie with.
He’s tickled pink as the shoes are really very trendy and the bright colours sit well with him.
Now I know it’s easy enough to order from their website, I can see there will be some more Clarks coming back into our house.
I’ve actually missed them this last couple of years as they lasted so well when my kids were little, so I really would like to hug the PR, but unfortunately, I can’t get back in touch. If you know her, could you point her in my direction so I can say thanks.
Disclaimer: We were sent Clarks In Play Blue Combi Leather Sports Shoes to Review
That’s a shame. My boy was happy as larry with his.
Those are some superfly trainers!
He loves them, and the littlest wants a pair too.
Defintely cool. I am afraid I fall into the supermarket-fall-to-pieces in a week brigade, but am sure I will be swayed by child/peer pressure shortly!
How does the sizing/fitting work with the online ordering?
I just ordered in the size that I know my boys feet were. I haven’t looked to see if Clarks have a fitting guide, but might be worth asking them. I got a measuring guide from Start-Rite when my kids were little and I still use that for rule of thumb as it’s quite accurate and seems to work with Clarks sizing too. It works up to adults sizes as well which was good for me.