Thank you to the lovely Mummy Musings for tagging me in this meme.
This meme originated from Lauren of The Real Housewife of Suffolk County.
So here is the A-Z of me!
ANORAK…Do you have a sad side?
I remember what people tell me and I seem to be able to tell when they are telling white lies. It means I get a red face when I know that someone is standing in front of me telling me a lie about why they have changed their mind about something or are making excuses and then they think I have something to hide.
BODY…What physical attribute would you most like to change?
My size and weight battle. It’s been a life long issue for me. I am a sugar and carb addict.
CELEBRITY…Which one would you most like to date and why?
I agree with Mummy Musings – Robbie Williams. What’s not to like there.
DEBUT …Tell us about your first ever blog post. What made you start blogging?
I can’t remember my first blog post, as I lost my first blog, but I remember I began blogging as a way of venting, and then found the fantastic community out there who blog and talk to each other.
ERROR …What’s been your biggest regret?
I have a few. I think most of us have them by the time they get to 40 +. One of them would be the fact that I didn’t stand up to a bully when I was 25. Every so often, I think about what I could have done or said, but hey ho, that’s life.
FUNNY – who’s making you laugh?
My lovely blind dog makes me laugh a lot. She still does silly things to get attention. I don’t know how the boys are going to cope when she goes.
GRAND…If we gave you one right now what would you spend it on?
Easy – I’d get my eldest son some help at school.
HOLIDAY… What’s your favourite destination?
I am going to be a bit boring here. Anywhere that my family is.
IRRITATE… What’s your most annoying habit?
My bad habit of repeating what I say. It drives me nuts, so I don’t know what it does to other people who have to listen to it. I can’t stop.
JOKER…Whats your favourite joke {the one that makes you laugh everytime you hear it}?
I can’t think of anything that isn’t a joke my kids have told and some are not printable, so I’ll keep those to myself.
KENNEL… Do you have any pets?
1 lovely blind lab, and 1 needy and haughty ex wild cat
LOVE…Are you single, married, engaged, living with a long term partner?
Married 16 or 17 years. Can’t remember which year we got married, I never can.
MEAL… Whats your ultimate starter, main and dessert?
Starter – Melon and Grapes or Breaded Garlic Mushrooms with Mayo (depending on the diet), Main – Anything that has no meat or peppers in it. Dessert – Easy, cheesecake anything.
NOW…If you could be anywhere right now where would you be and who with?
In a relaxing spa retreat on my own with a kindle full of books……….
OFF DUTY…What do you do in your spare time?
Blog, tweet, read & the odd day out. Hmmm, I think that is common among blogger, tweeter, readers.
PROUD MOMENTS …What are you most proud of?
My Degree.
QUEASY …What turns your stomach?
The smell when people or animals pass wind or vomit. “you did ask”
RELAX…How do you relax?
Tweeting, Reading, Blogging
SONG…Whats your favourite song of all time?
Robbie Williams – Angels
TIME …If you could go back in time and relive it again, when would you choose?
From age 24, as long as I know what I know now.
UNKNOWN…Tell us something about yourself that no one else knows?
My weight. You didn’t think I was going to tell you, did you. I don’t even know.
VOCAL…. Who is your favourite artist?
Robbie Williams tho I think Matt Cardle is coming a close second if he could get some better songs to sing.
WORK….. What is your dream job, and are you doing it now?
Not doing it just now. What I do for free would be nice to get paid for though.
XRAY…Any broken bones?
Arm, Leg and Nose. All as a child and nothing as an adult (yet) *touch wood*
YIKES…What’s been your most embarrassing moment?
I can’t tell you that, it’s too embarrassing.
ZOO…. If you were an animal, which one would you be?
A contented, well loved and well looked after dog. I treasure loyalty.
And now I have to tag some other victims bloggers to take part in this meme.
A very similar post I did is here.
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