What is in a label?
If I had a £ for everyone who said that they didn’t want their child labelled, I’d be doing quite nicely by now thank you. I have to wonder why we have such an aversion to labels, or names, or public affirmation of issues. Many do accept the labels their children are tagged under, but for every one who does, there are many who don’t.
– Is it a Scottish thing?
– Is it a larger than life British thing?
– Is it one of those stiff upper lip Britishisms that has us refusing to admit that our children may “have” something.
– Might it be that we might be blamed for it if they do?
– Could it be that we are in denial and don’t want to admit there is something wrong with our children?
– Should it be that we ignore what is right in front of our eyes?
Isn’t a label a reason for people to call our children stupid, or thick, or spazzer, or idiot, or dumbo, or something else as equally offensive?
Perhaps denying that there is anything specifically wrong means that we don’t have to face the problems that are staring us straight in the face. Keeping the denial going means that we can pretend we have the illusion of a perfect family can’t we?
– What if we use the label?
– What if other people learn about the condition that a child has been labelled with?
– What if the label teaches others patience.
– What if the label means that academics and medial staff have to take notice and provide some help.
What is so wrong with having a label? I have endometriosis, I was infertile and I am a food addict. I am not ashamed of any of those so why do I hide them in real life?
My children now have labels. In my stupidity when they were younger, I remember hearing the most ridiculous words coming out of my mouth. I would start by saying ” I know he has issues, but I don’t want him to go through life with a label.”
Nobody will fight our choices if we choose not to have, or to use the labels, but at what cost to our children? Are the labels beneficial to them and are we really just digging our heads in the sand and hoping it will all work out alright in the end?
Why is it so wrong for so many to have their child come under a label?
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