Update 27/6/12 – Olivia has flown back to the UK from Mexico.
Update: Over £140,000 has been raised so far and the plane is on it’s way to get her. Hopefully she is released from hospital in Tijuana and can come home with her family.
This is Olivia. She is 7 years old and she has neuroblastoma, which is a form of cancer. She lives in Aberdeenshire in Scotland, so it is my neck of the woods.
SHE NEEDS OUR HELP TO GET HOME – Her parents are only allowed to spend 45 minutes a day with her in Mexico.
Could you imagine being in the position of having a very sick child who is stuck in a foreign country after taking a turn for the worse? It might never happen to us, but it has happened to Olivia and her family.
She is now so gravely ill that she cannot be flown home on a chartered flight, and needs specialist help to get back as she is dying. Her family can’t afford to get her home again, and there is a just giving page set up to enable them to raise enough cash to take Olivia home.
As at 4pm tonight, the fund is sitting at £79,000 and it needs to get to £110,000 to get her home.
If you have a few pounds to spare, please visit her just giving page at Olivia Downie Appeal.
You can donate by text. Text OLIV95 and your amount £1 – £10 to 70070.
Head on over to the Appeal page and leave what you can and pass it on using one of the two twitter hashtags on the go #getoliviahome #bringoliviahome
Olivia hasn’t got long, I am hoping everyone can get her home.
If you don’t have the money to donate to the appeal, please tweet, facebook, digg, stumbleupon, reddit and more.
Don’t comment here, go and visit the just giving page. Olivia Downie Appeal.
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