I have been tagged by @jontybabe AND @helloitsgemma on twitter. They are getting me back for tagging them last week (only kidding).
Fill in the blanks is as it sounds. A list of words that I have to fill in the blanks of.
I am…
Trying to be the best mum that I can be. I know I am not perfect. I know my kids actually wish me out of the way at times, and I know that sometimes I get things wrong. It doesn’t stop me trying though, and maybe, one day, my kids will understand that there are rules for their own good.
The bravest thing I’ve ever done…
I’m not very brave. I will challenge things that I don’t think are right, but I am not a gung ho type of person, not any more. The kids took care of that. In fact, bringing 3 children into my life was probably my bravest feat.
I feel prettiest…
Now this is predictable and corny for me. Easy – I feel prettiest when I am thin, and on the day I get my hair coloured. At the moment, the first is out of the equation, but the second was done last week, so I’m still feeling slightly confident.
Something that keeps me awake at night…
Education struggles for one of my children and my childrens special needs sometimes does keep me awake for hours at a time.
My favourite meal is…
I don’t particularly have a favourite meal. I have a love/hate relationship with food, but if pushed, it would swing from (proper) stovies with baked beans, milk and oatcakes, to chicken risotto.
The way to my heart is…
Through my children. Treat them well, and my heart goes out to you.
I would like to be…
A fly on the wall in the education and council departments as they make swathing cuts to childrens services.
i made using a 500g carrot, broccoli and caulflower medley bag plus a stock cube and 450ml of water. Then…
Thanks for this, very informative. Ralph in Dunoon, Western Scotland
Rutabaga was called "rotabagge" in a specific part of Sweden, but it is not (and was never) the common swedish…