Traditionally in Scotland, Rumpledethumps recipes tend to be potatoes, turnip and other left over veg form the day before. It can actually be used to use up any leftovers at all, in a similar way to the English Bubble and Squeak Recipe, or the Irish Colcannon. There are a few times that I’ve wondered what Colcannon is, and now I know.
The one biggest ingredient tends to be left overs mashed up, but mashed tatties (potatoes) tends to make up the bulk of the dish, with vegetables and sometimes meats making up some of the rest. It can be used as a side potato dish or on its own as a full meal. For this recipe, I used our favourite Black Bomber Cheese, courtesy of @aberdeenbutcher on Twitter.
Tattie, Cheese & Onion Rumpledethumps
- 5 lbs Tatties Potatoes They must be mashable potatoes, similar to king Edwards, Kestrels, Maris Pipers etc.
- 2 Onions
- Salt & Pepper
- 200 g Grated Black Bomber Cheese
- Rapeseed or Sunflower Oil
- Mash boiled potatoes and do not add milk or butter, or the mash will become too soft to work with.
- Chop up the onions and lightly fry.
- Add the fried onions, salt, pepper, and the grated cheese to the potatoes.
- Make round patties with the potatoes.
- Add them to a pan with hot oil and shallow fry for 5 minutes each side, or until golden brown. If you are using leftovers, the goal is to reheat thoroughly all the way through.
- Serve as a side dish, an accompaniment, or even as a main dish with salad as a side.
Little Black Bomber Cheese courtesy of:
Thanks for this, very informative. Ralph in Dunoon, Western Scotland
Rutabaga was called "rotabagge" in a specific part of Sweden, but it is not (and was never) the common swedish…
Absolutely lovely, I made extra and will add garam masala ect to make s lovely smooth curry sauce