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Ok, I gave it a go, and decided outdoors running in any of my current shoes is a no go. I only made three-quarters of a mile and my feet were killing me today. It doesn’t help that I bruised my arches on the daft shoes with too much support yesterday, which I only felt when I’d done my 5k.
Perhaps I’ll always be a treadmill runner, but kids were bored, and nobody had to go anywhere, so we went out for a wee jog.
In the end, we eventually went to the park, before hitting Maccy D’s.
I have to admit, that I’ll never be too old to play on swings. I was too heavy for a while, but now I’m a more normal size, it was fun to climb the chutes and swing away like I used to do. Who cares if I got funny looks. I also love how my boys, even though they’re all early teens, still wanted to go play. I bet they wouldn’t admit that in front of their friends!!!!
We had a lovely evening, and it was worth getting off our bums, cold or not.
My 13 year old took these on his phone, so forgive the poor quality, but I’ve spent so long – not doing things like this, that I couldn’t resist sharing on my blog. Fitness has to become a much bigger part of my life, and hiding away has to stop.
The next time you go to the park, give it a go. You never know, you might just enjoy yourself…
I did my first 10K yesterday. It was on the treadmill, and it took me forever, and I also had to walk a bit of it, but I ran solid for 90 minutes before I had to walk for a little bit, then I ran to the end.
Yes, I’m slow. It’s more of a jog than a run at my speed, but I’ve got two feet off the ground for a long spell of time. Maybe I’ll speed up, and maybe I’ll always be slow, but at my age, I’m just amazed that my body is coping with all of this.
Less than a year ago, I found myself out of breath climbing two flights of stairs. That was incredibly devastating as I used to be fit. Not 10K running fit, but I could have walked for hours on end at a speedy pace. Having a young dog helped then. Over the years, diabetes and the under active thyroid, along with my fibro which affected my feet and plantar fascitis in both of them as well, I ended up as a bit of a wreck.
I was heading towards a big birthday, and all I could see was that my life was headed towards a spiral of weight, being sick, tired and unfit. I struggled to stay awake after eating anything, but the diabetes was a bit out of control and my blood sugars were high. Once I added thyroxine, I seemed to find the energy I’d been lacking for a long time.
I started walking to get my blood sugar down and one day, on a whim, I started the couch to 5K routine. It was a killer. I barely made the first day of running for one minute at a time, interspersed with bouts of walking.
I now know that slowing to a walk is ok. If it needs to be done, there’s no shame in it. Several times, I almost gave up. Especially on the longer runs of 20 minutes plus. It seems incredible to me, that now, I think of 30 minutes of constant running as an easy run. This is me talking. 30 minutes of running is easy – well apart from the first few minutes, which are always a killer, until I find my running legs and my calf muscles settle down to a rhythm.
Yesterday, I did my usual three or four weekly 5K. Then I decided to go for 6.4k, to make it a 4 mile run. At 6.4k, I still felt strong, so kept going until around 8k, where I had to take a bit of a breather for a few minutes, then I picked the pace back up, now determined to hit the 10k mark. Possibly stupid to go straight from 5k to a 10k, but that’s an exercise high for you. I ran the last 1.5k very slowly, slower than my starting off pace, but I did eventually hit the 10k, and slowed to a walk to cool down.
My back hurt….. My feet hurt….. But I did it…..
What I’ve Learned Over The Last Few Months of Running… My Tips for New Runners – those even newer than me, and I’m still new.
It’s ok to be slow.
Never compare myself to anyone else. Other people don’t have my health issues, and what’s tough for me, could be easy for someone else. If you sail past me while I jog on, then just give me a smile as I end up eating your dust.
Weight loss can slow up when you start running.
I’ve heard of other people who’ve lost a pile of weight when they start to run. I’m told that some weight is fluid retention to repair the muscles that are stressed in some new runners. I have metabolism issues, and for me, weight loss has slowed to a snail’s pace. I am growing muscle in my legs, and although I fit into smaller clothes, my weight is not reducing at a rate to reflect that, but it’s ok to be heavier at a smaller size clothes. It will sort itself out over time, as long as I stay in a calorie deficit.
Other runners can be as*es…
Most other runners are encouraging, helpful and understanding. We can’t all be race winners, or even race finishers. If we get up off our backsides and try, we are all life winners. I think of myself more as a jogger, but everyone seems to refer to running nowadays, and the NHS app says I’m a runner, so run/jog, it’s all getting two feet off the ground. I’ve heard from other newbies who’ve had their speed dissed by experienced runners. Honestly, don’t care about it. We’re not all natural runners. Sometimes, people who are, don’t understand how much work it is for the rest of us.
Protein is more important than I ever thought.
Learning to run while you’re in a calorie deficit isn’t simple. When I started upping my time running, I was finding recovery tricky. I felt fine after the run, but quickly crashed. Some days, I needed two days rest between a run. After a bit of reading, I realised that I was nowhere near meeting my daily protein needs.
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I needed to find a way to get more protein at lower calories, and got sick of things like eggs, so started looking at protein shakes. I finally settled on myprotein, as it has 20g of protein in 25g of powder, which suits me fine and didn’t break the bank.
A recovery drink stops me wanting to go to sleep after a long run.
I’ve found my holy grail of recovery drinks. Here’s my recipe for it.
50g Frozen Raspberries
50g Banana
20g Myprotein Powder
200ml Skimmed Milk
I blitz this in my Nutribullet for a few seconds, and I’m ready to go. Sometimes, I replace some of the raspberries with frozen Mango or Strawberries. I always use frozen fruit for this part, as I like the consistency and it’s easy to always have fruit in the freezer, ready to go.
It has around 220 Calories, with 25g Protein.
Running shoes are a must.
I’ve struggled with my feet throughout this process. I tried cushioning, but those didn’t support my arches enough, although I’m told I’m a neutral runner. Perhaps it was the plantar, but the neutral cushioned ones I had caused me problems with the ball of my feet and feeling my tendon move inside my arch. At the moment, I’m back to my old Nike support ones, but I need more cushioning on the forefoot, so I have a new pair on order. I don’t overpronate, so I don’t need high stability shoes, but I do need some support.
Doing some research into what shoes you need is very important. Much more than I realised at the beginning of all this. The right shoes help keep injury rates down. My current Nike’s are fine for 5k, but I need more cushioning for longer distances.
Don’t run in cotton joggers!
Honestly, really don’t, unless you’re in the early stages of the C25K. I skint my knees with mine on a 5k. I’ve got some silky trackie bums that slide over skin now, from Asda, and some others on order to try.
Enjoy it.
As hard as this sounds, it’s important to realise that exercise should be fun – eventually. I really hated the first weeks, and I still dislike the first 5-10 minutes of a run, but once I’m past that, I now begin to enjoy it. Who’d have thought I’d ever enjoy this…..
Music is Key.
I can speed up to some tracks, and others slow me down. I’m making a playlist of the songs that help me to go a bit faster and keep my motivation high. At around 7k yesterday, I got a little emotional, and almost cried. Not from pain, but because the song lifted me and I felt invincible doing what I was doing. I hope to keep doing this as long as I can, as I feel amazing after a run.
I don’t always enjoy every minute of a run, and some parts are difficult, but without the right music, I can’t cope. I tried using the treadmill and watching the news, but found that too boring. If my music is loud enough to stop me hearing my feet hit the ground, I’m happier. When I can hear each step, it puts me right off and I almost crumble. As well as that, some runs are just rubbish, especially if I’m not feeling 100%.
Your Nose may RUN, RUN, RUN
This did my head in to start with. Whenever I run, my nose feels left out and decides to join in, especially if it’s cold or slightly windy. I carry some tissues and a few antibacterial wipes in my pocket or my waist bag, as there’s nothing worse than a runny nose.
Running Outside is Tougher for me.
I do most of my running on a treadmill as I was lucky enough to get a great deal after Xmas. Without it, I doubt I’d be running so far at a time. Outside, my feet hurt much sooner, as the treadmill is much more forgiving on them. I’d go outside more if I could face being seen, but I’m not there yet. I have my treadmill facing a window, so I can see outside and just put on my music. I started off without the treadmill though, and I’d have kept going without it, although I suspect my progress would have been much slower.
If you decide to go for it, the best of luck, and let me know how you get on.
Newest Comments:
Absolutely lovely, I made extra and will add garam masala ect to make s lovely smooth curry sauce
Nice post!
Looks delicous...thanks for sharing the wonderful receipe...
Absolutely lovely, I made extra and will add garam masala ect to make s lovely smooth curry sauce
Nice post!
Looks delicous...thanks for sharing the wonderful receipe...