At first, I thought this article was actually a wind up.
Let’s take the short version.
The brand seems to have 180 followers as of today, but around 100 at the time of the tweet. It appears that it took 45 days to craft a single tweet.
The article states:
It can take a team of 13 social media and advertising specialists up to 45 days and 13 people to plan, create, approve, and publish a corporate social media post.
There must be more to it – surely?
Perhaps it’s some new kind of branding, or specialism that ends up with a tweet, but starts with a massive marketing campaign.
This is the tweet that took nearly 2 months to get approved. It’s a nice tweet and a lovely image.
Perhaps someone can explain it to me, as I really do not understand it. It seems an awful lot of money to spend out in relation to the potential return.
I’m in the WRONG business.
I think a lot of us are in the wrong business. Call me old fashioned but I really don’t feel any Tweet should take 45 days to ‘craft’!
Me neither. It’s absolutely ridiculous.
hey it’s great news
I was gobsmacked the other day she I saw that an info graphic costing £700 I think I am in the wrong business as well !
£700 for an infographic is nuts. Seems some designers now charge more than lawyers and private health care people.