Two years ago, I decided that I wanted to do up a few rooms in my house on a budget and not dip into the savings at Christmas.
The only stipulation was that the blog had to pay for it. I managed to do up my lounge in 2012 and I’ve finally got enough to do mini makeovers for the kids rooms this year.
I set up a separate account that the blog money goes into, which also makes it easy for me at the end of the year to know how much to declare to the ever present tax man. It’s not a huge amount, but it does help out with some lovely little extras that I’d not buy otherwise.
Lloyds Bank have launched a new Facebook app called “Year I Make It Happen.”
The app is available for people to choose a goal for 2014, which you can share with all of your Facebook friends. There are 3 sections to choose from Home, Life and Money and cover many goals such as “Do up the house”, “Buy a new car” or “Save for a rainy day.” After choosing your goal, you will be given some handy online tools to help you make your goals come true.
It’s quite simple to enter. Just leave a comment here so that I know you have entered and head on over to the App “Year I Make It Happen.” to pledge your own goal. These two options are mandatory to enter.
The entry will be by Rafflecopter as entries are logged for a random generation of the winner.
You may also Tweet about the giveaway every day, but you will need to log it in the Rafflecopter Widget for it to count as an additional entry.
The prize will be a fabulous iPad air 16gb (Wifi only) and will be sent out by first class recorded. If the widget doesn’t show up in this post, simply click the link to enter.
Summary of The Rules
- Open to UK Mainland Entrants only.
- 1 Winners will win 1 iPad air 16gb (Wifi only) .
- The prize will be sent to you.
- The winner will be notified within 7 days of the giveaway end. If the winner does not respond within 7 days, a new winner will be drawn.
- The winner will be chosen by Rafflecopter random generator.
- The Scottish Mum Blog and Lloyds Bank reserves the right to amend, add or withdraw this giveaway at any time.
- Each entry method entitles you to the corresponding number of entries in the draw.
- You may tweet daily. Each tweet counts as a rafflecopter entry, only if you enter it into the rafflecopter widget daily.
- The prize will be for one person to receive one iPad air 16gb (Wifi only).
- The prize draw ends at midnight on the 6th Feb 2014.
This year I stop procrastinating.
I plan to achieve this by tackling the hardest tasks first.
This year I am getting a new kitchen, a new job and going on holiday. The kitchen is being fitted at the moment, I am looking at re training and entering competitions for the holiday.
I plan to sort out and decorate the spare room
This year I will try to cook a lot of healthy meals
This year I’m going to do up the house!
This year I will win an iPad
I’m also hoping to start biking.
I chose this is the year I will start to budget better, i need to start saving for retirement
This year I will fix up the kitchen. I just get too confortable in my surroundings and end up leaving it like it is. This year I’m going to actually spend some time planning and get it done!
This is the year that I budget better. Hopefully being more organised with my outgoings each month, allowing me to save a little.
This year, after a long period of ill health I want to get fitter and lose weight. I also want to sort out and decorate the spare room
Find work & pay off some debts
This year i definitely want to get my lounge decorated, i already have most the things i did for it i just need to get wallpaper up and new furniture put where its gonna go. Would also like to finished making the “catio” on the balcony for the kitties so they can enjoy outside.
I will sort out my debts
The year I graduate, move out and get my dream career!
This year I want a date!! I divorced in 2012 and I’m ready to get on out there now! Any offers??
This year I am going to get more confident. I am going to get more computer literate and get out and about more.
This year I will declutter my house and and life.
This year I begin to save for a mortgage. We are going to cut back on the shopping bill by meal planning so no food goes to waste, walk more to save fuel and try to sell unwanted goods on ebay. Also, any overtime wages are put into savings.
This year I’m going to concentrate on trying to be the best mummy I can be to my newborn daughter!
This year my goal is to lose weight, I plan on doing this every year and only get so far before putting the weight back on. I have my motivation back now and only have a couple of stone to lose so plan on doing it by following the Slimming World plan as it is so easy to stick to.
This year I am making savings in my monthly expenditure. With four phone calls I have already cut £85 off my monthly bills, making budgeting so much easier.
This is the year I plan to budget better – I would like to save for a rainy fund as I’m predicting there will be a few of them in the not too distant future. I will cut back on non essential items e.g. my daily costa coffee and fortnightly manicures and put the money I save into my savings account.
this year i have to start planning my wedding and stop putting it off
This year I will start to write the book I have been wanting to write since I’ve been 16!
This year I will finally get round to sorting out all our photo albums!
This year I will try to save a little bit of money and put it into a savings account every single month and use it for treats for the children.
This year i will become slimmer i am doing this by reducing my portion sizes and being more conscious of when and what i am eating. my aim is not to think diet or to exclude food types . I have set myself small achievable goals .
This year I plan to go to China. I’m saving up for a trip and always on the lookout for cheap flights!
This is the year I WILL get well and return to work and get my life back.
i also want to redesign my bedroom as it is so neutral & boring needs a lift to it with some bright colours
my goal is to add another bedroom in the attic as we need another room & a bathroom up there
To take time to enjoy the moment
this is the year i,m going to pass my driving test
i,ve had two lessons already and i,m studying for my theory test so i,m making it happen 
This year I will get the house done up! We have kept putting it off since we are renting but we dont want to be anywhere else and this is our forever home so we shall be doing all we can to make it OURS
Ensure my parents find a new house – they keep changing their minds and are seriously winding me up!!!
Oh and I want to lose weight
This is the year I am getting fit! Calorie counting, running and circuit training will hopefully do the trick :). Its a lifestyle change so I can keep it up
This year I will learn to drive.
Complete a 12 mile tough mudder and get myself in to shape!
This year I want too loose weight and get fit for my wedding in June, I have joined a gym, gone on a diet and set a challenge of climbing Scarfel Pike and Ben Nevis by the end of the summer.
My living room needs redecorating and a new fire putting in. We are busy saving so hopefully by September the room will be finished.
I have only traveled to France on the back of my partners motorbike, never been anywhere else abroad. We have been saving up all last year so we can go to Greece on our honeymoon but we are taking our children with us, cant wait.
I plan to improve my work life balance by leaving work earlier and not working at the weekends to spend more time with the children
This is the year i will start saving for the little ones (yes 6 of them ) lol
This is the year that we bwcome self sufficient. We are currently trting to sell our house. Once that small detail is taken care of, we will hopefully be moving to a pile of rubble with 4 acres. You may think that this sounds crazy but its what we’ve planned to do for years. We’ve patiently sat out the recession waiting for our house to build up enough equity for us to be able to fulfil our dream.
The plan for 2014 and 2015, is for both of us to continue with our jobs while we put money aside to rebuild the property that we hope to buy. While doing this we also hope to get our fledgling business off the ground. We know its going to be hard and we know that we’re probably going to hit a few road blocks along the way but with some very careful financial planning and a strong work ethic we know its going to be a very successful year.
this year i plan to be completely debt free by xmas. due to a big wedding / honeymoon we have a large creditcard bill. we have declared our car off road for a year, saving a total of 2000, which we can put toward payments. now my hubby gets a lift with a work colleague who lives down the street. as a stay at home mum, i love entering competitions and giveaways to win nice treats for us, that we cant afford to buy at the mo, also to win for family and friends birthday gifts. next year, when we are debt free we can start trying for a little sister/brother for our little girl.
This is the year I do up the house
To save for my little one! I’m going to start selling things we don’t use or need and put it in a trust fund for my beautiful baby son
I became self-employed in April 2013 – this is the year I’m going to increase my client base and make enough money to live on!
This is the year I save up and go on holiday!
This is the year I get my dream job. I plan to do this by applying for jobs that will make me happy- putting this above wage or hours
This is the year that I get rid of the credit cards!
We intend to live more frugally and within our means not way beyond them
this is the year I get a new car- gonna have to really start saving though
This is the year i learn to drive and get married
This is the year I redesign my bathroom, so that instead of having a trickle of water over the bath, I will have a wonderful power shower! I’ll do this by researching the cheapest possible way of doing it and plan to have it finished by the autumn.
This year i will get a new car.
This year i will go abroad on holiday with the family.
gonna have to get a new shed why this 1 is falling down
Goal to get baby ready – we’re working hard at work to save up & are getting fit & healthy – PG ready by 2015
I have chosen ‘this is the year I learn to drive’ as it is something I really want to achieve. We live in a fairly small village with poor transport links – I would love to be able to take my children to a wide range of places and activities.
this is the year i redesign my bathroom
I pledged that this is the year I put aside money for my children. We’ve just opened bank accounts for all three children, so to keep this pledge all we have to do is remember to pay in regular amounts to each one…and hopefully by the time they need it, each child will have a useful sum waiting for them.
I want to have my garden landscaped
This is the year we plan to live extra-frugally in order to save as much as possible for a deposit on our first home. Hopefully we’ll have the full amount saved in less than three more years
2014 is the year I get out of debt and get into the clear. I’ve paid off 25% off it so far in 2014, and I plan to carry on and succeed so I enter 2015 with savings in the bank. I’ve cut down on all my bills, and am being really savvy.
I’ve saved up hard and am planning to start my own business, once I have finished my ILEX course later this year – wish me luck!
This year I am going to build up my muscle and start horse riding and save up to get married next year.
This is the year I will redecorate the whole house and I will repair or replace all the broken items by using eBay or Gumtree to stick to the budget.
I will also have a huge declutter/ recycle/ rehome of unused items first to make space to paint! (I’ve been working really hard on this one already!)
I’m also going to get the garden sorted out too!
I want to try and win the jackpot on the Euro millions!
this year I am going to learn to speak french better
im going to be more house proud getting myself into a natural routine to clean and tidy as I go xx
I choose “This is the Year I will Upgrade My Computer” . I hope to say goodbye to my ancient PC and update to something faster, slicker and with more advanced technology!
This is the year I decorate all the bedrooms – a challenge as there are 4 of them and I need to save money to buy paint, pictures & anything else I need
This is the year I drop at least 2 jeans sizes – another challenge but I have started by doing more exercise & walking more instead of taking the car – This is saving me petrol money too so helping me achieve my first goal.
This is the year I save up so we can have a family holiday – not going to be easy but I will throw myself into it.
This is the year I’ll finally buy a house!
This is the year that I will pay off my credit card debt. I will do this by cutting down on my outgoings and using every bit of spare money to pay them off. It will be a hard year but it will be worth it.
I’m in the process of starting my own business, so my goal for 2014 is too make a success of it.
This year I plan to save more money. I had set up a standing order to my saving account each month to help
i plan to save for a rainy day, but not buying things i dont really need
This year, me and kat will move in together
Decorate my baby girl’s room and redo the bathroom.
This year I will get back to my old fitness level after having my two kids.
This year, I start saving for my little one. I will achieve my goal by putting £50 a month in his bank account. So I don’t forget to transfer the money, or end up spending it on bills, I will set up a direct debit to come out of my account on the day I get paid, straight into his bank account.
Registered my goal on the Lloyds app.
I am moving on 3rd March, and my goal is to get it fully decorated by Christmas, put my own stamp on it, y’know
I plan to learn to drive … need to save some pennies for driving lessons first
This is the year I will finally de-clutter my home. I will do this room by room and finally get rid of all the useless items I have been hoarding for years.
I chose learn to drive! Feel like im on hold waiting for it to happen
I’ve pledged to redo the bathroom, I’m going to achieve this by buying some paint.
@smeethsaysfashn on twitter.
Home: To get a real house, to accomplish this we have put our small flat on the market so that we can get a place that will fit our family.
Life: With more space and the children getting older we will look to do more fun stuff outside – this will be helped once they can both walk.
Money: To have some money in savings and not spend it all, to do this we will have to keep a tight reign over our budget.
This is the year I start my new business
I choose this is the year I’ll move into the house I want. Our current house is now up for sale so I’ve made a start already. I’ve cut back on spending frivously as we need to save as much as we can. I want an extra bedroom, bigger garden, nearer to my parents and to be in a good catchment area.
i plan to get a house this year. we live in a 2 bed flat at the mo and its far too small. so we are going to save like mad to get another deposit to make out mortgage bigger!
This year I am giving up smoking for good (so far so good!
) and am saving the money that I save, so I can learn to drive.
This is the year I want to move into the home we really want. We relocated at the end of 2012 and spent the last year making a new life. We have a ‘feel’ of our new city. This year we want to make our move permanent and buy a place of our own. I desperately want a garden with space for a trampoline for my son and guinea pigs. Inside, I want a space for a desk for me. I’ve missed not having a desk. Small things but important goals. Wishing you the best for 2014. Fab competition.
To get married this year! All we need is to save enough money soon.
This year I buy my first home!
This is the year I am going to get fit by eating healthy and exercising more!!!
This is the year I have fun
I want to sort the house out so it is more a home
This year I would like a new job. I’m checking everyday and already applied for 4 and had 1 interview. No success yet but will carry on.
This is the year I will finally lose my baby (and more) weight. I’ll use an app to count calories, eat more veg and get more active. I also use my fitbit
This is the year I start saving for a new kitchen and a cooker that doesn’t burn the dinner. I have already started saving.
This year I am going to help my son more with his life skills, instead of doing everything for him, as this is not helping him. I must also stop worrying about everything.
I pledged to move into the house I really want. We have lived in 5 different houses in the last 5 years and I am so ready to find that perfect one! We are going to achieve it by first writing down everything we ideally want and I have been keeping a house ideas book so that we prioritize what we like. Having lived in so many different houses I have a pretty good idea of what works and not. Then we are going to save like crazy, and then the hunt can begin!
This year I will lose weight, get the toilet plastered and get my new kitchen installed
This year I plan to start a business. I’ve wanted to do it for a long time but never been able to afford it so I’ve made it the year to start saving money.
This year I will take each day as it comes.
This is the year I start cycling to work!
This is the year I lose weight and get fit. I need to be a good role model for my 4 week old son!
This year I am going to stop worrying about what other people think and go for what I want in life
this is the year I push my husband to change the direction of his business as he is bored. If he doesn’t do it this year he will be getting too old
I am helping by finding information and researching on the internet what he needs to do and what other people are doing. Makes a change as in his current business he is the leader and others copy him, so this is a new feeling for him!
I aim to get a good job that I really enjoy. This will involve making sure my skills stay up to date and practising my interview technique!
This year I am saving so that I may go on the mandatory college trip. I have to go on this trip to graduate and take notes. I would like to use the Ipad so that I may take notes efficiently and take wonderful pictures. Thank you for this marvelous opportunity.
This year I am going to lose weight be healthier and fitter also going to declutter the attic and shed here’s to a good year.
This is the year we save enough money to set a date for our wedding. Being together for 7 years we have bought our first house and due to the condition it was in, had to totally renovate it. The light is at the end of the tunnel where the house is concerned but we have recently gotten engaged and after the struggle we have had with the house, Im determined i don’t want a long engagement. It is a time to celebrate and get our families together. In order to achieve this, i have just gotten a second job on a Sunday to help with bills and my partner has started to sell bits and bobs on ebay. I can’t wait until we finally get to say ‘I Do’
This is the year we pay off all our debts
This is the year I start to budget better, hopefully by keeping a list of incomings & outgoings will help.
I chose to save for the little ones ….and also myself. It would be great to not have the stress and worry of wondering how to pay for food etc when things are a bit tight or if something urgent comes up.
this year i plan on decorating the kids bedroom!
Its hard to chose just one!
This is the year I get properly fit, currently two thirds through the 30 day shred & have plans for after that also.
This is also the year I blitz the credit cards, starting with balance transfers to 0% and other money making initiatives where any proceeds go directly to the cards.
This is the year I get fit as I am getting married in September and want to look my best!
This year I will pass my CIMA exams first time
This is the year I Plan Ahead! We are getting married next May, so alongside saving for the wedding itself we need to plan for any emergencies, illness, a honeymoon and house savings. I will also put money aside monthly for my MOT and car tax.
This is the year I sort out my house and declutter all my junk!
Our house has been quite chaotic for some time, so my goal for 2014 is to be super-organised and stay that way. So far so good! I keep on top of the washing and ironing and also have a special diary so I know what everyone in the household is up to and I can keep tabs on what’s going on. I have to say it feels great and is so much better than the chaos and dis-organisation we have been living with!
This year I am planning to finally visit Japan and the far east.
This year I plan to save more money by not playing bingo!
This year I would like to buy a house!
This is the year I budget better to enable me to buy a new car for the long journey I have each day
my goals this year is to take control of my debts and start taking control of my finances
I chose this is the year I start to budget. We need a new car amongst other things so now is the time for me to look into as many ways as I can to save money.
Improve overall fitness and be able to dance at high energy level for an hour.
I will pay off my credit card debts!
this year it’s all about having a positive attitude for me, i try to see the bright side of things
this year we will renovate the garden
We have just started it this week, we already have a plan drawn up and spent last year saving for the cost.
My goal for 2014 is to survive it..
To be more proactive with both my family and local community this year, putting more back this year. Plus enjoy the summer once it arrives.
This year I’ll clutter AND keep it that way!
i am planning to save for a nice holiday buy only buying what i need to buya
To Clear all the Rubbish out of my house, anything I have not used in the last year is libel to go. I will do it by getting rid of all the large items first then do it room by room. Starting with the Lounge.
This year i plan to budget better. I’m a single mum and student. I have about £2000 of debt which i struggle to pay each month. I contacted step change who have helped me to take control of my money better and also help pay the debts off.
This was the best thing i could have done because whilst doing this they gave me a budget to work to each month and i’m finding it a lot easier to manage.
Although my debts will not be paid in full for a couple of years, at least i am paying them which is something i was struggling to do.
I will save for a holiday abroad
This is the year I move out of my parents house. To do that I have set a budget and am looking at flats to rent!
My goal is to lose 2 stone this year
This is the year I plan to start to save for a deposit for a house. It’s going to take about ten years, and I’m going to do it by budgeting tightly, and only spending money on things I really need. I’m doing well so far!
Stop worrying about everything I have no control over.
This is the year I get into shape so I can run the London Marathon next year in memory of my dad. It’s a big goal but with a training plan and lots of motivation I will do it!!
I want to continue with my 5:2 diet to maintain my weight
This year I will get a fitter, healthier body by walking with the pushchair every day and only eating things i’d be happy for my daughter to eat.
This year WILL be my best ever year,
Goal 1 – Eat Healthy (completed January!)
Goal 2 – Make more money than ever before
Goal 3 – To travel to far away places and ‘Pop’ the question…
This year i’m going to get a good job
This year I will be ready for christmas.
Saving, saving, saving I plan to have christmas done by November.
I am hoping to get the job that I want and in order to improve my chances I would need to speak Welsh so I am going to enrol on a course to help me.
This is the year that I unf*ck my life: get my ass out of the gutter, give myself a purpose, and stop lying to myself that everything’s fine the way it is. Reduce my debt, reduce my weight, and start living a little more clean in terms of food.
My goals this year are
To reduce our credit card bills
lose weight
and get the whole family more active
My goal this year is to build our first house and for it to be a collaborative process that is on time and on target.
I need this so bad for school
i am going to be healthy and fitter
I want to do up my dark brown kitchen. It’s looky likey dark, with orange and brown floor tiles, and polystyrene ceiling tiles, pretty awful actually. Don’t know yet how I’m going to tackle it, just saving at the mo.
This year I am sent to loose a stone and find a job!
This is the year I work really hard for a much needed promotion.
I’m going to travel more. I want to go to South America and India. I have the money, I just don’t ever get on with the planning! So that’s what I’m going to do – plan holidays!
This is the year that I learn to budget better, in order to save to decorate the living room.
Save hard and move home
This is the year that I start my own eBay business.
Year I try not to worry
Year I take time for my relationship
Year I take a family holiday
This year Im going to finish all the repairs in the house and redecorate.
This year we plan to be married, so far we’ve worked out how much we need to continue to save and where to spend and cut from
I will actually win a competition, and a big one, after 6 years of comping.
Goal is to budget & spend within my means
This year we will buy our first home
This year my goal is to clear debts, save enough for a deposit for a mortgage and get my own flat or house – not much then!
I just want to continue to lose weight and get healthy.
I chose the pledge to buy some new furniture. I will have to do some careful budgeting to afford it though.
This is the year that I take back my life from MS and live it to the fullest
After losing too many friends too soon to cancer, my goal is simply to make the most of every day, and to enjoy the “here and now”
This is the year I win an Ipad!
I pledged to take better care of myself this year and beyond (in the life category)
This is the year I fix up the kitchen.
This is the year I start planning my wedding.
This is the year I take control of my mortgage (so I can do the previous two!)
This year I plan to get loads of old stuff on ebay and do a few car boots, really need a big clear out. Hoarding far to much !!
My goals:
Lose weight
Get out of debt
Save enough money for my first holiday abroad
this year i plan to get organised to stop leaving my essays to last minute. i have bought a diary that so far so good i carry everywhere and i write everything in it.
Plan Ahead – I want to start saving for a holiday with friend in Las Vegas 2015. I have planned how much this years prices are and added a bit on. I have worked out how much I need to save every month to achieve this.
This is the year I take control of my finances. No more ostrich syndrome for me, I hope!
This year I will get a paid job.
This is the year my four year old autistic son says his first word – mum xxxx
There is a real dragon that breathes fire that lives in Edinburgh. I even dated its daughter – talk about a hot date!
This is the year I learn to drive! I gave up 10 years ago and have decided that this is it – either now or never! I will do it! x
to plan ahead financially so all the bills are covered and there are no nasty surprises to worry about
This is the year I need to get fit and also lose some weight, as we are lucky to be going to Royal Ascot and I want to look my best. I need all the help I can get.
Stop procrastinating and get on and do the things that make me happiest.
The year we sell our house, hopefully find a new one and start saving for our little ones future.
This year i will lose this weight
this year my goals are to save for a house deposit now im debt free and get healthier by drinking less booze, eating less junk and hitting the gym more. going well so far
This Year I will spend more time with my dad. I am 21 in March and my dad is 51. It has not been exactly easy having an older dad, knowing that it is unlikely that he will see me get married or have children. But luckily in December of last year my old sister gave birth to a beautiful baby boy. Therefore, once I graduate from university in Cambridge this June. I am determined to keep family close, and make each day count. Even through the littlest of things such as taking my new baby nephew swimming with his very proud Grandad. <3 Hope everybody else manages to achieve their goals for 2014. There are some brilliant ones on here.
This year i am going to loose atleast 4 stone i can and i WILL do it (Going good so far)
This is the year that I do up the house (get my basement converted into a Reiki studio with adjoining office).
This is the year – we WILL redecorate the bedrooms and replace the carpets!
2014 – This is the year I loose half a stone and get fit!
This year I intend to learn how to become a parent for the first time and im determined to reach my goal weight and eat as healthily as I can so I can pass on this good habit to my new child!
I intend to redecorate all the bedrooms and have a massive clear out of all the stuff I never use
I will volunteer for AgeUK
My goal is to finish decorating the house – need to get a priorities list and agree colour schemes etc with my husband and pull together a plan!
This is the year I… finish the final room in my house – the garden! It WILL be transformed form a gravelly, weedy, unkempt mess into a beautiful oasis. I will also declutter and empty the boxes from when I moved in (nearly 2 years ago!) ready for my man to come and live with me in the summer
to declutter my house and garage and redecorate
This is fun!
This year I will get up and running at least two of the small business ideas that are lurking on my chalkboard right now.
I have dithered for long enough. Most likely will be a cooking app and a gardening supplies business. Watch this space!
This is the year i will be more organised with uni work!
This is the year I will save my house deposit. I am some way there and plan to work harder to reach it!
My goal this year to decorate my kitchen and put a breakfast bar in
This year I get back to my pre-baby weight.
This year I tell my husband how much I love him more often!
This is the year i start saving for my wedding and get the house decorated.
this year i will spend more time with family and friends and go on a holiday which we havent done in years
This year I will decorate my son’s bedroom.
This year I’d like to finish my novel.
This is the year I will choose and pursue a proper career direction – wish em luck!
Just to be happy and spend time with my family and loved ones more often…. And maybe win the lottery!
This is the year I lose weight – by the good old healthy eating and exercise – I will do it!
This year, I’m intending to move from my current location which has become highly populated and noisy. Despite being on (medical) benefits, I am saving a little at a time to make this happen by the end of the year.
this year i’m gonna win a rafflecopter prize!!!!
In 2014 I will get recognition for people who give up their own time & expertise to help others. The first person I shall nominate is Alison Powell. For the last 3 years Alison has given her time and expertise to run a swimming club for children and young people with Special Needs/Disabilities in Milton Keynes. Her aim is give them the chance to achieve goals that typical children may take for granted in a safe, fun environment.
One of the children Alison coaches is our 8 year old daughter, Alexandra who has Down Syndrome. Alexandra can now swim 7 lengths. Alexandra is extremely proud and tells everybody she meets about it. Without Alison giving up her time Alexandra would probably not be involved in swimming.
I really admire Alison as she is married, has a family of her own, a full time job and still gives up her own time to help others. She coaches people with special needs/disabilities and runs the club & she always has a smile on her face.
The nominations themselves would mean a lot to her I think.
This is the year I learn to drive. I’ve been putting it off for years but I’m determined to take lessons. I’ve sent away my forms for a provisional license and I’m looking around for the best driving school.
To get fit – both physically and financially!
I want a new house with garden for my son.
So need to get my current house decluttered and up for sale
My new year will be filled with giving. I am going to be giving back to everyone and do random acts of kindness to strangers. Paying it Forward is my new years resolution.
This is the year I make my money go further I have given up smoking today is day 22
this should help
This year I will excercise more and eat a more healthy diet
This year my business WILL make a start making a profit each month instead of only covering costs.
And this year I WILL be sensible enough with that money to pay off the credit card I used to start the business up.
This is the year I make my money go further. Cut down on expenses and enjoy our money mores a
To graduate and complete my degree
this is the year I get a promotion
2014 is the year that I write my first book! Even if it means tying the kids up for 4 hours a day! (Only kidding!)
This is the year I will purchase some new furniture for our home. Currently we have a mis-mash of different pieces kindly donated to us second hand. I would love to have saved enough money to buy ourselves some matching furniture.
I shall achieve this by cutting down our shopping bills and cutting out takeaways.
My goal this year is to be more organised
This year I plan to redecorate my downstairs rooms, so that by November, they will be looking lovely for Christmas. I want all the costs out the way before November, so that Christmas will not be another burden on top
This year I am saving all my £2 coins to make Christmas 2014 a little easier on the purse.
I plan to keep up the walking I began last year and not give in to weather/busyness as an excuse and continue my £1 per day goal to save for Christmas!x
This is the year I stay motivated to be fit.
This is the year I will do nothing and even eat minimal in order to pay off my debts – this is going to be the hardest year of my life and to have NOTHING makes me feel physically sick but I’m sticking to it as I want my stress levels gone.
This year I pledged to plan ahead with money
this year i will get in shape
This is the year where I learn to say NO! and keep my money in the bank and help save towards a much needed family car
This year I’ll pay off my debt. I will cut back on spending for things I don’t need, like books and music, make my lunches for work, and sell things I don’t use any more.
This is the year we will buy a new set of wheels. Perhaps then I will relax when in the car instead of listening to every rattle and clank. To achieve this we are going to really analyse every penny we spend this year.
This year I will forgo all holidays and lavish spending in order to save for a much needed house extension.
This year I want to get our bedroom decorated, and to loose the stone I have on since we got married 7 years ago.
This year I pledge to simply stop each day and spend 5 minutes watching my son doing whatever he is doing, I cannot believe that 2 years have passed so quickly, and I am always caught up in life, doing laundry, cooking, cleaning so this year I will STOP, put down my phone, put down whatever is in my hand and simply watch, learn and listen.
This year I will get fit by eating healthier and exercising more.
This is the year i finally go on holiday. Haven’t been for 14 years!
This is the year I take on a new business which means moving house and the children moving school. It is a big upheaval as we go from town to village but our quality of life will improve and we will spend more time together.
This is the year I get married
This is a life and money goal – this year I will get off sickness benefits and back to work. I’m going to do it by joining an active group – tick – done:
volunteering – tick – done for two days/month need to gradually increase to two days/week:
joining a health condition group – in progress, finding out about them:
negotiating with employers to take early retirement from higher level job
finding a lower level part time job with current or new employers
Oh, and getting better would help too.
this is the year i want to get fit, healthy and loose some weight. i’m going to excercise more and eat low fat healthier food.
this year i want to get fit again. i gained quite a lot of weight after getting married and i really want to get my old figure back! no no more biscuits hubby thanks.
This year I tidy the entire house … and keep it tidy! I will do this by cleaning one room at a time and choosing a day of the week to tidy that particular room.
This year I stop stressing over things beyond my control (I got fit last year!) I will have to be conscious of when I start to get stressed and try to tell myself not to worry about things that are beyond my control.
This year I will pay off a credit card. I will do this by saving the money I would spend on a coffee or a sandwich when out of the house.Just got to keep to it
2014 is going to be the year I save some money for a deposit
This year I want to concentrate on my personal life. Have let work take the forefront for the past few years, now its time to focus on me and have some fun.
This year I WILL use the treadmill every day and eat healthy food.
This is the year I become more healthy
i’m going to learn how to swim properly, and dive!
This year I am going to try and have more faith in myself, its harder than i thought it was going to be but im trying just to believe what im doing is the right thing and yes i can actually achieve more than i thought.
This year I want to find a new job which I enjoy & where I am appreciated.
This is the year I improve the inner me
This year I get my life back to being more than just a mum.
This year I will repaint worn tired walls to prepare for selling my house.
This is the year I get married (and slim)! I’m eating better and exercising more and enjoying planning all the little details that will make our day perfect!
this is the year that I think more positively and work on achieving success in the workplace! with love, faye xx
This is the year I plan for retirement. OH took redundancy at end of 2013 and we have enough to live on for the coming year. BUT he thinks he”ll have enough in his private pension to take a retirement next year when he’s 60… I don’t think so..
We need to look into what we have and a way forward for us both.
This is the year I redesign my kitchen after the delightful council left me with the most horrendously designed kitchen possible last year. So instead of moaning about it I am going to do something about it and save up to change it.
This is the year I get fitter.
This is the year I get fit and I’m starting by aiming for 10,000 steps a day.
This is the year I read so many more varied books.
my goal is for us to have our 1st family trip abroad to achieve this im trying to save by being better organised on the meal planning to save money on food shopping each week and other unneccesary spending
This is the year … I get ready for retirement. Goal Planning is never easy but with a firm idea of where I want to live for the rest of my live and be at home as it were, this dream is becoming a reality. So lets plan, use money wisely and put away a little each month to finance a home move… and i am well on my way by next year I hope
This year i will try to make my money go further!
My goal is to invest money.
I have a habit of spending like there’s no tomorrow, but there is!
I will invest in an ISA and really think hard about what I want from life!
i intend to makeover my spare bedroom/computer room & de-clutter
I plan to stick to my New Year resolution to eat healthier foods, ensuring my five a day
I will do more fund-raising for the small dedicated animal rescue centre that we adopted our gorgeous 10 yr old collie cross from last year
I wish to get back to MY ideal weight and fit into clothes comfortably again. I would like it to be a lifestyle change for a fitter healthier life.
This year I will deal with my debts.
I will start with a strict budget and controlling my husbands spending then I will put all of the savings into reducing the most expensive debt first.
The year I move out of my parents house
i chose finance and sort out my debt, if i was more frugal and in control i would be better off each month allowing the really nice things for the kids.
This is the year I lose a stone and buy a new car
This year I would like to make more time to myself. Having a 1 year old a two year old and a wedding last year had left me drained. I’d like more time making sure I eat well,get out more and relax more.
This year I want to save for a new car, by putting a bit of money away each week.
This is the year I will learn Italian.
I have bought (and started using) the Rosetta Stone course.
This year I get fit, and start eating healthier
This year I will learn to be more organised! xx
I hope I organize my bedroom.
I’m hoping for a better time plan (to save some time for my self)
I’m hope I get my business big.
This year I will cycle 300 miles in madagascar and raise £3000 for charity.
To move into our new house
This year i want to ear some money, by finding a job.
This year,I want to lose weight,by eating healthily and I also want to start saving and budgeting more
To buy a camera so that I can take photos
of places i have never seen
I would walk in new places on mountains high
And see passing streams as they flow by
On my travels it would be a dream
To take photos of things I have seen
To capture memories to my world
In the sunshine or in the cold
This is the year I stop worrying about things which are beyond my control
My goal is to decorate the spare bedroom as it is the only room in the house which is unfinished and we have a lot of guests so really should make the effort.
This is the year I decorate the house. we’ve been there 13 years and our bedroom and the hallway haven’t been decorated since then so are desperately overdue.
This year we really must paint the whole house through. We’ve been so busy we keep putting it off but I’ve decided that once the weather improves and we can get the windows open to get rid of the paint smell we well start – I think rather than thinking of it as a huge job we need to think of it as “one wall at a time” then we can fit it in.
My goal is to eat more healthily and lose some weight, nothing major, just to generally be more fit and healthy. I’m going to exercise more and eat more veg, and less rubbish!
This year we are having work done to the house,inside i.e knocking dining room and kitchen into one.Also we are holidaying in orlando.First time my children have flown,and first time for us in 15 years.
By the end of 2014 I want to finish renovating the whole house – yes the whole house! I have already made a start in the kitchen by getting an asbestos survey carried out (it was negative – phew) and have made a start chipping and scraping off all the 80’s-tastic artex ice cream swirls. Time consuming but most of the work if I can help it will be done by me to save money. Next I’ll skim, sand, wipe the walls and ceiling and paint (I’ve already bought the paint) the replace the work benches. I’m undecided whether to retile or paint over the existing tiles or to cover with some sort of splash back. Then I’ve sourced some bargain vinyl floor tiles and voila – the kitchen will be complete….just another four more rooms to go….
This is the year for a ‘new me’ and the start of a new era in my life. Having taken early retirement I now intend to lose those extra pounds by walking every day. I want to catch up on all those jobs I’ve been meaning to do but not had time and also now I will have more time to spend on my hobbies – competitions, crafts, gardening and maybe some cooking as I’m not the world’s best cook. I have started a weekly to do list on a planner I received for Christmas so I can tick things off. The first thing on next weeks list will be to sort out my itunes account & music for my new phone I had in September!
This is the year I redesign my kitchen I shall be using their recommended site to find local people
“This is the year I redesign my bathroom”. I’ve bookmarked their recommended site for finding local tradesmen, so my first step will be to find somebody to do the job the way I want it done
My goal is to fully support my sister through her first pregnancy.
This is the year that I will appreciate what I have and not worry about what I can’t control
This is the year that I write my novel, and more importantly, the year that I get my finances sorted. Or at least on the road to sorted!
Fabulous giveaway
I want to learn how to drive. I’ve taken the pics for my provisional and have the forms here. Just have to send them off and then I can get my head in the books and learn for the theory part of it x
My first plan for this year is to be more organised, which in turn will mean I will have :-
The right food in the house – better for my weight and health.
I will have the time to ensure I attend every aqua class I commit too.
I won’t be wasting money on take aways – see point 1 so saving some cash
Which in turn will make me a happier bunny in 2014
this is the year I continue to loose weight I have lost 2 stone but it took a year so I am hoping to loose more this year
this is the year I help my children fulfill their dreams as although grown up they have special needs
this is the year I save for christmas so we can have a good time
My goal is to learn something new every day.
We will have a holiday!
Stop worrying about my medical condition and enjoy life, what will be will be!
This year I will redecorate my living room
This year I will get fit and healthy again
Doing up the House
Decorate living room and decorate the spare room for my grandson for when he sleeps over on the weekends
This year i plan to pay off all my credit cards. I have already looked at a budget which it harder to stick to than i thought. Once my credit Cards are paid my end goal is being able to go on holiday to florida as a family
Ohhhhh the dream 
My goal is to save up our pennies and book a big family holiday. We will be working hard to do it.
More exercise, less alcohol and no smoking.
My husband and I have never had money that’s stretched any further than life’s essentials but this year things are starting to look up and I would like to put our extra money aside for two reasons: Firstly we would love to have an amount of money set aside for anything unforeseen. This would give us a tremendous amount of peace of mind knowing that this is there to fall back on. Secondly, I would love to be able to put some money aside for the future of our children; whether it’s for university or their first car, it doesn’t matter what but just knowing that I will be able to help them on their own journey warms my heart… So this is the year that I save for a rainy day!
This is the year I really knuckle down and study as well as possible for my exams!!
This Christmas my husband gave me £500 to invest in my favourite hobby, car booting and auctions! I’m buying items at car boots and the local auctions then selling them on at a profit! A box of books I bought last week has already made me over £100 and I still have 17 books to sell! All the family have put in sealed estimates of how much they think I’ll make so thats adding a little bit more fun to it! The money I will make will be reinvested and hopefully one day I’ll manage to have a little junk shop in France.
This is the year I will really start to save money, especially towards my little ones futures
what a fantastic prize. Myself and partner have just moved into a new place and i know the struggles that come along with trying to decorate as well as paying your ordinary monthly expenditures. This app sounds amazing. I bank with someone else though, but this has got me thinking.
Thanks for the amazing competition.
This year I plan to do some sort of voluntary work, hopefully with a children’s charity.
This year I shall be moving into my own place with my boyfriend and finally out of my parents (yes I’m 26 ) so there will be A LOT of decorating to be done xx
This is the year that my family and I get healthy, we started a challenge of 30 days paleo to figure out if we have any allergies to gluten or dairy…so far so good.
Enjoy myself, not take things too seriously and put myself first once in a while!
This is the year I start saving for the little ones
This is the year I plan for retirement
2014 is the year I save to buy a house.
I plan to eat out less – penny pinch in every way I can!
Home goal
This is the year I finish all those unfinished DIY jobs to get my flat looking great
Get a good graduate job!
This is the yeat that I get my bike out of the garage and use it regularly and don’t just stop when I get tired. Will push myself that bit harder!!
This is the year I travel more.
Great idea, this year I will learn to play the guitar.
this year I will get a better job
This year I will spend more quality time with family and worry less about the not so important things in life.
this is the year I start learning Spanish
this is the year I save for a house deposit
this is the year I learn to drive x
My main goal for 2014 is to really start saving up for all the ‘things’ I want to do or achieve in life and things I want to buy. To do this I am setting up the bank account to pay an amount every month straight into a savings account. The plan is to not touch that money and keep saving till we actually really need to use it on the things we really want to spend it on … family holiday, house deposit.
Sort out the garage
money goal.
this year i want to get a new job so i can support my children and be independent again.
im currently studying accounting part time, so hopefully i can find something once im finished studying
this year i want to get a new job and go back to university
This year I want to begin to learn to drive.
This year I plan to put myself on the right path towards getting healthy and leading a happy and fulfilling life.
to lose weight and live a healthier lifestyle
This is the year I stay healthy and lose weight
spring clean and use up all my spare tins of paint all free
This is the year I start to budget better. i am going to open up a separate account for treats and make meal plans in order to utilise my slow cookers more!
This year i want to update my latop
This year is the year I get fit by doing some yoga and maybe more! I also have SO much to do on the house to it’s having a totalt re-design and de clutter!
This is the year I get fit
my second goal this year is to learn to drive and pass my test within this year, I plan to ask my parents to help me financially to achieve my goal
this year I will apply to volunteer in charity shop
I have 3 – to pay off our overdraft, to get the house organised…in order to be prepared for goal 3 – have another baby!
my goal comes under the category of ‘home’ and it is to move
this is the year i start spending more quality time with my family. since my Aunty passed away last year it has really made me think that life is so short and we should make the most of being with the people who matter.
This is the year I will finally get to go on holiday to Russia. I aim to achieve this by selling personal possessions I no longer want on eBay, using vouchers to save a bit of money on the food shopping and not buying non essentials.
This is the year when I vow to curb my woefully untidy ways! Stop hanging clothes off doors, letting magazines (which I’ll probably never read) pile up and generally keep the house looking spic and span! Living alone – well, with just a cat – you’d think it would be easy, wouldn’t you? And I know I can’t blame HIM for the mess!!
This year I pass my driving exam and find a job
This is the year I learn to be confident in the kitchen!
My goal is to get my blood pressure and cholesterol down
This year must be about me, I must not try and get too stressed, and not let people or situations get to me. Thus leading to a more stress-free life
This is the year I have my first baby and make the most of every day on maternity leave with him or her. I want to become the best mum I can possibly be.
this is the year i will lose my final 2 stone to get to my weight i should be x
In 2014 I plan to FINALLY declutter my flat, and finish off my kitchen! Fingers crossed!
This year I’m going to get my bathroom ceiling fixed.
My goals for this year are to finally pass my driving test, i’ve been learning for over a year now, also earn more money by setting up my own business
This year is the year I try something new, maybe a new city, a new country, a new job. I wan’t to take a risk, explore something different.
This year I am de-cluttering!
I’m determined to pass my driving test first time and get into university
I am going to be HAPPy
I will smile every day!
this is the year I get fit’
I have decided I will try and make more time to spend with my family!!!
This is the year we redecorate our kitchen, and actually agree on styles and colours of wallpaper. The hardest part is agreeing the colour.
This year I want to drop a dress size by the summer and started that one by healthy eating and I want to safe to move by the end of the year so that one is on going.
My goal… I’m moving home in 8 wks hence lots of costs involved!
My resolution has been not to waste money on clothing etc that I don’t really need.
I will work hard and save hard….
Thanks for hosting this lovely competition, always wanted an iPad, I’m actually using my sons to enter this.
Fingers crossed tightly x
A life goal to cycle more and get fitter
This year I’m going to drink far less coffee!
This is the year I stop worrying about things I can’t influence and play more.
This year I will drink more water, chill out more…and do more of my hobbies like comping!
Wish to be calmer (bonus of trimmer)
The year I enter a competition, done!
I will sort my boyfriends bathroom out this year it is horrendous, I’ve just moved in and cannot stand it, it’s vile, so that’s what I’ll be doing this year! Got to save a bit first though
I spent all of last year laid up in bed with a bad back. So this is my year to get out & about & fit again, bring it on….x
Mine is to start to plan for my wedding I have been putting it off for 6 years but this year i’m going to knuckle down and get all the arrangements sorted
This year I would try to cut down on unhealthy and junk food and try to lead a healthier life
This is the year i start trying to exercise more to tone up after loosing 7 stone last year.
this year we are getting married, so we need to save up a fair bit for that!
This year my life goal is to attack my fear of flying, go on the course so I can at last travel with my partner and two children. Money goal is to save more and think ahead.
This year I WILL loose Weight
Build a new garage!
this year i will dedicate more time to myself and losing weight
I’m for it
This year we intend to finally replace the kitchen, it is functional but dated and in need of refreshing and modernisation. A lot of saving to do but it will be worth it in the end
This year I will become organised.
This is the year I will redecorate my house
already the year i made some self discoveries, and changes.
the year i become more open to people and free.
the year i evolve into a more possitive person.
To move out and get my own house, may be hard but i cant wait.
My Goal is to win something for the first time x
Learn to drive, with a little help from my friends…
nice prize
My goals this year are to save for my wedding in 2015 so everything else will just have to wait.
This is the year that I want to become financially secure. To feel settled, comfortable, happy and at home within a property suitable to my needs. With some good luck I will win a sufficient sum on the lottery. In order to make my goals possible, and maybe share some of my good fortune through charity donation etc.
I really need to eat a very healthy diet this year = no sugar, very low starch, and very low caffeine … but where’s all the food gone!!!
Last year I lost 5 stone, so this year, by pushing even harder in the gym, I shall tone. I will feel better about myself than I have in a long time
Get a Job
This year I will try to get some work done on my garden
this is the year i will restart my old hobbies
Change my life, graduate and hopefully get a great job!
This year I will do a massive clear out of my wardrobe and paperwork, books, etc so that I won’t have as much junk to move when I move house (I meant to do this all last year but didn’t get round to it!
i will be cleaning up my garden
This is the year, I get A’s at uni all year. Make my Blog successful and lose weight!
This year I will renovate our ageing kitchen!
This is the year i save for my dream house.
Me and my boyfriend live together at his parents at the minute and we really want to move out so my goal for this year is to save realistically every month
this is the year I get more confidence!
this year i will stop smoking
In 2014 I will finish projects I have started and I will be more organised.
this is the year I save for a new car
This year I will better myself in all aspects of my life, Lose weight, get fitter, earn more money and be more lucky
To support lots of families in and around the Edinburgh and Lothians via my new postnatal care and consultancy company, NurtureMe, giving babies an excellent start to life with nurtured, confident, gentle parents x
this year I will tone up, I’ve just had a gastric bypass and do not want to be left with too much lose skin
This is the year I’ll get my slipped disc sorted out once and for all
get my house up and running. Velux windows in the roof for starters.
This is the year I move out for good.
this year i will live to the fullest
Better health
This year I am going to take beautiful photos and get them framed.
This year I will stop worrying so much (about everything!)
This year my aim is to do some decorating. Not keep putting it off!
This is the year that I WILL become a Legal Guardian to the young woman I have fostered for almost 12 years.
This year I would love to lose weight by eating less and walking more!
This year I will decorate the Lounge, HSL and bedrooms.
This year I will publish an ebook that i have been planning.
This the year I:
Cut up my credit card (if I can’t afford it I won’t buy it).
De-clutter my bedroom.
Switch off the T.V and take my little westie on longer walks.
this for me is the year I`m going to make the most of all the opportunities available to me, by not dismissing them initially
this year i will lose weight and get fit
This year I will decorate my bedroom and sort my storage solutions out to get rid of the clutter.
This year I’m going to be kinder to myself. I’m going to congratulate myself on the little things I achieve and not give myself a hard time when I don’t do things perfectly
I need to decorate the loung
Declutter the kids rooms
This is the year I keep positive and be kinder to myself x
This is the year I buy a house
This is the year I pass my driving test
Once I’ve saved for the first, I’ll work on the second, gradually squirrelling money away to try to buy in summer, hopefully the Help To Buy scheme will help too!
This is the year I really sort out my health an weight. I’m not doing any mad crazy diets that I can’t stick to, but I AM eating healthily, and really thinking about what I put into my body. I;m sick of leaving life on hold until I;m slimmer and fitter and happier. I need to stop talking about it, and do it!
Buy a house
This year I will help other people more.
This year I will give up smoking, and I will do this by changing completely my day routine as well as joining a program.
This year I will save enough money to take my family on holiday and will do this by quitting smoking.
This year i have given up smoking and intend to stay smoke free for the rest of my life. The money i save will be used for home improvements.
This year I will ensure I put myself first more, for a change.
This is the year I decorate my bedroom!
This is the year I develop my self-discipline, starting with small challenges such as completing my full daily to-do list and progressing on to bigger challenges like weaning myself off chocolate! Self-discipline is the key to everything.
this year I plan , and I mean plan to sort out our bathroom , bring it up to date some. and hubby can sort out his mess in our garage …. if he can get in it … lol.
This year I win.
This is the year i say YES!
This year I will pay of my loan and get out my overdraft
get around to that decorating I’ve been putting off . . .
Get a car and become a confident experienced driver.
This is the year I find a job I enjoy instead of hating every minute of the daily grind
My goal is to over haul our garden. We moved here last june from a 2 bed flat to a 3 bedhouse with a garden with our 5 children. Its gonna take a lot of hard graft but it will be worth it in the end
Hopefully it will be in a better state come the summer
Fallenangel713 on Twitter:)
My goal is to re-arrange all the storage reduce clutter no longer needed and create some space.
I hoping to prove to myself that i can live off the land ( well some fruit & veg this year maybe).I grew a few bits last year but i’m determind to save money on my food shopping by growing as much i can!
This year I’m getting my six pack back!
This year I plan to buy a car, I will achieve this by finding a new job and budgeting
This is the year I pay off my mortgage. I have been overpaying every month since the start so will continue to focus all my efforts to complete the last step.
My goal is to stop keeping all the things that may come in handy that builds/adds to the clutter…. ;0)
This year I am going to clear my house of all the things ‘that may come in handy at a later point’… its junk and the house is not that big anyway! ;0)
This year I will take control of my debts. (with the exception of the mortgage!) I plan to pay off my credit cards etc, and I will do this by being a smarter shopper, using vouchers and discounts more and special offers. Not eat out as much or have takeaways (this will also help with the diet!), and switch to better deals on utilities etc.
1. Year I Go on a Cruise (Save Money)
2. Year I Finally become size 14 (Lose Weight)
3. Year I Get the kitchen done
I will sort my life out
“Year I Make It Happen.” 2014 the year of to do something different.
I want to redecorate my bedroom…a very hude change:D
This year I will get better at organising. From the home, to shopping to money all my carefully laid out plans went out the window last year and everything ended up in a mess so little by little I shall start getting it all back in order. x
There wasn’t anything o the app that I wanted to do so I put save for my kids, but I already do that so maybe I will put a little more aside for them
To help others keep to their resolutions!
This is the year I become a better photographer.
I have bought a new family cookbook and I intend to cook something new from it at least once a week.
this year I would love to go back to college and challenge myself to some new stuff
This is the year that
1, all the children go to school full time
2, I learn how to drive
3, I decorate all the boys rooms (only taken me 3 years)
4, hopefully start a open uni course
This year I will treat to myself to new furniture in the Living Room. I have some savings put away and I got a small payrise this month so the extra is going to be used to help pay for the furniture.
This year I will get the lounge walls plastered!
This is the year I will start to run regularly
get a car
this is the year that I’ll do as I’m told by my GP!
Brilliant, my goal is to earn a second income through blogging. Id like to learn how to make more healthy foods and exercise more consistently
Build a chimney and get a log burner so im nice and warm next christmas x
My goal is to walk the dogs more, lose weight And enjoy my retirement.
This year I will try to be more patient.
This year i will lose weight and keep it off, normally i lose it and put it back on
This year I become a millionaire!
this is the year I save for a new car.
This year getting fit is my goal.
big wow
This year I’m going to grasp every opportunity to live life to the full and record every experience so I have a box of memories
Simply, to be a better person!
This year I will loose the weight I lost and then put on because I got lazy
This year, I’ll prioritise experiences over possessions
This year I am going to organise my finances and learn a new skill. Spreadsheets are going to help me
This year I will get a good grade in my exams and become more positive.
improve my life and clear out my wardrobe
This year I am going to win fantastic competitions, lose a stone and organise my house!
This is the year I save enough money to do up the living room
This year I am going to lose weight. Again!
This year I intend to go four months without touching a drop of alcohol, and complete the National Three Peaks!:-) All for Bowel and Cancer Research Charity in memory of a friend who passed away in 2009 at the early age of 33. Bring it on!!!!!
This is the year I plan ahead. No more bizarre shopping purchases or unwise decisions – I’ll be making a=mature decisions this year
this year I will replace my 17 year old car!
this year – more swimming and reading
This year I will look after myself more and try to improve my heath. I will also try not to worry so much about everything as I could worry for England!
This year I will be paying off our biggest debt and will be so glad to see the back of it
This year I will be paying off our biggest debt
this year goal is to save for my new kitchen and to do that is to cut down on fags and eat less chocalate
This is the year I get fit! I am doing a virtual around Britain tour, actually doing the mileage on my rowing machine at home but mapping it out on my blog. I will wave when I go past!
This year I’ll try to find a new job that I love. I’m stuck in a bit of a rut now so I need to just get off my backside and take some action. It may mean saying no to my current work situation and just being a bit more cutthroat.
This is the year I put away enough money to finally get on the property ladder by saving more and cutting down on the nights out!
This is the year we convert the loft, and it’s going to be done by making money through my various online sites. (Which also means this is the year I get organised and focussed.)
This year I will be fighting to keep my job, my plan is to be as flexible as possible, using my initiative and quietly making the workplace better for everyone, if possible! (I’m a TA in primary school with 6 months left of my contract)
This is the year I am finally going to get rid of the extra 2 stone I am carrying around with me.
I have joined weight watchers and have already made a good start by losing 3lb.
This is the year that I smile more and stress less. It is MY YEAR – I intend to ensure that I make more ME time this year. I devote so much time for others but really recognise that I need to also take care of myself
This year I’m going to work as much overtime as I can reasonably manage and save the extra income – hoping for enough that I can realistically afford to go back to university to study for a Master’s degree. It’s a big goal, and I’m really hoping my motivation lasts long enough for me to reach it!
This year I WILL use the treadmill every day
This year is the year I will finally be able to call my house a home. I’ve been here two years and have only just been able to afford the electrician to come in and fix all the things that were wrong (there were many!)
Next step is painting and decorating each room individually and being able to personalise my space
This year will be the year I become more organised with my finances – keeping & following ins and outs on all my accounts and budgeting more carefully.
I’ve been over to the facebook page and pledged that this is the year I’ll sort my debts out. I need to sort my bank balance before I can proceed with one of my new years resolutions, which is to get hold of a saxophone and learn to play. Luckily my other resolution to walk 2014 miles in 2014 is free so I can be getting on with that in the meantime!
This is the year I am going to make my money go further. I’ve already started by switching some of my shopping to Aldi rather than just choosing the easy option and getting everything at the Tesco five minutes away from me! I went on Sunday the savings are amazing – bag of carrots at Tesco £1 – 70p at Aldi! Half dozen large free range eggs, £1.70 at Tesco – £1 at Aldi and that’s just a couple of items!
I’ve also committed to a big clear out and putting everything on eBay that we no longer have a use for!
I have quite a few goals this year, but my main goal is to develop my art skills and produce a high standard portfolio.
This year I will lose weight
This year I am going to keep my bedroom tidy.
This year I am going to be starting a new table tennis club in my area which will mean I will be coaching more.
This year I am going to enter more competitions, look for freebies and products on offer to save money.
This is the year I make money go further using a combination of less impulse buying and more deal hunting – time consuming though it may be!
I will try and walk more….
This year I will publish my book
This year I will save more money, I plan to do this by putting aside an extra £50 per month.
I intend to lose 2 stone in weight, Started gym but put on 2 pounds!!!
This year I need to give up smoking…willpower willpower willpower!
This year I’ll stain all the downstairs doors
I’ll cut my golf handicap
And I will save enough to treat my kids to lots of goodies in Florida this summer!
This is also the year I learn to drive. I’ve got my first lesson booked for next week!
goal added on facebook
This is the year I sort myself out!
This is the year I travel. I’m currently saving enough money for a round-the-world adventure starting in April
This year I’ll pay off my car loan
This year I’ll laugh more and not take life quite so seriously
This year I WILL declutter more!!!
This year I want to sort out my house, been living in it for nearly a year and still have the previous occupants decor which is…not very nice. Just haven’t been able to find the time to do it but I must be proactive and devote some weekends to it.
I plan to decorate our tired hall and stairs, to do it I am aiming to set aside a bit each month as a decorating budget – we shall see!
This is the year I will look into getting a new job!
I get a new kitchen!!! I will, will get it done
To put laminate in my sons bedroom decorated two years ok and haven’t finished the floor
This year I do up the house
This is the year I invest my money wisely
Ah 2014, a year to continue the walking I started thanks to my grandaughter wanting me to enter race for life – “but I find it hard to walk to the bus stop!” I spluttered! But I did it! I want so much to continue this year. Secondly to save £1 per day toward Christmas presents so I can treat those I love.x
This is the year I set up a nice savings pot. I am going to set up a regular saver to help me achieve this.
I am going to sell at least half the “stuff” I have accumulated over the years on eBay, thus hopefully resulting in an uncluttered home, cupboards that aren’t straining at the seams, and some extra money!
this year i need to get my finances in order
This year im saving for my first holiday abroad.
I have pledged to buy a new set of wheels though I also pledge to practise my own philosophy, if you see someone without a smile, give them yours
I will blog more and buy new furniture for the conservatory x
I chose the Transform My Loft goal on the LLoyds App. My loft has been half done for about 3 years, and I would love to see it finished!
I’m going to finally learn how to play the guitar that I bought 20 years ago. I’m going to do this by setting aside an hour a day to practice and hence become a rock God
This is the year I will finish all my writing projects. To do this I need to set aside time for myself and set achievable goals.
This is the year that I redesign my garden and make it more appealing to spend time in! I also want to get fitter this year and lose weight. I also plan to save for a big holiday!
This year I will reduce my stress levels by avoid stressing about smaller insignificant issues, in an attempt to keep my stress levels much lower in 2014!
this is the year I will decorate my bathroom and try and lose weight by going to the gym and I also need to save to by another car as my other one is on its last tyres (legs)
This year i will fix up the kitchen, this is going to take time as it was altered to fit a wet room in for an elderly relative I care for. Pipework needs upgrading first. Old units first, deciding whether to modernise or start from scratch. The app on Lloyds has some great tips and places to look, so very useful
This is the year the en suite gets a full re model
this is the year i clear debts and learn to drive buy paying straight and making payment plans and put some money aside in a saving account and try to save money x
This year I want to lose the weight I gained in my 2 pregnancies. I also want to save money so I can pay off my car, mortgage and other debts and spend as much time with my 2 daughters as possible, they only have one childhood and I don’t want to miss out!
this is the year i save for a rainy day so i have the spare money in case my fridge breaks or my washing machine etc
This year I am entering random competitions!!
Mine is to start saving for a rainy day. I have never been good at saving but this year I am determined to make a change.
This is the year I get healthier.
This is the year I save more money.
This is the year I refurbish my bedroom.
We’re going to finally do our extension/garage conversion!
this year I am determined to decorate the hall, stairs and landing, something that I am not looking forward to as the people before us had the bright idea of gloss painting over the woodchip wallpaper hence my reluctance to start
Start and maintain excercise regime
This is the year I get fit.
I chose This is the year I get fit and I mean it this time – I have joined my local gym and will going twice a week. I will also be going swimming more with my kids.
I’m feeling ready for the challenge this year.
This is the year I look after my health but also replace the stairs carpet and save up for a wood fuel fire
My goal this year is to try and repaint every room in the house. Shoukdnt take too lonv as I’m doing it all cream.
This is the year I will get the other half of my loft boarded out and sort out the garden – finally!
I intend to throw away less food waste and save money by using up leftovers!
this is the year i learn to say NO!! I love to do things for other people to make other people happy and only recently ive actually thought, well what makes me happy and would they do it for me in return. i need time for myself and for my family and at times ive been running around for everyone else and forgetting the people that come/should come first because i cant say no to others. nothings come up as of yet to put any plan into action so i dont have a strategy yet other than say NO!!
My pledges are to plan at least two UK holidays to take my hubby and two little girls on a grand adventure. Secondly to clear CC debts by December, and lastly to get a bit fitter.
I WILL finish off decorating my house (lounge, kitchen and utility) and I will lose weight AND KEEP IT OFF!
To redecorate tge living room its long overdue s makeover
This year i plan to redecorate the whole house from top to bottom. I`ll do this as time permits (and finances of course) but hopefully will get my eldest to get his hands dirty too =)
I’ll be getting off my a$$ and losing the spare tyre that’s developing… Time to dust off the push bike and hide the car keys.
This year I will get fit.I will do this by cutting my alcohol intake by half and by jogging regularly.
This year I tidy the entire house … and keep it tidy! I will do this by cleaning one room at a time and choosing a day of the week to tidy that particular room.
This year I stop stressing over things beyond my control (I got fit last year!) I will have to be conscious of when I start to get stressed and try to tell myself not to worry about things that are beyond my control.
This year I will pay off a credit card. I will do this by saving the money I would spend on a coffee or a sandwich when out of the house.
This year I will decorate the Lounge, HSL and bedrooms.
This year I sort My Living Room Out
This Year I Stop Worrying About Tomorrow
This Year I Give Myself A Break, I can Only Do So Much
I Choose a life goal and this year (I will retire) I want to sit back relax and let others take the reins. I am such a control freak that I stress myself into a knot! I want to win this ipad air and sit and surf the net, read new books, plan holidays and simply socialise and chillax!