Getting goodies from the garden is always a fab thing to get. We’ve got a plot and it’s great to get fresh stuff. Our plot has grown and grown and grown and although it’s the first year, there should hopefully be many years after this to enjoy the goodies.
The strawberries looked and tasted great. Pity they’re all done already as we only got a few dozen and they don’t last long in this house.
The potatoes are a different story. We’ve been eating them for a week and loads more to come. Fresh and absolutely lovely when they’re cooked.
Sadly the cauliflowers are taking longer to ripen than we thought so they might not be goers this year, fingers crossed.
The peas have done well, but it’s just a pity there isn’t really that much when they pea pods are shelled. I forgot to tell them to keep the shells for stir fry, but they’ll remember next year I hope.
Loads of lovely lettuce.
Some mint, two types of basil and some parsley made up the total amount of herbs we pulled up. Somehow I’ve not managed to get a photo of the parsley.
Last but not least this week was the dill.
Wow, your strawberries and veggies look great! We have also started growing our own veggies in the garden. It’s not easy because its very dry and hot here, unlike Scotland. But the maize and beans are doing well.
You did this all by yourselves? That’s so cool. Look at those produce. Main benefit of growing you own garden is you get them fresh and pesticide-free.
It’s such a good feeling, isn’t it? Knowing that you have produced something yourself, with no horrible pesticides, that haven’t travelled half way across the world to get to your table. Our peas are just about ready to pick and I can’t wait! Love the look of your potatoes in particular. They have that waxy glow that is so appealing…
It certainly is. I think our plot neighbour has been helping himself to ours to keep our plot goodies used up while we’re away, so will be interesting to see what’s ready when we get home again.