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Silent Sunday – 26 May 2013






39 thoughts on “Silent Sunday – 26 May 2013

  1. That looks wonderful, good luck with all the plants/veg!

  2. Hope you have a good growing season

  3. That is one neat allotment. Such a wonderful thing to grow your own x

    1. It’ll take a while to get it looking good I think. Tis mostly the mans work with the kids digging with him though.

  4. Oh, this looks like the beginning of something great! Happy veg patching. x

  5. We used to grow our own little veggies where we used to live. Our garden is too small now :0( I love home grown bits. Hope the sun makes them all flourish xx

  6. Wow that’s fab xx

  7. Nothing like some gardening fun on a gorgeous sunny day! πŸ™‚ x

    1. It’s not my favourite passtime, but the man and his friend both have plots now so it keeps them out of trouble lol..

  8. yay! i would love an allotment but the waiting lists round here are years and years long πŸ™ x

    1. These are private allotments which seem to come up more quickly than the council ones. I didn’t even know these existed.

  9. Lovely raised beds! was it a lot of work? will be worth it!

    1. The man has done most of it, but before anything could be planted, the old run down allotment had to be cleared of all the carpets weaved into the soil. I have no idea why, but they were a nightmare to remove.

  10. Oooh allotment great to see people living the good life

  11. Oooh allotment great to see people living the good life

    1. this is the first year we will have produce from it, so hopefully it’s a good crop if we get plenty of sunshine.

  12. Ooh, looks like progress! I bet you will have a great crop.

    1. We’re hoping so, but I think we’ll have to wait and see. Slugs usually do a good job of trying to polish off lots of veges.

  13. My hubby would love something like that! Hope you have a good crop x

    1. It’s only Β£30 a year so nothing really to have a separate plot to the house garden which doesn’t work well. We are south facing but with massive trees over the fence, there isn’t enough sun to grow anythin much.

  14. My hubby would love something like that! Hope you have a good crop x

  15. What lovely tidy allotments, hope you see the fruits of your labours!

    1. I hope it does work out over time and hoping we get more than the 3 strawberries we got last year at the house.

  16. Must be so rewarding to finally see it all shooting πŸ™‚

    1. Hopefully by next year the whole plot will be in use, but it’s a slow process.

    1. It sure is. It is slowly taking shape.

  17. Loving the builder’s butt in the background.

    1. Lol, I think it was his back rather than his bum, but I never noticed it… Just shows what other people pick up haha.

  18. Is this a new hobby? A lot of work but def worth it πŸ™‚

    1. We’ve had the allotment for nearly a year, but it took a long time to dig over so this is the first year growing things in it.

  19. so lucky, would love a small allotment or even room in the garden for raised beds πŸ™‚

    1. We have a garden but with all the high trees and wildlife around, nothing we grow in it survives nature so the man took on an allotment which is about Β£30 a year. Keeps middler happy πŸ™‚

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