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Win an Unlimited Cinema Card from Cineworld for a year. Ends 9th January 2012

As much hard work as it is to get everything ready for Christmas day, it’s nothing in comparison to the people who have to spend it alone, for whatever reason.  We like to stay together as a family, but I do know people who spend it alone.   Friends and family are very important in the holiday season.

Everyone also has a favourite family Christmas film, and we all like to reminisce about our favourite oldies.  Whether it’s a comedy like Elf or a rom com like Love Actually, it is an undeniable fact that there are still so many films to enjoy this season, both new and old.  I’m told that it’s quite common for families to go altogether to the cinema on Boxing Day which seems like a lovely tradition.  It’s not something we have ever thought of doing as a family, but there is always room for a new tradition or two.

It’s for this reason that I have joined up with dating site eHarmony to offer one lucky reader unlimited cinema trips for a year.  Up for grabs is one Cineworld ‘Unlimited Card’, which also comes with access to exclusive advance screenings and meal discounts.  Think about a whole year of unlimited films at Cineworld, and you could have plenty to talk about to get any conversation started, whether you go film watching with your family, your friends or even with a new date.

I know a lovely couple who met online after a few years Internet courtship, and they lived at the opposite ends of the Country, so it is possibly to find love through a keyboard.

eHarmony have given all the readers of Scottish Mum the opportunity to win the unlimited cinema card for a year, so if you do find love in Scotland on, you’d have plenty to talk about with all the movies you’ll  be watching.

If you’re not based in Scotland, that’s no problem either.  They have members all over the UK, and they are all looking for that special someone to share their lives with.

To be in with a chance of winning the Cineword Unlimited card, complete as many of the entry methods as possible, then leave a comment to say you have done so. Each method – and comment – counts as a different entry. Good luck!

Entry methods: Follow the instructions on the Rafflecopter widget.

a Rafflecopter giveaway


579 thoughts on “Win an Unlimited Cinema Card from Cineworld for a year. Ends 9th January 2012

  1. The 24 box set is perfect for snuggling with my man


  3. I’ve tweeted

  4. thanks for the giveaway, followed on twitter – @ckelly2304

  5. @LisaPope10

  6. Tweeted

  7. The Muppets Christmas Carol – a great film that they whole family can enjoy

  8. Really fab prize, fingers crossed xx

  9. @greenandshiney

  10. I have tweeted here :

  11. Home Alone is my Christmas classic. It reminds me of my childhood. It’s fun and feelgood. I might watch it again now actually!

  12. tweeted @essexgirlSE

  13. It’s A Wonderful Life and if I can have a second, Miracle on 34th Street

  14. I have liked eHarmony on Facebook

  15. I have tweeted @Happyelf_Sue

  16. The Sound of Music is a must in our house just before Christmas 🙂

  17. Great prize. I am @Chicken_1983

  18. I have also tweeted as @Chicken_1983

  19. It has to be The Snowman, as it is a real classic that appeals to the kids and adults alike! 🙂

  20. best cuddle up film was auther! I tweeted and liked all fb entries x

  21. Gotta be bad santa, as an antidote to usual festive mushiness!

  22. Have Tweeted – thank you

  23. I’d love to win this. Les Miserables on Friday!

  24. I tweeted! @Lawrie22B


  26. @KTBennett83

  27. followed on twitter and facebook as well

  28. i have tweeted @ktbennett83 had to shorten it as it was too long hope that is okay

  29. would love to see the new hobbit film

  30. Have tweeted as Lindsey99287

  31. Mickey blue eyes because it makes me laugh!! Have tweeted as Lindsey99287 and done the rest etc xx

  32. twitter – @2668looby – following

  33. HAve tweeted – @2668looby

  34. I love National Lampoons Christmas Vacation – a good family comedy that would be your worst nightmare!!!!

  35. I’m now following eHarmony on Facebook – username Eppy Taff

  36. Have tweeted as @eppytaff

  37. Believe it or not, I always enjoy watching Scrooge as it has a bit of everything in and has a feelgood end to it. You always know it’s close to xmas when it’s on tv too 🙂

  38. Believe it or not, I love watching Scrooge. It’s a story with everything in and a feelgood ending. You always know it’s close to christmas when it comes on tv too 🙂

  39. tweeted @cherylpearson09

  40. Liked eHarmony on Facebook & am following on facebook

  41. I tweeted as SandraB@gottobein

  42. have liked on Facebook

  43. The Sound of Music, a great family classic & gives us the chance to have a great sing-a-long

  44. I have tweeted @halleygal

  45. Love to watch The Bear

  46. Fav to watch – Die Hard, I just love Bruce W 🙂

  47. @KateDSB

  48. Dawsons creek is always a fave

  49. @bazzingapest

  50. I have tweeted

  51. I love to watch Elf at Christmas, because be and my Husband watch it together snuggled on the coach and can laugh and relax together

  52. I have liked eHarmony on Facebook 🙂

  53. it has to be sound of music, i use to curl up with my gramp and watch his favorite film, which is now my favorite film……………………….. brings back great memories of him

  54. @Scottish_Mum and @eHarmonyUK @Roraima Twed & Fbked too

  55. We always watch The Grinch on Christmas eve after the kids have been bathed & opened their new pj’s & put them on all ready for Santa

    1. Followed & r/t @jaknconsmum

      liked on FB

  56. the film i like to watch is Elf it is so funny
    really enjoyable at xmas.

  57. tweeted and followed @sram3280

  58. I love snuggling in and watching Dirty Dancing.

  59. liked eharmony on FB

  60. twitter: @angiehoggett

  61. tweeted here:

  62. It’s got to be love actually because it makes me feel warm inside!!

  63. tweeted, liked & followed

  64. Miracle on 34th Street

  65. Miracle on 34th Stree

  66. I liked on Facebook

  67. I followed on Twitter @baroncols

  68. I tweeted @baroncols

  69. I love It’s A Wonderful Life.

  70. I follow eharmony on Facebook

  71. I tweeted @_x_kat

  72. i have tweeted @lisajohnprince and followed

    i love to sit and wach a good horror then a comedy before sleeping it mixes the moods up xx

  73. my twitter name is @plumblossom23

  74. “Scrooged” with B ill Murray – just the right amount of comedy, a bit of fear and a nice slushy ending

  75. My favourite snuggle up winter film is The Holiday, perfect christmas romance

  76. tweeted as @plumblossom23

  77. Love Actually, it’s always on at Christmas but it’s one of those films I can watch over and over again and still enjoy it.

  78. we love watching Elf as a family

  79. Scrooged – because I love watching the demented fairy.

  80. I’ve tweeted

  81. My Twitter name is Englishian!

  82. Tweeted via @Englishian here –

  83. I’m a fan of eHarmony on FB!

  84. Home Alone! 🙂

  85. I would love to win this. Coopl.

  86. tweeted and followed @icklesairz 🙂

  87. It’s a wonderful life – such a heartwarming story about making the most ofwhat you got

  88. Liked Eharmony on facebook 🙂

  89. I’ve tweeted! @barbarajaneuk

  90. The Sound of Music is a must watch Christmas Film in our house – we get all the kids to sing along and its good old fashioned fun – something kids rarely experience these days!

  91. @zebedee01

  92. I have tweeted 🙂

  93. Miracle on 34th Street – because it is magical and gets me all excited for christmas 🙂

  94. I’ve liked eharmony on Facebook.

  95. I have tweeted. @nomibcf

  96. i am following eHarmony on Twitter x @cheeksdevil

  97. My must-watch winter season classic is Love Actually because it’s funny, sad and heartwarming, plus the cast is brilliant!

  98. i have liked eHarmony on facebook xxx

  99. followed eharmoney on facebook

  100. @irenegilmour

  101. I have tweeted x

  102. I love cinema

  103. following on twitter @clairelittle9

  104. love actually as it’s a feel good film

  105. it has to be home alone its still makes me laugh and kids love it too

  106. wow would love to win this time i mad time for myself

  107. Favourite Christmas film has to be Micky’s Christmas Carol, a classic.

  108. Fingers crossed! could do with a few trips to the cinema 🙂

  109. In winter I love to snuggle up on the sofa with a glass of wine and Mama Mia! on DVD – full of sunshine and gorgeous Greek island scenery and of course Meryl Streep is fab! x

  110. This would be a lovely prize to win – good luck everyone!

  111. great prize!

    I have tweeted x

  112. Its a wonderful life my all time favourite movie

  113. I love The Green Mile 🙂

  114. I have liked eharmony on facebook Esther James

  115. I have tweeted @esthermate

  116. I think it would be the shining- so scary and perfect for a winter snuggle

  117. Miracle on 34th Street

  118. “Home Alone” – It never gets old, especially around Christmas. All the family watch it every year!

  119. followed eharmony @lucythebaker

  120. Have tweeted @lucythebaker

  121. Forrest Gump..hes a grt actor and never fails to make me chuckle.

  122. Home alone a xmas family favourite

  123. My twitter name is @mariehen83

  124. I tweeted!

  125. I love home alone 2… makes me feel so christmasy… or Elf… I love Elf too!

  126. It’s got to be The Wizard of Oz because it’s been my favourite film ever since I was a little girl

  127. I’d love to #win an unlimited voucher via @Scottish_Mum and @eHarmonyUK

  128. I tweeted @donnambaxter

  129. I love It’s A Wonderful Life. It really puts everything into perspective

  130. fabulous competition would love to win this

  131. Great prize

  132. I follow eHarmonyUK on Twitter – @Jezzamk

  133. I have liked eHarmony on facebook

  134. I tweeted I’d love to #win an unlimited voucher via @Scottish_Mum and @eHarmonyUK

  135. My must watch film is Mamma Mia. It is a feelgood film and everybody knows the songs. Dirty Dancing runs it a close second.

  136. @WShippam

  137. I tweeted 🙂

  138. Home Alone – lovely snuggling up on the sofa with my little boys watching this, chortling our socks off!

  139. love to win

  140. I like eHarmony on Facebook

  141. must watch winter film is finding Nemo, makes you smile and has good family values- good to watch all year around

  142. I have tweeted as @dobbie999

  143. already like the eharmony fb page

  144. Four Christmases. Love that film. Festive and very funny.

  145. My Twitter name is @NatalieWhite91 🙂

  146. I love to snuggle up on the sofa and watch Love Actually – it makes me feel so happy and warm 🙂

  147. I’m following eHarmony as Clare F Wood

  148. my twitter name is @clareo122 tweeted your tweet

  149. has to be a christmas film with my girls

  150. It has to be its a wonderful life. a classic

  151. Have liked eHarmony on Facebook (same name, Karina Braekkan)

  152. Tweeted from @diadelosmuert0s about the giveaway:

  153. Following eHarmony on Twitter. @diadelosmuert0s

    (Weirdly the advert for eHarmony came on the TV the instant I did lol)

  154. im following on twitter

  155. Home Alone, either the 1st or 2nd film as they are the good ones in my opinion. Good memories of Christmas holidays from when I was little. 🙂

  156. i have tweeted

  157. the grinch. we all love it and never tire of it!

  158. dr who because i like to watch it from under a banket lol

  159. lovely prize

  160. followed eharmony on twitter as QFMD

  161. tweeted as @QFMD

  162. My favourite curl up Christmas film is currently Nativity. I know its not that old ( haven’t seen the second one yet )
    But I just love that film

  163. A Muppet Christmas Carol or a Nightmare Before Christmas

  164. I have tweeted @danipea1967

  165. Elf – festive and funny

  166. Have tweeted@kevinlaing1

  167. It’s a wonderful Life – Such a feel good movie

  168. I love to curl up with my daughter & watch Pretty Women 🙂

  169. i love watching dirty dancing, my fave. x

  170. I’ve tweeted, btw!!

  171. Flight of the Navigator. Love that film.

  172. My favourite….Love Actually! Must be considered a classic and is certainly on in our house often enough over winter!

  173. Have liked on FB!

  174. Have tweeted! 🙂 @fairyprincess31

  175. Elf, because Will Ferrell is so funny in it

  176. tweeted as @rozsarg

  177. “I’d love to #win an unlimited voucher via @Scottish_Mum and @eHarmonyUK tweeted as

  178. Muppet Christmas Carol – keeps kids happy and it means its nearly Christmas! 🙂 xxxx

  179. And Tweeted GPrincess82

  180. Home Alone, it never fails to make me laugh and smile 🙂

  181. I love watching Dirty Dancing Its my all time favourite and it reminds me of when I was the same age as Baby when I went on the same type of holidays with my Family brings back so many Happy Memories

  182. I’ve Liked eHarmony on Facebook

  183. The Snowman 🙂

  184. I have tweeted @cheeksdevil

  185. i have tweeted xoxox

  186. I have commented , what a fantastic prize for anyone xoxox

  187. I have liked eHarmony on facebook.
    Helen Aiken

  188. I follow eHarmonyUK on twitter.

  189. I have tweeted.

  190. The Polar Express is a firm favourite in this house. My daughter loves the story, which I also enjoy, but I especially love the sound effects, especially when it’s sliding over the ice or going down the steep hill.

  191. i tweeteed @tracey0810

  192. i love to snuggle up with the hubby and watch love actually, love this film it is may favourite romantic and christmas film

  193. tweeted the following tweet “I’d love to #win an unlimited voucher via @Scottish_Mum and @eHarmonyUK and following on twitter @thekidsmama, also following on facebook Hayley Louise Colburn xxx

  194. My favourite film for the festive season has to be the grinch

  195. Marley and me, I love it (even though it makes me cry so much)

  196. @jeanette177

  197. have tweeted @jeanette177

  198. Santa clause the movie the most magical christmas film from my childhood

  199. I have tweeted @juliepaulwife

  200. We love watching the Home Alone films x

  201. i have liked eHarmony on facebook.

  202. robpw2

    great prize

  203. what a fantastic prize, this would be great as i don’t get to go to the cinema much. my twitter name is Linny71Linda.

  204. i have tweeted as Linny71Linda

  205. we always watch A Christmas carol starring Patrick Stewart, it’s something we’ve done for the past few years as a family, it’s a timeless classic, which is suitable for everyone.

  206. And again today Twd & Fbd

  207. I tweeted

  208. We’ve got into the habit of watching Lemony Snicket each Christmas – it’s such a funny film that none of us tire of watching

  209. i love watching anything with OH on the sofa with a real fire lit 😀

    definately a good scary one though!

  210. Liked Eharmony on facebook

  211. @clarsquirrel is my twitter name 🙂

  212. Love Actually because it always cracks me up.

  213. Have tweeted the competition 🙂

  214. following eharmony on facebook

  215. Have tweeted @Tazer129

  216. @Tazer129

  217. liked on fb……Emma Perry

  218. following on twitter: @emmafifema

  219. I love watching HITCH!

  220. Home alone as it has been a tradition here that the christmas season officially starts when we settle down to watch the antic of Kevin and the Wet Bandits 🙂

  221. Lord of the rings because they are long films and at xmas got longer to watch them!

  222. I tweeted I’d love to #win an unlimited voucher via @Scottish_Mum and @eHarmonyUK

  223. I have liked eHarmony on facebook Hannah Beadle

  224. I follow eHarmony on twitter @hannahbeadle

  225. I have tweeted @hannahbeadle

  226. I love snuggling up and watching Bridget Jones Diary I am sooo much like her and it’s so nice to see her have such a happy ending means mine is just around the corner too

  227. ends 9th jan 2012??????

  228. My Twitter name is @compcake

  229. Have Tweeted as @compcake

  230. I have tweeted also my twitter name is @msmsaclark

    thank you.

  231. The christmas episodes of Ally Mcbeal – had them on again this year they always make me feel christmassy 🙂

  232. i have done the above to enter

  233. I am following eHarmony on facebook

  234. twitter name @rugbylovingmum

  235. I have tweeted (hope I have done it correctly!) @rugbylovingmum

  236. Santa Claus The Movie – it’s an awful film really but it was the first film my parents ever took me to see at the cinema and I can still remember how excited I was. I loved the atmosphere, the huge screen and the popcorn but was less impressed with the bout of motion sickness I got after watching the bad guy spinning off into space at the end 🙁

  237. Edward Scissorhands, no doubt. Beautiful music, great acting and ice sculptures!

  238. I’ve tweeted @pigtails21

  239. It is Miracle on 34th Street for me.

  240. i have liked eHarmony on FB 🙂

  241. Mamma Mia! because it makes me think of the summer

  242. I have followed @eHarmonyUK on Twitter
    @vtherawati its really good prize i love movie! xxx

  243. I have liked eharmony on facebook

  244. twitter name @sheridarby

  245. I have tweeted

  246. Winter – Dr Zhivago, makes me realise that we don’t know what winter is & Omar Sharif – Well he’s just hot!!

  247. I watch Love Actually every year, it never fails to bring a smile to my face as it is just so ‘nice’!

  248. following eHarmony on facebook as Sue Willshee

  249. Have followed eHarmony on twitter @piperanddaisy

  250. I tweeted @piperanddaisy

  251. I love ‘While you were sleeping’ which is set over the Christmas / New Year period and stars Sandra Bullock. We have a family tradition that on the last Saturday before Christmas the girlies get together for a pizza and wine evening and we always watch this movie. We have a grown up sleepover, put on our PJ’s and snuggle under fleecy blankets. There are usually 3 of us squashed on each sofa and even though we’ve done this for the past 4 years we still cry at the movie. Of course we know all the words too and keep beating Sandra to the lines…..but that’s part of the fun 😉 If you’ve never seen it, I definitely recommend it for a real feel good movie.

  252. My fave film to snuggle up and watch is pay it forward, it’s so sweet but sad too.

  253. It’s got to be a good period or detective drama, whatever’s new recently but i always love Poirot or another Agatha Christie 🙂

    (p.s. have liked eHarmony on Facebook)

  254. Awesome Competition 🙂 Thanks


  255. I love E.T x

  256. My choice of film is It’s a Wonderful Life – it’s a classic and a great message for Christmas time too – always get a good feeling after watching 🙂

  257. liking eharmorny on facebook and twitter – username x_x_clare_x_x

  258. have tweeted x_x_clare_x_x

  259. its not christmas until films like home alone and jingle all the way are telly! there the best to snuggle up with the family and watch!

  260. following eharmony on facebook as Samantha Ripley

  261. following eharmony on twitter @lillyfer85

  262. me and my daughter enjoyed watching mrs miracle this year

  263. tweeted @lillyfer85

  264. Love actually is the best to watch! its sweet and cheery!!!! liked eharmony on facebook and twitter and tweeted- twitter name @cooggie

  265. My fav. film would have been Life of Pi from @BubblesInBloom

  266. liked on facebook ( Claire Bbdiva Butler)

  267. twitter name @bbdiva1977

  268. have tweeted @bbdiva1977

  269. tweeted @kayke_Dee

  270. my fave winter classic is lady & the tramp

  271. have tweeted, followed and liked.
    my fav film to snuggle up to is love actually

  272. Got to be Muppet christmas Carol for me!

  273. The Holiday. It’s an easy to watch feel good movie.

  274. I like to snuggle up watching Love Actually!

  275. I’ve tweeted from @taliatiki

  276. I love watching The Snowman….and now the Snowdog too 🙂

  277. tweeted x

  278. Any comedy really but love Elf,

  279. Following on twitter as @mariajkknight

  280. Tweeted as @mariajkknight

  281. For me it has to be Singing In The Rain -Gene Kelly was the most handsome man ever in his day!

  282. I love to watch Nightmare Before Christmas! Fit for Halloween through to Christmas yay 🙂

  283. miracle on 34th street love it

  284. Grease – it’s so romantic

  285. dirtdancing

  286. It has to be The Holiday. Such a feel good movie. And Jude Law kinda helps too!!

  287. Its a Wonderful Life

  288. Happy Feet! Heart-warming and one for all the family 🙂 Plus I love penguins!

  289. For me its any good detective story, mind I usually fall asleep before the end so I never know who dunnit!

  290. It has to be Love Actually, a real feel goood film

  291. I like watching White Christmas

  292. the dambusters is a great classic

  293. liked on facebook as tony brown

  294. i have tweeted too

  295. my twitter name is @B275Brown

  296. we love the grinch. great heartwarming film and full of laughs 🙂

    have tweeted on twitter @kingsandcorpses

  297. i like eharmony on FB

  298. Hello I am @olivia280177 on twit

  299. I tweeted as @olivia280177

  300. Mickeys Christmas Carol. I love the Scrooge story and Mickey appeals to my youngest children too.

  301. tweeted @xxme2uxx

  302. Love Actually, its so festive and a great movie

  303. Love actually as it always puts a warm glow in me x

  304. followed e harmony on fb

  305. twitter name @meisafairy

  306. tweeted! x

  307. fab giveaway!

  308. Followed eHarmony on FB

  309. Tweeted I am @Grandma2802

  310. That’ll teach me to read the question first !! Me and my Chihuahua Dobby like long, easy to watch films. I do like old movies, actually can’t say which one as just like old movies. Also, I like watching boxed sets …you get so many episodes to watch back to back of favourite TV series.

  311. I love going to the cinema, it’s one thing I can do alone as you go and sit through a movie, you don’t talk to anyone !! Here’s hoping it’s me !!

  312. I have followed and tweeted @ellegorizza

  313. Love actually 🙂

  314. Tweeted @jo_mapp

  315. I love to watch It’s A Wonderful Life. The perfect film for this time of year

  316. Following eHarmony on Facebook.

  317. Like on Facebook with ID Phyllis Ellett

  318. I can be found hiding @phyllgerry on good old twitter

  319. Tweeted with @phyllgerry

  320. My all time winter classic is A Christmas Story, please search this great movie out. Just a great cuddle up film, even though each time we watch it we know the ending, the ending is still brilliant.

  321. Twitter name is @SarahJLCooper

  322. Tweeted

  323. The Snowman – I never tire of it because it reminds me of my childhood.

  324. This prize would come down like a real treat ! Have liked Fb and followed @Roarima1

  325. My winter classic is “It’s a Wonderful Life” – such a feel-good movie.

  326. @joanna_kow

  327. liked on FB

  328. tweeted

  329. I have liked eHarmony on Facebook 🙂

  330. I have followed @eHarmonyUK on Twitter 🙂

  331. I have tweeted 🙂

  332. favourite winter film is Lord of the Rings. Plenty of time to snuggle in & it whiles away a dark evening nicely. If only I had time to while away!

  333. twitter – @hudson3lb

  334. home alone. perfect for lazy xmas viewing

  335. tweeted as @KatyCJohnston

  336. Liked eHarmony on facebook

  337. Tweeted!x

  338. What a fab giveaway!

  339. I have tweeted – @boris3428

  340. Tweeted as @maximka25, though had to cut your text as it was longer than a tweet permits.

  341. The Snowman, though now it would be The Snowman and the snowdog as well

  342. facebook liked

  343. Elf or home alone, they are wintery and funny

  344. i tweeted

  345. I’ve followed eHarmony on Facebook

  346. I’ve tweeted as @7hippopotamus

  347. The santa clause as it gets me in the mood for Christmas.

  348. I’m @pipersky1 🙂

  349. I’ve tweeted 🙂 @pipersky1

  350. The Polar Express because I want to believe 🙂

  351. I have liked eharmony on fb

  352. I have tweeted! @lisabeddall

  353. I love watching Gone with the Wind 🙂

  354. what a great prize for 2013

  355. liked eharmony on facebook as jellie bellie

  356. following eharmony on twitter as@jellie75

  357. The twilight series are a must on a winter cold night

  358. tweeted as @jellie75

  359. Its got to be Miracle on 34th street – love it!

  360. Also tweeted facbook etc (@embabestweet)

  361. Muppet Christmas carol… without doubt!

  362. Once again I have Twitted and Facebooked it.

  363. Followed on twitter @fionalmatters

  364. I have tweeted

  365. The Snowman – because Christmas wouldn’t be Christmas without it!

  366. I have tweeted.

  367. Home Alone – it’s just a feel good film that always cheers me up and makes me feel like a kid again!

  368. It has to be Home Alone 🙂

  369. I am a fan on FB


  370. I am following on twitter @muslimahi

  371. I have tweeted @muslimahi

  372. Home Alone for me!

  373. Bog post comment with my twitter name – grannybiker

  374. I tweeted @grannybiker

  375. Have liked e-harmony on facebook

  376. I’m @xxfluffywhitexx on twitter 🙂

  377. I tweeted as @xxfluffywhitexx here:

  378. Tim Burtons “Nightmare Before Christmas” – I love the warped sense of humour that Tim Burton has and this film is amazing for any time of year.

  379. @enderit

  380. I have tweeted (@enderit)

  381. tweeted lol

  382. has to be the Bishops wife, festive, fun and snuggley feelgood

  383. Joyeux Noel twitted and facebooked it too

  384. Great prize

  385. Love Actually because it warms by heart every time

  386. Its a wonderful life every time for me

  387. TWEETED


  389. Have tweeted @HPNicholson

  390. My favourite movie to snuggle up and watch in the Winter is Sound of Music. Not Christmassy or Wintery but definitely worth snuggling to.

  391. Would just love to win this!

  392. What a lovely prize! Not particularly Christmassy … but (being single n all!) I do love the first SATC movie. The 2nd … was dreadful!

  393. Home Alone – it just makes it feel like Christmas.

  394. Tweeted! via @tikielf

  395. Gone With The Wind because it’s such a sweeping epic story to keep me entertain during the long nights in.

  396. Twitted and Fb shared again!

  397. twitter name: @_Natalie_P

  398. tweeted @_Natalie_P

  399. You’ve Got Mail – because I love books, romance and the Internet!

  400. “”GHOST” romantic and sad

  401. I love the snowman
    Because I love snow
    With all the happy children
    On their sledges having a go
    With bright red cheeks
    Falling over in the snow
    The Snowman brings happiness
    Even to adults watching the tv
    Imagination all aglow.

  402. @Top_cat81

  403. tweeted

  404. followed eharmony on fb

  405. I thoroughly enjoyed 7 brides for 7 brothers – classic!!

  406. Miracle on 34th Street is mine. A Xmas classic that shows the true meaning of Xmas in bringing Love and warmth and completeing a family at this special time of year.

  407. Love Actually

  408. It’s “National Lampoons Christmas Vacation” because even though it’s a very funny slapstick approach to a family Christmas, it’s the type of family Christmas we all strive to enjoy, lights on the house, snow on the ground, a big family dinner with everyone sat around the fire listening to the Christmas Story and enjoying the warm festivities a true large family Christmas offers. Also, I would love to have Clark Griswold as my father!!

  409. @Isis1981uk on Twitter

  410. I’ve tweeted @Isis1981uk

  411. Home Alone – the whole family love it & it makes us all laugh & relax!

  412. Liked eharmony on facebook

  413. followed eharmony on twitter

  414. Tweeted @lighterson

  415. Awesome, Miracle on 34th Street, this would be the perfect start to anyone year

  416. my tradition is to snuggle up and watch love actually – great feel good film!

  417. have followed

  418. have twitted too

  419. retweeted @compforumsUK

  420. followed eharmony on twitter @compforumsUK

  421. the snowman as id never seen it in 25 years x

  422. Tweeted @tp_tasha

  423. I like a good family fun film like Toy Story

  424. The Snowman, as its so magical and everyone loves it

  425. fab prize x

  426. great comp! @jellybabes

  427. Liked e-harmony on FB (June M Lord)

  428. Leaving my twitter name – @JuneMLord

  429. Teeted @JuneMLord

  430. My Christmas watch has to be A Christmas Carol, the musical version with Albert Finney and Alec Guinness because it reminds me of my christmas’ as a child.

  431. Wonderful prize. Fingers crossed!

  432. @mellysocks on twitter

  433. I have tweeted @mellysocks

  434. The sound of Music,I just have to watch it every christmas 🙂

  435. liked and tweeted @bexhillsue

  436. Miracle on 34th Street – because it put me in a Christmasy mood, and it’s something everybody can watch

  437. Liked eHarmony on FB as Diane Carey

  438. @capodemonte

  439. Have tweeted @capodemonte

  440. ‘Home Alone’ because its funny and it reminds me of when our daughter was younger. She loved watching it at Christmas with us


  442. Follow eharmony on twitter @angoraferrets

  443. Followed Eharmony on facebook

  444. Now following eharmony on facebook

  445. Twitter name : @ras38

  446. Have tweeted.

  447. Not very festive, but i love Blues Brothers – it’s a great ‘feel good’ film & always lifts my spirits & makes me laugh.

  448. Used to love going to the cinema – this is a great prize.

  449. Tweeted and now commenting 🙂

  450. ive tweeted, name is @ummziyad
    fave movie to snuggle up and watch is love actually

  451. My twitter handle is @Svenena83

  452. I’ve tweeted!

  453. I’ve done the eharmony on Twitter, I’m dogwithnobrain there too. I’ve followed you on twitter, but I’m not sure that these comments are taking, I keep getting “you have already said that” response. 🙁

  454. I love to watch Scrooged with Bill Murray… Comic, Tear-jerking, and feel good all at the same time! Great Christmas Movie.

  455. Quickly and easily your application for a automobile insurance
    Quote using easy to use website. As a customer, you will enjoy our suite of customer service
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  456. home alone 🙂 always loved it

  457. Tweeted. Following. Commenting 🙂


  458. I have liked eharmony on Facebook.

    Thanks for a great comp 🙂

  459. My twitter name is @nikstew18

  460. I am following eHarmony on Twitter

  461. I have tweeted @lorrainesaeed

  462. I have tweeted as @nikstew18

  463. I love Home Alone because it reminds me of being young. It’s still enjoyable as an adult though!

  464. Home Alone, as it’s one of very few films the whole family sit together and watch until it’s finished!

  465. Our must watch movie is Its a Wonderful Life. A film of hope even in the darkest moments.

  466. I’ve tweeted – @jas2jar

    Finding love online is no longer the strange thing that it was when it happened to me 10 years ago!

  467. @mclarkiee


  468. I’ve tweeted

  469. I am following eHarmony on Facebook – Kirsty Fox

  470. Twitter name @bloomingfox

  471. I have tweeted @bloomingfox

  472. It’s not Christmas without snuggling up on the sofa and watching Elf

  473. twitter name – @marsariz

  474. home alone everytime – still makes me laugh no matter how many times I see it

  475. Love Actually its so sweet/funny and touching – love it. Following on FB and tweeting as @worriedmum46

  476. I love the Christmas Carol have a great 2013
    Twitter name @chrismse1

  477. Have followed eHarmony on Facebook.

  478. Have tweeted.

  479. Die Hard – sheer entertainment value.

  480. We love watching Muppet Christmas Carol

  481. my twitter name is @caroles2311

  482. I have tweeted from @v82chris x

  483. My Mr loves Zombies and I love romance and good stories so we’ve found a very good compromise. We cuddle up every week to watch the “walking Dead” We both love it x He loves the gory stuff and I love the story lines 🙂 we’ve both happy x

  484. I’m following eHarmony on Facebook

  485. My twitter name is @haonharas

  486. I’ve tweeted. @haonharas

  487. Love Actually is the film I can watch time and time again at this time of year.

  488. when i was younger it ised to be watching superman but know i have my own kids we like watching the gruffalo!

  489. my must watched winter classic is love actually, it has the real feelgood factor

  490. fab prize, i would love to win this please enter me

  491. Wow a great prize, please enter me

  492. A lovely treat to win this prize

  493. have tweeted

  494. It would have to be the ‘Ice Age’ films. They are just so funny and great entertainment

  495. I love films. Favourite :- Mr Hollands Opus. Though I also love Miracle on 34th street, modern version and original (the original stars Maureen O’Hara, a great actress).

  496. Am a liker on fb xoxo

  497. @tinkertink2010

  498. Have tweeted @tinkertink2010 xoxo

  499. Has to be Dirty Dancing – the best movie ever! xoxo

  500. leatherlacevtg

  501. tweeted – @whatkatydidnot

  502. Turner And Hooch – we got a puppy one christmas and named him hooch after watching this film, x

  503. My Twitter name is @mister_steven

  504. I have liked eHarmony on Facebook

  505. Have tweeted @mister_steven

  506. Elf…. We always know Christmas is well & truly here when Elf is on

  507. have tweeted ‘maci234

  508. followed eHarmony on Facebook

  509. I have liked eHarmony on Facebook

  510. My twitter name is @joanneblunt

  511. following eHarmony.@downingarms87

  512. I have tweeted

  513. Our must watch is – It’s a wonderful life

  514. Tweeted as @downingarms87

  515. I’ve tweeted as @philibaldi

  516. Mine is Miracle on 34th Street as it’s such a heartwarming film. It reminds me that Santa is real 😉

  517. Matrix because I get so caught up in it that I forget what’s happening in the Real World!

  518. I have done my like on Facebook. Sorry I don;’t do Twitter

  519. I don’t have a Christmas must watch other than whatever is the black and white festive film at the Filmhouse!

  520. Great prize. I would so love to win. Me time!!!

  521. Just liked eHarmony on Facebook

  522. wow brill prize x

  523. I’ve just tweeted 🙂 @VelvetGlove2000

  524. My must watch for this time of year is “It’s a Wonderful Life” 🙂

  525. I’ve liked eHarmony on Facebook & Twitter

  526. My twitter name is@Jay21cee

  527. I have tweeted

  528. Anything with singing & dancing, but favourites include Sound of Music, My Fair Lady, Wizard of Oz.

  529. The Snowman – we have watched this with our children since they were small and it brings back memories of previous years – lovely

  530. Twitted. @Roraima
    My most watched is White Christmas

  531. Me Please 🙂

  532. so much want to win this competition

  533. I have liked eHarmony on Facebook

  534. I love watching It’s a Wonderful Life at Christmas @GameboyJoe

  535. Die Hard 🙂

  536. Watching the Christmas Top of the Pops special to see the all important No.1

  537. I’ve tweeted @alisonjoyce2010

  538. I have tweeted @GameboyJoe


  540. Muppet christmas carol makes me laugh everytime.

  541. Jingle all the Way

  542. I love watching Polar Bear Express proper christmas film gets you in the mood for chrirstmas every year… I have tweeted the post which can be found here
    i am following e harmony at @xXxtxXxdxXx. I have liked the eharmony fb page with Tanita Dighton

  543. Great prize

  544. I have tweeted @val_2402

  545. Holiday – Cameron Diaz and Jude Law. Just love it 🙂

  546. Any version of A Christmas Carol, be it The Muppets or Jim Carrey or whatever is my must see seasonal viewing

  547. tweeted as @angoraferrets

  548. I love Jurassic park, its my alltime fav film ever.

  549. Nice prize @cazzzie987

  550. Gone With the Wind because it has drama and romance

  551. Would love to be entered thanks. @maistagueule

  552. Can’t beat Frasier re-runs at Christmas!

    Tweeting as @clockingofftime

  553. Definitely Notting Hill. I’m a hopeless romantic so witnessing a bumbling idiot win the heart of a movie star makes me feel all warm and fuzzy inside!

  554. ive liked eharmony on facebook – even tho im married lol ( that will get my friends taking lol)

    we did meet through an online dating site – 3 years ago xx

  555. @emmaann32

  556. i tweeted x

  557. love actually – a proper soapy christmas film

  558. i follow eharmony on twitter as @ashlallan

  559. i have liked eharmony on facebook

  560. I have tweeted as @ashlallan

  561. I love home alone – its such a great family film and really funny too!

  562. followed eharmoney on facebook as tamalyn roberts xx

  563. i love watching its a wonderful life, its one of my fave films and gives me a fuzzy feeling.

  564. tweeted as @tamalyn1 x

  565. great competition, twitter name is @tamalyn1 x

  566. leaving this with my name 😉 @mi_shmash

  567. i tweeted 🙂

  568. it has to be home alone

  569. I love Elf – have tweeted etc.!!

  570. I’ve tweeted about the comp too @AnotherGoldfish

  571. I love going to the cinema, it always gives you something to talk about!

    1. (And I love watching White Christmas!)

  572. Oh and @pinktwinkles

  573. Fantastic prize, fingers cross.


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