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Review: iRobot Roomba 780 (Robot Hoover)

irobot roomba 780  1

We all like a clean house, well who doesn’t.  The ability to have a room clean itself used to be something I could only dream about.  We’ve had a robot hoover for a few months now and to be honest, I couldn’t imagine being without it anymore.  Ok, it’s not perfect, but it does save me a heap of time with 6 people and 4 animals in a biggish house that I never have time to keep completely spotless in every room.

In the perfect world, I could have the floors swept without lifting a finger to do it, and this is the closest to sweeping the floors automatically that I can imagine.  It does carpets too, so that’s a bonus for me.

If you’ve got beds that are off the floor and high furniture, a Roomba is perfect for you, but it’s no complete solution for not doing any cleaning at all in your life.   You do have to prepare the room first and lift anything that might get tangled up.  We ended up with a phone cable wound tightly round the brushes one day when I didn’t scan the lounge properly.

It does, however, mean that my bedroom gets a hoover daily as we have tiles on our floor and a high bed that it can perfectly sweep under.    I know I’d not do that daily by myself.

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I got the iRobot Roomba 780 on the 30 day trial where they say you can use it and put it back if you don’t like it.  I kept it.  I’m not sure I could have been convinced to part with that much money up front without using one first, but I love it.

It zig zags all over the room, so I’d advise not actually watching it.  It’s like watching paint dry.  It will do circle motions where it thinks the floor is dirtier and mine has a remote control for spot cleaning.  Here’s mine in action:


  • Cleans while I do something else.  I know it would be much faster for me to do it myself, but given that I can spend that time doing something else, it’s a positive.
  • Leaving it to do the floors before I come home with the kids if we’ve been out all day.  This is a bigger benefit than I can ever actually say.
  • There are little boxes that allow you to keep the Roomba in one room until it is finished, or it would wander about all the rooms.  I just close the doors as I’ve never got round to buying batteries for the lighthouses.
  • It doesn’t fall downstairs.  Honestly, it doesn’t.  The first time it scooted about on the top landing, I sat on the stairs as I was totally unconvinced that it would be able to stay up there.
  • Brushes and filters are all replaceable.
  • The Roomba takes itself back to its charging base to charge up when it is running low.


  • Making sure there is nothing on the floor before you set it to go.
  • The time it takes to do the job is a fair while.  If you have someone coming for tea and half an hour spare, get out your trusty manual hoover.
  • It’s expensive.
  • It has a small bin that needs emptied regularly if your room is a mess.  I’ve not found it a problem on hard floors, but on carpets where fibers get hoovered up too, the bin can get full very quickly.
  • It doesn’t like black carpets.  I have figured out how to do it by taping some white paper over the sensors that stop it falling downstairs, but as a rule, when it hits a black floor, it seems to think it is going to fall over so just refuses to work.

It It Worth The Money?

This is a hard one to judge.   This time last year, I’d have said no.  With asthma in the family and a daily sweep, I wouldn’t hesitate to say yes this year as it means the floor can literally be swept continuously without having to actually do it myself.  The price seems to have rocketed since I got mine and I would have to seriously think about it now as it is over the £500 mark in most places I looked online.  If I was buying one now, I suspect I’d look at a different brand or one of the older ones to reduce the price a bit.

irobot roomba 780

There are some cheaper robot vacuums on Amazon that seem to have some good reviews so if I were ever looking to replace mine, I suspect I’d read all of those.

There are some issues with the Roomba, but on the whole, I wouldn’t want to be without it.  There are some cheaper versions and I’m not sure how well they perform against the newer Roombas, but on hard floors, I’d hope they would also do well.

The timer is a great idea, though I have to admit that I’ve never used it.  I just pop it on when I leave the house after preparing whichever floor I want done.

My lounge gets a going over almost daily as does the asthmatics bedroom and the playroom he spends most of his time in.  We have pets, so this is a massive draw for me.

It does sometimes get lost and abandons itself in the middle of a room while looking for its docking station, but it mostly manages to dock itself nicely.  The one thing I would like that it doesn’t seem to have is a stop function when the bin is full.  I give the brushes a clean out every few uses, otherwise hair can get tangled up, but the brushes come out easily so it’s no big chore to have to do really.

There is still a need to take out the regular hoover, but I find myself doing that once a fortnight or so, or a bit more often for the stairs, rather than haul it out daily.  The Roomba does bump furniture as it does its business, but it’s a soft bump and hasn’t done any damage to the vase I have on my lounge floor with light branches in it.  Even so, if you have lots of things strewn over your floors and don’t want to have to pick them up, this is probably not for you.

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Is it fair to call any kids animals?

This has been opened up by a Tweet.  This is what KT Hopkins actually said on Twitter.

Mums hearts are broken by school bullies. Yet schools continue to support these animals and ignore those keen to learn. Let me at them.

The Telegraph had said:

Michael Gove: teachers should punish children with litter duty, lines and more.

I don’t know what planet either of them are on, but I did take some satisfaction out of the video doing the rounds on Twitter of Michael Gove falling on his jacksy.

I could whack myself with a long wooden stick, or sit with my mouth open in horror at how I think the things that come out of these two people’s mouths really need to be projectily vomited in the general direction of the nearest waste paper bin. What bothers me about the self imposed upper echelons of our society, who clearly think the rest of us are the dirt under their fingernails, isn’t what they say so much, as how it makes me FEEL.

  • I FEEL angry that Katie Hopkins is so nasty about almost everyone apart from herself.
  • I FEEL angry for all the struggling kids at school whose behaviour escalates as they are unsupported, but who will get more lines instead of help, or even worse, be humiliated by picking up their classmakes litter.  How to trash a child’s self-esteem is more what I’d call the sanctions mooted.
  • I FEEL sad for Katie Hopkins family.  How awful to have a mother who thinks the rest of us are so crap at everything.
  • I FEEL incredulous that Katie Hopkins can find it in herself to be so nasty about children.

I want to take Katie’s statement and break it down:

Mums hearts are broken by school bullies. Yet schools continue to support these animals and ignore those keen to learn.  Let me at them.

  • Mums hearts are broken by school bullies.   How does that happen then?  Who cares what mums hearts are?  It’s the kids that count.
  • Schools continue to support.   Well, yes, that is their job.  Each child is a living, breathing thing that deserves a chance.
  • Animals – well, all I can say about that one from Katie, is “what you say is what you are.”
  • Let me at them.  Please, please do go and take some classes in inner city schools, try to teach the children who’ve heard you call them animals, and see how well you sort them out.

I have three children who all struggle at school.

Between them, Gove and Hopkins would technically call them animals that need to pick up litter as punishment and write copious lines while other kids learn.

I just call them kids who deserve the same future as any other kid. It’s not the kids fault that schools do not have the funding to support them properly.

Instead of targeting the kids, why don’t they do something novel and find the ways to help all kids meet their potential instead of blaming them.