Scottish Mum

The Mother of all Teaparties #fairtrade #happymothersday #twitterteaparty

Happy Mothers Day to all.

The Co-operative sent me a lovely surprise gift for Mother’s Day with no expectation that I would post about it, but I think Mother’s Day is one of the most important days of the year.  More so than a birthday really, as the day signifies all that someone thinks of their nearest and dearest.

I didn’t expect anything at all, so my lovely surprise parcel was a nice way to receive an unexpected gift.  I couldn’t make the Twitter Tea Party, so I had my own.

I think my biggest Mother’s Day tip, would be that mums are more concerned about what we do for them, than what they get.  I’m lucky if I get a bunch of £5 flowers from the local shop and possibly a card if my hub actually remembers mother’s day is coming up, as he would need to buy for the kids :-).

What I’d really like, would be for them to make breakfast for my mum and I, and keep bringing her cups of coffee all day long, to save me going up and down her stairs around 50 times a day.  Now that would be a fabulous Mother’s day break for me.

As it is, we’re lucky enough to have a carer for a few hours this Mother’s Day, so I will be able to take it easy, though I’m due for my next run session, trying to up my 5k time from the ridiculously slow to the almost acceptably slow……

In my parcel were some lovely little gifts.  Thank you Co-op.


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