Scottish Mum

The Do’s and Don’ts when Storing Fine Wines

(Collaborative Post)

Fine wine storage is an art, and if you’re unfamiliar with the whole process, you could end up making mistakes that will have a negative on your wine’s quality and not allow it to develop and age the way that it should. If you want to preserve your fine wines the right way, there are some strict rules that need to be followed. In this article, we’re going to discuss some of the things you should do and avoid when storing fine wines.

Do Consider a Wine Storage Facility

If you’re serious about your wines and look at them as an investment, then it would be wise to consider storing them with a wine storage company. Fine wine storage is not something to be taken lightly, especially if your goal is to pass them down or resell them, so handing the wine storage process over to a company that is familiar with vintage wine storage is a wise decision. These companies usually have underground cellars which have the perfect conditions for fine wines and will also allow you to record the condition and duration of storage, which will make appraising and reselling your wines easier. If you want to know more about the process in general, you can always check this guide to fine wine storage.

Don’t Expose them to Light

Wines are very sensitive to UV rays, so you should do everything in your power to protect them from sunlight and fluorescent lights. Dark bottles are already better for wine storage, but they won’t be enough to completely protect your wines from light. Delicate white wines in particular are prone to light damage, so take extra precautions with them.

Heat is also an enemy of good wine, so make sure that you store your wine away from any heat source like radiators, hot water heaters, furnaces or any appliance that emits heat. Wines should ideally be kept at about a 13c to 14c temperature for optimal results.

Do Check Humidity Levels

Besides light and temperature, humidity also plays a major role when storing your wines. Store them in an environment that is too dry, and the cork might dry out and let air in, which could ruin them. This could also lead to leakage. At the other extreme, if you store your wines somewhere that is too humid, you might have to deal with mould and contamination. The humidity of the room you choose to store your wines in should hover around the 60% mark. This will allow your corks to remain fresh and expanded.

Don’t Put Your Wine on Your Fridge

Some people just put their everyday wines on top of their fridge out of habit. But that’s one of the absolute worst places for a bottle of fine wine. Not only do refrigerators give out heat, but the vibrations they emit are bad for vintage wines. Vibration will affect the way the wine ages and tastes. Not only that, but your bottles will most likely be exposed to direct light if you store them there. So, whatever you do, make sure that your never store any vintage wines on top of your fridge if you want them to age properly.

Storing fine wines doesn’t have to be difficult once you know the basics. If you follow the few simple tips in this article, you’ll allow your wines to develop to their full potential and get the most out of your investment.

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