Scottish Mum

Is it fair to call any kids animals?

This has been opened up by a Tweet.  This is what KT Hopkins actually said on Twitter.

Mums hearts are broken by school bullies. Yet schools continue to support these animals and ignore those keen to learn. Let me at them.

The Telegraph had said:

Michael Gove: teachers should punish children with litter duty, lines and more.

I don’t know what planet either of them are on, but I did take some satisfaction out of the video doing the rounds on Twitter of Michael Gove falling on his jacksy.

I could whack myself with a long wooden stick, or sit with my mouth open in horror at how I think the things that come out of these two people’s mouths really need to be projectily vomited in the general direction of the nearest waste paper bin. What bothers me about the self imposed upper echelons of our society, who clearly think the rest of us are the dirt under their fingernails, isn’t what they say so much, as how it makes me FEEL.

I want to take Katie’s statement and break it down:

Mums hearts are broken by school bullies. Yet schools continue to support these animals and ignore those keen to learn.  Let me at them.

I have three children who all struggle at school.

Between them, Gove and Hopkins would technically call them animals that need to pick up litter as punishment and write copious lines while other kids learn.

I just call them kids who deserve the same future as any other kid. It’s not the kids fault that schools do not have the funding to support them properly.

Instead of targeting the kids, why don’t they do something novel and find the ways to help all kids meet their potential instead of blaming them.

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