Scottish Mum

Scots Independence – Who Cares!!

Well, if David Cameron is anything to go by, he does.

Somehow, I can’t quite believe that.

I’m a heathen, or is that an atheist?  I’m never quite sure what to call myself, but I believe in very little in the way of religion, nor of politics.

At the moment, independence and religion are on a fairly even keel for me.  I can neither see the point, nor follow the arguments and reasons for either, yet, I am headed to the yes group.

It’s quite simple really.

But, this is not about political parties is it?  It’s about independence from the rest of our wee UK.

Only, it is about political parties and always will be.  With a government I believed in, I might have been more inclined to support the “better together” campaign.   Alex Salmond reminds me of Neil Kinnock somehow.  I can’t explain why, but the imperfection of the Scottish First Minister and his ruling style draws me into a highly irrational comfort zone.

I don’t care about history, and the shock scare tactics increasingly make me dislike the no campaign, so to be honest, it’s Cameron and Clegg and their cronies who actually pushed me to see the yes side favourably.  I’ve heard people say that we’ll get invaded, be undefended, have higher prices, may have to leave the EU, there might need to be a border set up to keep us out of England and more…….

I care about how much money they take from me and how much it leaves our family to live on.  I care about the support for our elderly, infirm and disabled – and how they are treated.  I care about how education and health works.  If our systems were all aligned, I might see it differently and most of us are going to have our own private reasons for why we choose the yes or the no campaigns.

I just wish I had a clear-cut vision and understanding of it all.  Making a guess based on others guesses just doesn’t fit my logical brain.

I think it’s a mistake for Cameron to turn down the invitation to debate with Salmond.  It comes across as if he has something to hide.

Whatever happens in the referendum on independence on the 18th September this year is just something we’ll have to live with.  In the meantime, I’ll keep my totally selfish and narrow-minded reasons for which side of the fence I’ll eventually fall on limited to my social networks, as I really have no idea what I am talking about.

I suspect few people do.



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