Scottish Mum

Stay At the Holiday Inn – Competition

Anyone with children will tell you that a well earned break can be enough to give us the rest and relaxation that comes with the hard work that it brings.   Spending a weekend away can be enough to give us the welcome break we need, and what better if we could win one and not touch the family budget to do it.

Many of the memories we make as young children stay with us for life and who wouldn’t want make the most of lush surroundings and someone else making the evening meal.  My boys were once completely impressed by the fact that a hotel room included a set of plush double bunk beds behind a big set of cupboard doors.  They were only 4, 5 and 6 when they went, but they’ve never forgotten how extra special they felt at the time.

Afternoon Tea

If you’re looking for a break away for free in a high quality hotel, I suspect you would take the opportunity when it came around.  I know I would.

The Holiday Inn Hotels are running a wee competition that gets social media users involved in sharing their best family holiday or childhood holiday images to Twitter.


IHG are the people behind most of the Holiday Inn hotels and their competition is very easy to enter.  All we have to do it post our own memories and photos of holidays and holiday hotel stays.  Any family hotel photo will be what they are looking for, they don’t have to be from the Holiday Inn.

There are two parts to the competition and entry.

Part 1 – Weekend Away – Share An Image On Twitter

There are 10 weekends away to win at 10 hotels who will be asking their followers to submit their best family holiday or childhood holiday images to Twitter.   To win the weekend at a Holiday Inn, you simply have to tweet a picture of one of your favourite family holiday photos or even a childhood holiday picture.   To do this, you must mention the hotel you pick from the 10 to add to your tweet and also include the hashtag #himemories.

The 10 hotels that will be undertaking the photo competition are: Bloomsbury, Regent’s Park, Mayfair, Heathrow M4J4, Gatwick, Edinburgh, Glasgow, York, Kensington Forum and Bristol-Filton.   Their Twitter username are below.

Part 2 – One Night Away – Share A Memory On Twitter

For those of you who don’t have any photographs to share on Twitter with the participating hotels, you could still win a night in one of 49 other Holiday Inn hotels.  You can simply describe a cherished family holiday or childhood memory in a Tweet.  To do this, all you have to do is mention the hotel you would wish to stay in should you win, and describe your memory using the #himemories hastag on Twitter.

Why not try it and see if you can win yourself a night away.

This is going to be my entry:

My boys loved finding secret bunk beds behind cupboard doors in an unscheduled stop over on the way to France. #himemories @HIEdinburghWest

Here are the participating hotels and their Twitter names.

Ashford – @HIAshfordKent
Aylesbury – @HIAylesbury
Basildon – @HIBasildon
Basingstoke – @HIBasingstoke
Belfast – @HIBelfast
Bexley – @HIBexley
Birmingham M6 J7 – @HIBhamM6J7
Brentwood M25 J28 – @HI_Brentwood
Cambridge – @HICAMBRIDGE
Cardiff City Centre – @HICardiffCity
Chester South – @HIChestersouth
Colchester – @HIColchester
Coventry M6 Jct 2 – @HICoventryM6J2
Derby Nottingham – @HIDerbyNotts
Eastleigh – @HIEastleigh
Edinburgh – City West – @HIEdinburghWest
Fareham – @HIFareham
Farnborough – @HIFarnborough
Gloucester – @higloucester
Guildford – @HolidayInnGuild
Haydock M6 Jct 23 – @HIHaydock
Heathrow Ariel – @HolidayInnAriel
Hemel Hempstead M1J8 – @HIHemelHempM1
High Wycombe M40 J4 – @HIhighwycombe
Hull Marina – @HIHullMarina
Ipswich – @HIIpswich
Lancaster – @HILancasterUK
Leeds Brighouse – @BrighouseHI
Leeds Wakefield M1 J40 – @HIWakefield
Leicester – @HILeicesterCity
London – Brent Cross – @HI_BrentCross
London – Commercial Road – @HICommercialRd
London – Sutton – @HISutton
Maidenhead – @HIMaidenhead
Maidstone – @HIMaidstone
Milton Keynes – @HI_MiltonKeynes
Norwich – @HINorwich
Oxford – @HIOxford
Portsmouth – @HIPortsmouth
Reading South – @HIReadingSouth
Rochester – @HI_Rochester
Rugby Northampton – @HolidayInnRugby
Runcorn – @HIRuncorn
Southampton – @HISouthampton
Stoke on Trent M6 J15 – @HIStokeonTrent
Swindon – @HISwindon
Taunton M5 Jct 25 – @HITaunton
Warrington – @HIWarrington
Washington – @HIWashington

The Terms and Conditions are here.

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